On the other side of the earth, the final battle has also begun. Just as Linton expected, Thanos sent two troops to seize the Infinity Stones. Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf were responsible for the Time Stone, while the other two Obsidian generals, Dark Proxima Centauri and General Deathblade, were responsible for the Time Stone. He is searching for the location of the other gem holder, Vision.

Soon, they found Vision, but at the most dangerous moment, Captain, Natasha, Falcon and others arrived in time. After a battle, they were able to temporarily push back Dark Proxima Centauri and Death Blade. General. But it was obvious that the other party would not give up just now. The mission given to them by Thanos was absolute, so of course the two did not just go back and immediately assembled the fleet to prepare for another attack.

Captain America here naturally knew that the opponent would attack soon, so he quickly came up with a plan to deal with it. After some discussion, they decided to try to destroy the Mind Stone. Even if it cannot be destroyed, the Mind Stone must be removed from Vision's head.

In need of technical support, they thought of Wakanda, a place that leads the world in technology for 50 years. It just so happened that Wakanda's King T'Challa was also an old friend of theirs. He and the captain had some quarrels during the civil war, but they reconciled automatically after that. The captain even stayed in Wakanda part of the time when he left. The two sides have established a deep relationship in the past two years. friendship relationship.

After T'Challa heard about the whole incident, he naturally had no intention of retreating. At the same time, his sister Su Rui also proposed a feasible plan to remove the gem. Time was tight, so they quickly started to implement it.

The Dark Proxima Centauri and the Dead Blade General over there also immediately contacted their fleets after returning. At this time, most of Thanos' fleet has entered the orbit of the solar system. After all, there are two Infinity Stones on the earth. Thanos himself said that he was going to receive other gems, so he let the fleet pass first.

The two people who returned to the ship immediately received a distress signal from the black dwarf that had been teleported away before. Because the black dwarf had been teleported to the Antarctic by the king before, and it was really impossible to come back, the two of them immediately brought it back. . So three of the five Obsidian generals led Thanos' fleet to snatch the Mind Stone.

The fleet was discovered by Wakanda's satellite when it entered Earth orbit. Before that, T'Challa had issued a rally order to summon the five major tribes of Wakanda to prepare for the attack. The entire Wakanda has entered wartime mode, the sirens are sounding, and all soldiers are ready to go out to fight against the enemy.

The initial attack came from outside the orbit. Thanos' fleet threw the troop transport warehouse directly over the city of Wakanda. However, they soon discovered that Wakanda had a protective shield. The troop warehouse encountered a defensive cover before it landed, and the entire troop transport ship was directly blown up. So they quickly modified their strategy, threw the troop transport warehouse to the outskirts of Wakanda, assembled, and then launched a general attack.

Thanos' men have a large number of troops. In addition to the Chitauri troops that have appeared in New York before, there are also Sakaran troops and the largest number of Vanguard Guards. Among them, the Vanguard Guard's troops are not only large in number, but also very capable in combat. The Vanguard Guards are not very intelligent and can barely understand the orders, but this is enough. They are not afraid of life and death. As long as Thanos or his generals order them to attack, they will attack without fear of life or death. , until death or destruction of the enemy.

The main force of this attack was the Vanguard troops. Under the leadership of the three Obsidian generals, Thanos' troops immediately assembled on the outskirts of the capital of Wakanda. On the other side, outside the capital city, all Wakanda's soldiers had gathered here, and the troops on both sides looked at each other across Wakanda's defensive barrier.

Judging from the number of troops, the two sides are completely incomparable. Yes, Wakanda has gathered warriors from all tribes, but there are only about 3,000 soldiers. On the opposite side, there are countless Thanos troops. The outside of the barrier is so dark that there is no end in sight. There are at least tens of thousands of troops within sight. Seeing this kind of troops approaching the city, it even feels like dark clouds are closing in on the city. , no one can avoid becoming nervous.

At this time, the captain and the others were also in the capital city of Wakanda. Falcon Sam, War Machine Roddy, Black Widow Natasha and others naturally followed the captain. And Hawkeye Clint, who had retired, also came here. He came here on his own. He already knew about it after receiving Tony's call before. Later, he also contacted Roddy and rushed here. side.

Also coming was Wanda. Yes, she was indeed looking for Linton, and she was also traveling around the world. However, she still left her contact information, and the captain also contacted her, and soon she also started teleportation The door came back. The Avengers have contacted everyone they can contact, and as for the few they can't contact...

Not to mention Hulk Banner, he has disappeared since the Sokovia incident, and he has no idea where he went. There was no news from Saul at all, and he didn't know where the other party was. And this guy didn't have a mobile phone at all. He had only been able to contact him by showing up on his own before. Tony had disappeared before, and they didn't know where Tony had gone. When Wang contacted the captain before, he only explained that they were attacked, and there was no follow-up.

There is also Ant-Man Scott who can be found. However, the other party is really unreachable this time, the phone is blocked, and no one seems to be at home. The remaining people who could be found were basically here. The captain looked towards the rear, and then at the continuous troops in front. It was obvious that this war had a narrow escape from death, and there was a feeling that the end was coming.

Before the battle, the commanders on both sides met and had a brief conversation across the barrier. However, there must have been no results. Thanos's order here was to get the gems, and it was absolutely impossible for the captain and the others to hand them over. After all, they already knew Thanos' purpose from Wang, to wipe out half of all living things in the universe. How could they accept this?

Negotiations broke down and fighting began. The Dark Proxima Centauri here waved his hand, and the Vanguard Guard began to attack. Tens of thousands of Vanguard soldiers rushed towards Wakanda's protective barrier. Of course, Wakanda's barrier was relatively strong. Most of the Vanguard Guards were directly wounded and bleeding after hitting them, and were also affected by the energy of the barrier. scald.

However, these vanguard guards were not afraid of life and death at all, and they squeezed into the barrier with all their teeth and claws. Not only did they squeeze, but the vanguard guards behind them also desperately pushed the troops in front to squeeze in. This seemingly random situation left the captain and the others helpless. Yes, hard squeezing was actually effective. A few Pioneer Guard soldiers squeezed directly into the barrier. Some fell down immediately after entering and never got up again, but a few actually came in and swayed around. He can still stand up and continue to move forward.

It was obvious that the barrier could not completely withstand the opponent's crazy attacks, and when he saw these vanguard guards starting to outflank them from behind, T'Challa here became nervous. Because in the research room in the capital of Wakanda, Su Rui was performing surgery on Vision. The Mind Stone was there. This was the opponent's purpose. If it was taken away, they would lose.

T'Challa made a prompt decision and the only way to keep the opponent here was to open the barrier in front. When he saw the gap, the opponent would naturally only enter through the gap, thus protecting the rear. After repeated confirmation with his subordinates, the barrier in front of everyone opened, and when they saw the gap, the outflanking vanguard guards quickly reversed their direction and rushed in towards the gap.

After the barrier disappeared, they realized the pressure of the troops coming in like sea water. Of course, there was no way to retreat now, and the battle between the two sides began immediately.

Wakanda's technology is very advanced, and its combat weapons are naturally very advanced. However, the technology of Thanos's troops is not lagging behind. If we compare technology alone, there is no difference. However, the five Obsidian generals have no intention of fighting with each other. The advantage in the number of troops is too obvious. In their opinion, there is no need for any tactics at all, they can just rush.

Facing the troops that were approaching in darkness, the captain and the others really had no good solution. After the initial round of shooting, the troops on both sides immediately got close and began to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

The captain and the others immediately rushed forward, and the men and horses on both sides fought directly. Of course, the Avengers are still very powerful, constantly knocking down the oncoming troops. The tribes of Wakanda also fought bravely during the war. Facing troops several times their number, they relied on their formations and equipment to fight to the death. However, the balance of the battle is still tilting towards Thanos. Yes, there are too many enemies. If you defeat one and two of them rush up, it will be impossible to kill them all. And the Vanguard Guards are not afraid of life and death at all, so they will not be able to kill them all. There is any morale problem. No matter how many enemies you kill, the opponent will rush forward.

Just when everyone was in trouble, something strange suddenly appeared on the battlefield. A large number of orange portals suddenly lit up around the battlefield. Rows of people dressed as monks in robes walked out of the portal and appeared in Wakkan. On the side of the tribal warriors, the leader is the king.

Yes, the king immediately returned to Kamathaj to gather the mage troops after notifying the captain. Strange had already informed Kamathaj about this before, so the troops were assembled very quickly. At the critical moment, Arrived at the battlefield.

When new reinforcements arrived, the captain breathed a sigh of relief. There was no time for communication between the two sides. The mages of Kama Taj automatically joined the battle, and the war gradually began to heat up.

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