I really can't control myself

Chapter 708 The shit stirrup

The attack in front of him is just to attract Thanos' attention. The BUG skill of Killing Gray Bones is almost impossible to defend and will kill him if he touches it, but it can still be transferred through space ninjutsu. In fact, Obito used Kamui to help Kakashi block it, and Thanos has the space gem, so he can probably figure out this plan.

Linton initially aimed at Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet. At the moment Thanos was attracted by the attack in front, he didn't notice that a small black crack had appeared on his left hand side. He stretched out a hand and directly Grabbed his Infinity Gauntlet. By the time Thanos noticed, Linton already had what he wanted in his hands.

Yes, the thing Linton was eyeing at the beginning was not Thanos, but the only Infinity Stone he was missing in Thanos's hand, which was the Soul Stone. Linton still had to get this thing in advance. In addition, Linton also left a mark directly on Thanos's glove. After all, the opponent was a person who owned the space gem and could also open the portal. Linton could I don’t want the opponent to run away in the middle of the fight.

According to Thanos's character, it is generally impossible to run away, but after the blow just now, Thanos was obviously a little timid and did not confront Linton directly. When seeing this situation, Linton of course hurriedly Looking for opportunities to start marking, that's why he appears later than Thanos.

Now the Flying Thunder God's mark is on Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet. Unless the opponent throws away the glove, it is possible to get rid of his tracking, but will Thanos do this? Of course it's impossible.

While making the mark, Linton also picked out the soul gem, which was not that difficult to get. Of course, picking out the gems now does not mean that the task has been completed. It is obvious that the gems cannot be uploaded because the owner is Thanos, and the system requires that everyone must be defeated to meet the upload conditions.

Thanos' reaction was quite fast. Linton had just picked up the soul gem and the other party had already reacted. Just as he was about to make a fist, Linton didn't expect to give up picking other gems. Instead, he took a step forward and grabbed Thanos' index finger.

Because one finger was caught, Thanos was temporarily unable to make a fist. Seeing this, Thanos directly raised his right hand and hit Linton. Linton raised his head, and a section of bone protruded from the palm of his left hand. This time he did not choose to launch it, but raised his hand to stab Thanos' fist.

Thanos is already very clear about the ability to kill Gray Bones together. Of course, it is impossible to confront Linton at this time. After all, he cannot activate the gem ability for the time being. Once he is stabbed, his whole body will collapse.

Thanos's combat skills were fully charged, and he reacted very quickly at this time. He directly hit his right foot with a knee and kicked Linton in the head, preparing to interrupt Linton's attack. However, the problem is that Combat Girl's melee ability is also abnormal. Linton raised his foot almost at the same time and knocked on Thanos' right foot. At the same time, he continued to stab Thanos with his left hand.

Seeing the stabbed ashes of the comrades, Thanos was really panicked this time. Just when he felt like he was about to kneel, he didn't expect a sudden change, and at this time, two beams of light came from nowhere. , directly hitting the two people who were entangled together.

"Bang bang" two explosions sounded. The power of the laser was not that great. At least it did not cause any harm to the two of them. But the problem was that it not only interrupted Linton's attack, but also gave Thanos a way out.

Linton frowned suddenly and looked into the air. Tony's first reaction when he saw Laser Linton was Tony, but he couldn't figure out why Tony was looking for trouble at this time. But when he raised his head, he realized that it was not Tony who moved his hand, but the hand that flew from nowhere in the air. A fighter plane was heading towards the two of them.

The explosion did not hurt Linton, but the impact of the explosion shook Linton from the ground. At this moment, Thanos took the opportunity to squeeze his palm violently, a purple light flashed all over his body, and he followed up with a punch with his right hand. The ground hit Linton.

With a loud noise, Linton was smashed directly into the ground. When Thanos saw the opportunity, he immediately raised his foot and stepped on Linton's head. However, the next second, Linton on the ground fell directly into the black crack behind him.

Thanos didn't have time to find Linton's location. When he turned around, the fighter jet had already rushed in front of him, really trying to hit him to death. But Thanos just squeezed his fist and waved at the approaching fighter.

With a "bang", the entire fighter jet exploded and disintegrated, and in the light of the fire, a figure flew out and looked at Thanos with a knife.

With a "ding", although the opponent's knife hit Thanos, it didn't seem to cause any damage to Thanos at all, and his skin was not even scratched. However, the force of the recoil knocked the sneak attacker away, and the opponent turned over and landed behind Thanos.

"Look who's here." Thanos recognized the other person at a glance, his goddaughter, Nebula.

"You should kill me." Nebula said.

"You are just a pile of waste, it's not too late to take action now." Thanos said.

"Where is Gamora?" Nebula shouted directly.

There was a "bang", and as soon as Xingyun finished speaking, a punch suddenly flew out from behind her, knocking Xingyun away.

"In the way." Linton appeared directly behind Xingyun, "Your goddaughter is really filial and saved your life."

Thanos didn't refute, he was really almost dead just now. Although Nebula's purpose was to kill him, he did save his life unintentionally.

Thanos was in a very bad state at this time. The blow just hit caused great damage to him. Not only was the damage caused by Linton's attack, but the energy of the infinite stones also invaded his body. Even if It is not easy for Thanos to control such cosmic-level power. Even with a Titan physique, it is somewhat difficult to handle it.

Looking at Linton on the opposite side, it seemed that the blow just now had no impact on Linton (in fact, it had been repaired with points). This situation made Thanos somewhat reluctant to retreat.

Linton instantly read the other party's expression, and the orange gem in his hand flashed: "The second one... is also in my hand. If you don't deal with me, you won't be able to get over this hurdle."

Linton originally wanted to stimulate Thanos, but unexpectedly, Thanos calmed down after hearing Linton's words. After fighting until now, I have to admit that Linton is the strongest enemy I have ever faced. If I want to defeat him, I must use all my strength, and all my strength is more than just one-on-one strength.

Just when Thanos was thinking, Linton was ready to take action again. Yes, Battle Ji will not stop until the enemy falls. Seeing that Thanos was distracted, Battle Girl instantly judged the situation, and the next second she was ready to activate the close-range attack of Huangquan Hirasaka. However, just before taking action, Linton suddenly heard a prompt.

"Hostile target detected, activate automatic combat mode."

"What?" Suddenly hearing the automatic battle prompt, Linton turned his head and saw a silver light flying from the side. After taking a closer look, Linton realized that what was flying towards him was a dagger, and the one who threw the dagger was Nebula who had just been knocked away by him.

"What the hell?" Linton was stunned for a moment. Why is this guy so crazy? She suddenly attacked herself. Although she was the one who attacked first, your biggest enemy is Thanos. Look at the current situation.

"TN is really a troublemaker." The automatic battle started. Linton raised his hand and directly held the flying dagger with two fingers. Nebula here saw this situation, took a step forward, and took out something that looked like a baton from his waist. When he pressed the switch, the baton popped out and emitted electric light. At the same time, Nebula made a leap and hit Linton directly on the head with the baton.

Seeing this situation, she really regarded herself as an enemy. Although Linton didn't know what was going on, he would not tolerate her. Raising his right hand, Linton grabbed Nebula's head before she could take action, spun her around in the air, and slammed her head to the ground.

Nebula let out a scream and was smashed into the ground. At this time, Linton didn't pay attention to Nebula at all. He was paying attention to Thanos next to him. Yes, the other party saw this opportunity and did not take the opportunity to attack. This was not right. When Linton looked up, Thanos had just raised his left hand, and the blue gem in his hand flashed.

"I will come back to you right away, with my fleet." Thanos said as a blue portal appeared behind him. Linton instantly understood what he meant and was about to stop him, but unexpectedly, Nebula on the ground suddenly grabbed Linton's arm, and the baton hit Linton's head again.

"Fuck you!" Linton was really annoyed by her. He raised his foot and kicked Nebula. The opponent flew hundreds of meters close to the ground. However, when he turned around, Thanos had disappeared next to him. In front of you.

"Gan." Linton couldn't help but curse. Fortunately, he had marked it in advance, otherwise he would really have been deceived. What's going on with this Nebula jerk? Is he out of his mind?

Originally, he wanted to catch up with Thanos immediately and give him a surprise, but after taking a look, he realized that he had not received the notification that the battle was over. The Nebula had not been solved by him, so of course the Battle Girl would not leave.

"Why is this guy so durable?" Linton was also stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, it is probably because Nebula is a cyborg, and most of her body is made of machinery, which makes her survivability relatively strong. Yes, he was almost dismantled into parts by Thanos before, but he didn't die.

At this moment, Linton saw a figure getting up from the ground in the distance. Of course, it was Nebula who was kicked out by him. It seemed that this guy was really tough.

"Tianyin Tianyin." Linton raised his hand directly. Nebula, a hundred meters away, took off directly on the spot before he could get up, rushing towards Linton, and was then pinched in Linton's hand.

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