I really can't control myself

Chapter 500 Awakening

"Aren't you going to hide? Old man." Linton also looked at Jie Nuo.

"Well, can you please let us go?" said Jie Nuo here, "I have been thinking for a long time and still can't come up with a reason to fight you. Now our client is dead too. This business It’s also shameful, there’s no reason for us to fight.”

"What you said seems to make sense." Linton said, "But that's all from your point of view. From my point of view, I am looking for someone to take revenge, and suddenly two idiots appear and insist on looking for me. My trouble, but if I can’t fight it, I come here and say I won’t fight it, if it were you, would you wave your hand and say forget it?”

"If it were me, if no one paid for the heads of these two guys, I wouldn't waste my energy," Jie Nuo said.

I have to say that he really has the style to beat up the enemy and the guest family. However, although Linton thought this old man was quite interesting, there was nothing he could do. His body had started to move on its own, and he rushed directly in the direction of Jie Nuo. Go up.

In a blink of an eye, Linton teleported to Jie Nuo, but this time Jie Nuo seemed to have predicted Linton's movements, probably using abilities such as circles. Before Linton could land a punch, Jie Nuo had already taken a defensive posture.

Of course, Linton's knowledge also predicted the opponent's movements. Even though the opponent was already preparing to defend, Linton still did not change his attack movements. With a fierce punch, the defensive movements of the opponent Jie Nuo directly collapsed. There was another clear sound of bone cracking. Yes, high-level armed Haki is not something that can be resisted by hard resistance. It will directly attack the inside. Xiba's Nian is also very strong, but it still cannot block Linton's attack. The same is true for Jie Nuo.

"Dragon head opera. Jiao Chong."

However, Jie Nuo seemed to have anticipated this situation. While defending, he fired a dragon-shaped mental energy from his left hand. While he flew to the side, a skill shot also hit Linton in front of him.

The mental energy penetrated directly from Linton's body and was quite powerful, but the injuries healed quickly. However, Linton looked at Jie Nuo on the other side. The guy's injury didn't seem to be very serious. After being knocked away, he flipped around in the air and landed directly. It was obvious that his right hand was injured by his own, but that was all. That’s all.

I have to say that these telekinesis users are much tougher than Linton thought. Although Linton's moves look very simple, each punch is the most advanced armed and domineering attack. You can think of it. Thinking about how many people can take on Garp's iron fist, Linton's current attacks are basically similar to Garp's.

"Okay, don't worry about it. Ending the battle as soon as possible will be more effective than anything else." Linton said directly to the battle girl.

Battle Ji seemed to have listened to Linton's opinion. The next second, Linton also grabbed a knife directly from the void. Holding the handle of the knife, Linton's whole body flashed with light.

"Swastika. Heavenly Lock Zhanyue." A strong wind blew by, and a black Death Tyrant costume appeared directly on Linton's body. At the same time, Linton's body twisted, and the tip of the knife flashed.

Looking at Linton's appearance, Jie Nuo also realized that the opponent might be about to unleash some amazingly powerful skill, so he charged up his strength again and pushed forward with his left hand, "Dragon head play. Teeth protrusion!" and another dragon-shaped shot. The thought energy shot out and flew towards Linton.

"Crescent Moon... Sky Chong!" At this time, Linton had also finished charging up, and swung with all his strength in front of him. A black light condensed from the tip of the sword, and a huge sword energy flew out.

With a "swish", the black sword energy directly swept through the dragon-shaped thought energy without even making any sound. It directly split the dragon-shaped thought energy into two parts. The sword energy moved forward and swept out a huge line on the ground. The battle scars extend in a straight line to the barrier of the Four Red Sun Formation on the opposite side in the distance.

With a loud "boom", Yueya Tianchong directly hit the red barrier and made a huge explosion. The entire barrier swayed, but in the end it held on. After all, it was a barrier that could block even the attacks of the Ten-Tails. It was indeed strong enough.

Linton also flicked the knife, then inserted it directly back into his waist, making a beautiful sheathing motion. Just before she sheathed the knife, a huge laceration suddenly appeared on the chest of Jie Nuo in front of her, and blood spurted out. Jie Nuo left a surprised look in his eyes, and then fell directly to the ground.

"The battle is over."

Finally, the system prompt came, and Linton relaxed a bit. The Death Overlord costume and Zanpakutō disappeared instantly, and the entire battle was finally over. After looking at the clothes on his body, he saw that they were almost torn. Fortunately, Linton had a lot of stock, so he took out a set and put it on.

He lowered his head and looked at Jie Nuo in front of him. This guy was still breathing, but he seemed to be almost dead, at this rate of bleeding. Of course, Linton has nothing to do. The only healing skill Linton knows so far is Ninja Healing. Although there are several useful healing skills in the store now, there is no need to spend this money on treating him.

"Bless yourself." Linton stood up and said.

Linton did not cancel the barrier of the Four Red Sun Formation for the time being. Looking around, Linton roughly determined the position of Kurapika, accelerated towards that direction, and soon found Kurapika.

At this time, Kurapika seemed to be still treating Chrollo, using the healing chain ability of his thumb. He probably did not expect that this ability would be used to treat people in the brigade. As soon as Linton's figure appeared, Kurapika immediately turned his head. It seemed that he was on high alert while treating him, but when he saw it was Linton, Kurapika immediately relaxed.

Even so, he immediately asked: "My blood type is..."

"How do I, TN, know? Did you say that again?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Can anyone else impersonate me?"

"Not many people know about the abilities of the people in the brigade. It's not surprising to have people who can imitate others." Kurapika said, "Have you found the remaining people?"

"You mean the people from the brigade? We haven't found them. You saw them just now. Those two guys who beat up the enemy Hakka are causing trouble for me again. I can only deal with them first," Linton said.

"How are they? Are they dead?" Kurapika asked.

"Not dead yet, but soon." Linton said.

"..." Kurapika seemed to have something to say, but hesitated for a moment and did not speak.

"Are these two guys your friend's family, and you want to do him a favor for his sake? But after all, we are currently conquering the brigade, and you are hesitant about whether this is the right time?" Linton asked.

"Yeah." Kurapika nodded.

"You wait." After Linton said this, he stepped away. After a while, Linton appeared in front of Kurapika with a bloody man in one hand. He raised his hand and threw the two of them directly in front of Kurapika. "With a little treatment and stopping their bleeding, I think they can survive it based on their physical condition.

Kurapika nodded and started to treat while asking: "What should we do now? There should be two more people on the brigade's side. Although they are trapped here now, it is impossible to find them under the current situation. Easy. How long can your barrier last?"

"If you don't do other things, you can probably hold on for thirty minutes." Linton looked at Hao Lan and said, "I don't know if it takes a while to fight, but it shouldn't be that difficult to find someone."

"Can you find them?" Kurapika asked.

"I don't think there are many people alive around here. If you use the Kagura Heart Eye..." Linton was about to say that he could use the Kagura Heart Eye, but when he thought about it, it seemed wrong. On the one hand, the Kagura Heart Eye uses chakra to find targets. If Without chakra, the location can be marked through the fluctuation of living things. However, there is a skill in this world called Zetsu, which can directly block all biological energy in the body. Now these two guys are probably hiding from themselves. They should have used Zetsu, so there is no chance. .

"Forget it, find some yarn and blow it up." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Blow up?" Kurapika was stunned.

"Anyway, you can see that the things inside the barrier are almost destroyed, and the people are probably dead, so just flatten it." Linton said, "I will send you to the sky to hide for a while, and I will clear out the whole place. "

"Wait..." Just as Kurapika was still considering Linton's words, another voice suddenly interrupted. The two turned around and saw that the person speaking was actually Chrollo. This guy actually woke up, just because he was tied up with chains and couldn't move. I don't know how this guy woke up so quickly with such a serious injury, and I don't know how long it took him to wake up.

But Chrollo had just opened his mouth, and suddenly the chain around his neck tightened. Chrollo's face suddenly turned livid, and he looked as if he was strangled and couldn't breathe. Linton took a look and saw that Kurapika here still couldn't contain his murderous intention. Seeing that he couldn't help it, he wanted to kill him.

However, Chrollo was still of some use. At least Linton still wanted to ask about what he said about Aizen before, so he directly shouted: "Nephew, control the point."

Kurapika regained his composure a little, relaxed the chains, and then said: "You'd better not talk, otherwise I might lose control."

"Your goal is the flaming eyes, right?" Chrollo here ignored Kurapika's warning and continued, "I remembered that the auction item I got before had flaming eyes. Now that thing It is stored in the little bulging fish, that is her ability, if she is killed, then the things stored in the bulging fish will be destroyed."

It was obvious that Chrollo meant to save the members. Kurapika frowned, picked up Chrollo's collar and said, "You'd better pay attention to your situation now."

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