So the question now is where the father and son of Beat Di Ke went. They haven't seen anyone since they just escaped, but they are definitely inside the barrier and are unlikely to escape.

Now the barrier is in ruins, with building debris everywhere. It would be too easy to hide it if you really want to. Looking around, Linton couldn't see anything moving.

After thinking about it, Linton decided to take a look at the situation from a higher position first, so with a red light in his eyes, Susanoo stood up, pulled Linton up and prepared to take a look at the situation from above.

However, what he didn't expect was that at the moment Susanoo appeared, a powerful flash of light suddenly appeared on one side of the barrier. Linton subconsciously looked towards the place where the flash of light appeared, and saw a huge flying dragon attacking in the direction of Susanoo.

Linton squinted his eyes carefully and found that the dragon was not an entity. Its body was somewhat transparent, and it looked more like a dragon-shaped light wave. Combined with the ability that he had seen Jienuo before, Linton instantly judged that it should be It was him who took action, and he probably found himself trapped in the barrier. He couldn't get out unless he defeated himself, so he had no choice but to take action.

This dragon-shaped mental energy skill is much more exaggerated than the dragon-headed drama I saw before. It's not on the same level just in terms of size. It should be a big move. Although the appearance was a bit sudden, Linton still reacted. Susanoo waved his hand and hit the dragon in the direction.

There was a loud "boom", and the moment Susanoo attacked the dragon-shaped mind energy, there was a huge explosion, and a huge impact came. Susanoo lost his balance and fell backwards. The debris of the building shattered underfoot and almost sank into the ground again. But Susanoo immediately held onto the barrier next to him. Yes, he directly pressed one hand on the barrier. Of course, Susanoo's hand also burned directly, but it didn't matter. After all, there was The magic value can be repaired all the time.

As for the dragon-shaped mental energy, after being attacked, it suddenly began to split. The originally concentrated mental energy quickly split into arrow-like objects of mental energy, scattering towards Susanoo.

Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions sounded, and the split arrow energy directly blew up Susanoo's whole body, which was also the reason why Susanoo was a little unsteady.

However, that's all. Yes, the opponent's strange skills caught Susanoo by surprise, and indeed caused a lot of damage to Susanoo, but the damage only reduced some of Linton's magic value. Along with a burst of black smoke, the damaged parts of Susanoo's body quickly recovered, and he quickly returned to his original appearance.

"Can't the Dragon Stars destroy this thing? This is really troublesome." In the ruins below, Jie Nuo Da Di Ke gasped and said, "How is your right hand?"

"It should only be about 50% for the time being." Siba said next to him. His right hand was crushed by Linton before. During this time, he has been using the family's secret method to temporarily control the injury.

"This business is really a big loss." Jie Nuo said, "We don't know what happened to our client. The sound of fighting just heard over there should be the fighting between them, and now Linton has started They are looking for us, which means that the client is most likely dead. If he dies, we will not get the commission for this business, and our work will really be in vain. "

"It seems that the problem now is not about this aspect." Siba said, "Obviously the other party is not ready to let us go."

"Do you think it's too late for us to reconcile with each other now? There's no need to continue fighting anyway." Jie Nuo said.

"It seems that the other party obviously doesn't want to reconcile with us." Xiba raised his head and said.

Without his reminder, Jie Nuo also saw the situation above. At this time, Susanoo had stabilized his body again, and above his head, a huge shining sphere appeared, and it seemed to be aimed at their location. Yes, although Linton didn't see the exact location where the dragon-shaped mind energy flew out in the previous attack, he still knew the approximate direction, so he just bombed it directly.

"The Immortal Technique. The Great Jade Rasengan Shuriken."

"Let's go!" Seeing the ball of light thrown by Linton, although he had never seen such a skill before, its absolute power was very terrifying. The two of them had already experienced Linton's abnormal strength. To be honest, neither of them had much confidence in wanting to fight Linton head-on under the current situation.

As killers, the situation of the two of them is already very unfavorable. They are now much more willing to retreat than to continue fighting, but they are just blocked by the barrier and cannot get out. After just trying that even the Dragon Stars were unable to defeat his opponent, Jie Nuo felt that the best way at the moment was to wait for Linton to exhaust his mind.

Yes, although they couldn't feel telepathy in the skills used by Linton, they thought it should be a special ability of the opponent that could hide his telepathy from being perceived. Anyway, the principle should be similar. The opponent's telekinesis should not be unlimited. For such a large and powerful barrier, a lot of telekinesis must be used. In addition, now that Linton has summoned a black giant, this kind of consumption should not last long, right?

Their guess was somewhat reasonable. Linton's magic value had indeed dropped again. After the continuous consumption of the Four Red Sun Formation, Linton's current magic value had just dropped by half. But currently Linton's remaining targets are these two, so there is no rush at all.

Facing the flying Rasengan Shuriken, the two people directly chose to escape in two directions. Although the speed was very fast, Linton still saw their actions. While throwing the Rasengan shuriken, Susanoo grabbed Linton on his head and threw it in one direction.

A huge explosion sounded, which was the sound of the Rasengan shuriken exploding on the ground. Shiba had already run hard, but he still underestimated the attack range of the Rasengan Shuriken. A strong wind accompanied by a heat wave hit him from behind. In an instant, the clothes on his back were torn, and there were signs on his body. There were a lot of wounds, and before he had time to care about the condition of the injuries, a black shadow fell from the sky and landed in front of him with a "bang".

Sure enough, the attack just now only forced them to be exposed. Although Xiba had expected it, there was nothing he could do about it. The explosion behind him had flattened the surrounding area, and he would probably be dead if he had stayed where he was. Under the current situation, Xiba couldn't think about anything else. She clenched her fists with both hands, and once again condensed two powerful thoughts on her fists, and took the initiative to rush towards Linton.

Linton didn't stop at all after landing. Seeing Xiba rushing towards him, Linton stepped on the ground suddenly and rushed straight towards the opponent. At the same time, he raised his hands and prepared two Rasengans. Their skills were really similar.

However, just when it seemed that the two of them were about to face off, Siba suddenly stopped in the middle of sprinting and waved his hands forward. The two light balls in his hands were directed towards Linton. The direction was shot. Yes, although Xiba looks like a telekinesis user of the strengthening or releasing type, in fact, his telekinesis is of the transformation type. The light ball in his hand can actually shoot out. Linton was a little stunned.

"I can do it too!" However, the next second, Linton waved his hands and threw the two Rasengans towards Siba. Just two loud sounds of "bang" and "bang" were heard, and the ball of light exploded in the air. Linton's body was still slowing down, and he quickly penetrated the smoke and dust, and appeared in front of Siba in an instant.

Siba showed a slightly surprised expression, but she reacted very quickly and raised her hand to punch Linton. But at this time, I also found that Siba was a little panicked, because he hit Linton with his right hand out of habit. However, his right hand was injured now, and he couldn't even take care of this problem.

The next second, Linton raised his right hand and punched Xiba's right hand. There was a "click" sound. There was no accident in the fist fight. Xiba's right hand made a crisp sound of fracture, and the hand moved towards The abnormal direction was reversed directly, and this time it was completely broken.

Before the other party could react, Linton reached out and grabbed the other party's head, raised his left foot one by one, and slammed his right knee into Siba's face. Xiba's whole face sunk inward, and a spray of blood suddenly spurted out. After turning around in the air, she fell directly to the ground.

"The battle is over!"

The reminder that the battle was over finally came to his ears. Linton didn't expect that the battle girl's movements would be so small this time. He usually just throws his skills around, but this time he actually returned to the most common physical skills mode. It's a bit surprising. But after thinking about it, Linton probably knew. After all, his magic value was falling. In the past, when the magic value was too much to be used up, of course the fighting girl would smash it casually, but now the magic value is shrinking, and the battle is based on The most optimized way to start saving mana should be this relationship.

Looking at the fallen Xiba, blood was constantly flowing out of the opponent's face, and it soon soaked the ground. The other party should have lost consciousness, but he should still be alive. Linton didn't really care about his life or death. Although he was Killua's father, he had nothing to do with him, and Killua was not his nephew.

The only remaining target now is Jie Nuo. Once he is eliminated, the battle will be over. But this guy is...

Linton was just about to find the other party's location, but unexpectedly, a figure walked out of the ruins next to him. It was Jie Nuo.

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