I really can't control myself

Chapter 434 Encounter

Of course, Kapok Ball was not able to dodge at such a speed. After letting out a scream, Kapok Ball was directly hit by the elf ball and flew backwards, hitting a big tree. A flash of red light flashed, and the kapok ball was directly sucked into the elf ball. The elf ball moved forward, directly penetrated the big tree, passed through the woods, and disappeared in front of several people. Only the front could be heard. The explosions that kept coming were getting farther and farther away.

"Uh..." Bai Lu stared in astonishment at the path swept out by the elf ball. A forest in front of her was penetrated by Linton's blow. The destructive force left her speechless.

"Successfully captured the kapok ball." Linton said with a thumbs up.

"Success is nothing. It's just a kapok ball. Do you need to be so exaggerated? Can't you use a more normal method? And I don't know where the ball flew. Can you find it?" Xiao Mao shouted next to him.

"Why do you want to get it back? If I capture it later, won't this guy come back with the ball on his own?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"Who told you that you would come back on your own? Who did you do this to?" Xiao Mao yelled.

"Um...are all your trainers in Kanto so wild?" Bai Lu asked.

"This guy is not our trainer from Kanto at all, okay? Please don't have any strange misunderstandings about trainers from Kanto." Xiaomao said immediately, "This guy is a trainer from China."

"Huh? China? It's a place I've never heard of." Bai Lu said.

"In short, this is how we in China conquer elves." Linton said.

"That's it." Bai Lu nodded, "Although it looks a bit scary, there's nothing we can do since it's China's way."

"You just accept it now. Your ability to accept it is a little too strong." Xiao Mao said.

"Anyway...it looks quite impressive, doesn't it?" Bai Lu said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yes, the most important thing is momentum!" Linton nodded, "Look, look, other girls are more discerning than you."

"..." Xiao Mao looked at Bai Lu silently, and then labeled this guy "extremely unreliable". At first, he thought that the doctor's assistant would be quite reliable, but now it seems that this guy …

"Anyway, what should we do now? We can't just ignore the kapok ball. Find it first?" Xiao Mao said.

"Oh, how can we get this back?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Don't you know where the ball flew to if you didn't see it?"

"Who do you think caused this situation!" Xiao Mao shouted, "Now that we have conquered it, we can't just leave it alone."

"Let it find it on its own. If it can't be found, let it go." Linton spread his hands and said.

"What do you mean, let's just release the animals!" Xiao Mao said.

"But the ball has already disappeared..."

"That's why I told you from the beginning not to throw the ball like that!"

"Well, don't quarrel, don't quarrel." Bai Lu said next to him, "But I also think we should get those kapok balls back."

"Huh? It's so troublesome." Linton said, "If I had known that the new Poké Ball would be marked with a Flying Thunder God before being thrown away, then you guys wait here while I go get the ball back."

With a "swish", Linton suddenly disappeared. Of course, he was not the Flying Thunder God. It was just that the speed was so fast that Xiaomao and the others could not see him. Bai Lu was naturally frightened when she saw a big living person disappearing in front of her eyes. Fortunately, Xiao Mao had already seen it once. Although she was still surprised, she was at least mentally prepared.

Of course, the elf ball can still be found. After all, it flies in a straight line. Following the path of destruction, Linton found the elf ball stuck on the stone wall without spending much time. The white light flashed, and this time Linton directly used the Flying Thunder God to return to Xiao Mao. Yes, Linton had secretly marked Xiao Mao with the Flying Thunder God. After all, he didn't know the road, and he was really afraid of putting himself in trouble. lost.

"What's going on?" Linton noticed something was wrong as soon as he came back, because the sky seemed to have suddenly become a lot darker. Although it was almost evening now, it was still very bright when I left. It only took me about ten minutes to find the ball, but now that I came back, it seemed to have suddenly become dark.

"Wow!" Bai Lu here was startled by the sudden appearance of Linton's voice.

"How did you do this? All kinds of mysterious things happened." Xiao Mao also asked.

"What is that?" Linton didn't answer and pointed directly to the sky. Yes, he quickly discovered the reason why the sky turned dark, and left for a while. The sky suddenly turned into a state of dark clouds. This was very strange. It was clearly cloudless ten minutes ago, why is it like this now? Moreover, thunder continued to come from the sky, and it seemed that a heavy rain was about to begin. But the problem is that these dark clouds are not normal dark clouds. There is a spiral black cloud not far away from them.

"I don't know, you just walked for a while, and suddenly there was thunder over there, and then it turned dark immediately." Xiao Mao said, "Maybe it's going to rain heavily. The weather here is changing very quickly. We I need to find a place to take shelter from the rain.”

"The thundercloud over there doesn't look right at first glance." Linton pointed to the spiral thundercloud over there and said, "It doesn't look like a natural phenomenon."

"Really?" Xiao Mao said, "It's indeed a bit strange, but if it's not a natural phenomenon, what is it? Could it be said that it was done by elves? Are there any other elves that can cause such weather changes?"

"Yes." Bai Lu said suddenly, "In fact, there has always been a legend in our Hezhong area. It is a legendary elf called Zekrom. The huge thundercloud protects this area. The god of elves and humans, the intertwined lightning is the hammer that God uses to punish, also known as the pillar of the sky, this is the legend."

"I see, Zekrom? This is the first time I've heard of such an elf, a guardian angel-like existence." Xiao Mao said, "I really want to see what kind of elf it is."

"No problem, uncle will catch it for you." Linton suddenly waved his hand and said.

"Huh?" Xiao Mao was stunned, "Zekrom?"

"Yes, it's a mythical beast. You have to catch one no matter what, right? Now that you've met it, isn't it a rare opportunity?" Linton said, "Let's go and catch it for you to see."

"Huh?" Bai Lu was also surprised. Someone actually said they wanted to capture Zekrom. This must be too bad.

"Wait a minute, are you really planning to capture Zekrom?" Xiaomao said, "Look at the situation in the sky. The ability to cause such a natural disaster is definitely not something we can deal with, right?"

"A natural disaster-level ability?" Linton was stunned. "What kind of knowledge do you have? A few thunders are enough to be considered a natural disaster-level ability? At most, it is an S ninjutsu level like Lei Dunqilin. Besides, forget it. It’s really a natural disaster level. Uncle, I, a world-destroying level, are still afraid of him?”

Xiao Mao seemed to realize that Linton was telling the truth and that he really wanted to capture this legendary elf. After all, he was once a trainer, and now he is only a teenager. He felt a little excited for a moment: "Then what are you going to do? Such an elf can't just throw the ball, right?"

"There's nothing a ball can't solve..."

"Wait a minute, the thundercloud is going to disappear." Xiao Mao said suddenly before Linton could finish speaking.

Linton looked up and saw that the thunderclouds seemed to be getting smaller. The rain had not started falling around him yet. Several thunders were struck out of thin air, and the clouds were about to disappear. Sure enough, it was not normal. It should be the one called Czecho. Mu's mythical beast caused something. However, Linton was still unable to determine the opponent's position. Yes, the visibility in the sky was very low. There were dark clouds everywhere, and it was beyond Linton's observation range. If he could see it, Linton would definitely hit it with a ball to check the reality first, but if he couldn't see it now,

"Then let's use formal methods to solve it." Linton waved his hand after saying that, "Come out, Erwei is traveling again."

With a "bang", Linton didn't even throw the ball, and Erwei Mata jumped out of the elf ball on his waist. It was so cooperative because if it didn't come out, it would be thrown away by Linton in a short while.

"I've never seen an elf before. He looks so powerful. Is it an elf from Kanto?" Bai Lu said. Although he had never seen one before, he knew he should be very powerful just by looking at his size.

"No, it's an elf from the Chinese region." Xiao Mao said next to him.

"Did you see it?" Linton asked You Brigade directly.

"I didn't see or feel chakra." You Lu said.

"Can you feel chakra?" Linton said, "If you can't see it, go closer and look for it."

"Come closer?" You Brigade tilted his head. He still didn't understand what Linton meant by coming closer. Suddenly Linton grabbed You Brigade's tail, and without waiting for it to react, he turned around in a circle, and then Linton let go in the direction of the thundercloud, and with a "swish" sound, the huge brigade was thrown directly towards the direction of the thundercloud in the sky.

"Flying Cat Flash!"

"So you are going to throw me away no matter what?" Youlv said, even if he came out on his own initiative, could he still not escape the fate of being thrown away?

"You are getting more and more exaggerated!" Xiao Mao couldn't help shouting.

With a "plop", Xiao Mao heard the sound and turned around to see that Bai Lu fell to the ground next to him. I don't know if it was because he saw something so unbelievable that his brain went crazy.

"What kind of trouble are you going to make at this time!" Xiao Mao could only quickly support Bai Lu.

Linton ignored Xiao Mao and shouted to You Brigade in the air: "Don't say it's useless, find the person quickly."

"I saw it." Suddenly, Brigade Zai's expression changed, "We're coming."

After You Lv finished speaking, a huge bolt of lightning suddenly struck towards it. Fortunately, You Lv was well prepared, and when he opened his mouth, he fired back with a huge blue flame.

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