I really can't control myself

Chapter 433 Hezhong Region

Like Miare City, Feiyun City is also the largest city in the Hezhong region, and compared to Miare City, Feiyun City looks more "modern". Before the plane even landed, Linton saw row upon row of high-rise buildings. This was a very modern city, and Linton was a little surprised.

"Hey, we're here." After the plane stopped, Linton also woke up Xiao Mao next to him. Xiao Mao is not sleeping, but has been in a daze. It seems that he has been thinking about something, "Still thinking about that Leo man?"

"I always feel that something might happen if I just leave him alone." Xiao Mao said, "Although it was none of my business at first, but now that I know about it, I can't stay out of it, right?"

"You are really a good person." Linton said, "But after everything has been said, it's useless for you to care now. No one believes you. You see, even Dr. Buratano doesn't believe us, right? Maybe he’s still angry now.”

"Dr. Buratano is a close friend who believes in himself, but I believe that after our reminder, although he still supported that guy, he should pay attention to investigate in private." Xiao Mao said.

"Then just wait for him to investigate." Linton spread his hands and said, "As I said, if you have to take care of it, you can only wait until the lion man does it himself. It's useless for you to take care of it now. Justice wants to It is very difficult to fight evil, because justice has a bottom line. The Leo man has not committed a crime yet, he is just planning a crime. You can't arrest him for something he hasn't done, right? Otherwise, I Do you think it's reasonable for me to arrest you if you say you might kill someone in the future? The other party has no bottom line. He can do bad things anytime he wants. If you want to stop him, as I said, just get a ball now. Just smash him to death."

"Damn it... isn't that too passive?" Xiao Mao said, "Can't we do something? Since he is planning a crime now, we can find some evidence, right?"

"What do you think? If he was caught so easily, why do so many people believe him?" Linton said, "Justice does have its limits. If you are really so worried, solve the matter here quickly. Let’s go back and check the situation.”

"Understood." Xiao Mao nodded. After all, they came here to do serious business, and they also wanted to find Linton's missing friend. This matter couldn't be delayed, right? Taking a breath, Xiao Mao also temporarily stopped thinking about what happened before, but of course he still said that he kept it in mind.

The two of them had already walked out of the exit while talking. Before they could decide what to do, a girl suddenly shouted from the side: "Hey? Are you Xiaomao and Linton?"

"Huh?" The two of them turned their heads at the same time. It was a girl they had never seen before. She was not very old, and she was probably about the age of a high school student. She has short blond hair and wears a very conspicuous emerald green hat. She looks like a very cute girl.

"Your friend?" Linton turned around and asked, after all, the other party called out their names.

"I don't know him." Xiao Mao said a little confused, "I thought he was someone you knew."

"I just came here, and I don't know anyone." Linton said, "Didn't I call you by your name?"

"But I really haven't seen it..." After Xiao Mao said, the other party had already run in front of them. Although she only ran a few steps, the girl felt a little out of breath. It seemed that her physical strength was average. Xiaomao also asked directly: "Who are you?"

"You are Xiaomao and Linton, right?" the girl said, "My name is Bai Lu, or you can call me Bell. I am Dr. Yew's assistant. The doctor asked me to pick you up."

"Dr. Yew?" Of course Linton couldn't remember the name. "Do we know each other?"

"Oh, are you Dr. Yew's assistant? Hello, I'm Xiaomao." Xiaomao here seemed to have figured out the other party's identity, and immediately said, "Is it my grandfather who contacted you?"

"Well, the doctor received a contact from Dr. Omu, so he asked me to pick you up." Bai Lu said. Linton probably understood. It seemed that Dr. Ohki's connections were really amazing. Of course, Dr. Ohki knew that it was Xiaomao who contacted Xiaomao. After the two of them arrived at the airport, they contacted Dr. Ohki and explained the situation a little bit. Unexpectedly, someone picked me up as soon as I landed.

"Dr. Yew and Dr. Omu happened to be attending an academic meeting together, so she also contacted me and asked me to pick you up." Bai Lu said, "Welcome to Feiyun City."

"Seriously, your grandfather has such great connections, why are you still single now?" Linton asked, looking at Xiao Mao next to him.

"What does this have to do with being single?" Xiao Mao looked confused.

"You are really too young to appreciate it, right?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"I heard that you are here to find someone, right?" Bai Lu said, "I heard that your friend is missing."

"Yes, her name is Wang Lanhua. Have you heard of her name?" Xiao Mao asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't know either." Bai Lu said, "But if there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to tell me. The doctor said, let me entertain you well."

"That's right. According to our previous investigation, the last place our friends went to may be a place called Alsace Park. It should be very close to here, but we don't know the way. I don't know if you know. I know." Xiao Mao said.

"I know, I know." Bai Lu raised her hand and said, "I still know Alsace Park, but it's not very close to Feiyun City, it's still a bit far away."

"That's right." Xiao Mao nodded.

"I'll take you there," Bai Lu said. "After all, you just came here and don't know the way. Leave it to me to lead the way."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Xiao Mao thought for a while and nodded.

"Then if you are going to leave immediately, you still want to take a stroll in Feiyun City. I can show you the way." Bai Lu said.

"After all, it's still important to find someone, and we don't have time to take a leisurely tour here." Xiao Mao said, "If you can, let's leave as soon as possible."

"That's right, then let's set off quickly." Bai Lu also said.

Of course, the way to get to your destination is still very traditional, walking. Yes, although there are cars and planes in the Pokémon world, it seems that most people solve problems by walking.

Everyone also went back to the doctor's research institute first, mainly for Bai Lu to pack things for the trip. As I said before, Dr. Yew also went to attend the academic conference, and he was with Dr. Omu. There was no one in the institute now, only a few assistants were there. Bai Lu also explained what they were studying by the way. She was about some research on elves' dreams, but she couldn't tell what the specific content was. Linton couldn't help but worry about such an assistant. Is it really okay for Dr. Yew to find such an assistant?

After simply packing up, a few people were ready to set off. Bai Lu here also patted her chest slightly, as if to cheer herself up. It was obvious that as a local, she seemed to be the most nervous one. Seeing this, Xiao Mao suddenly felt that this guide was not very reliable.

"Let's go... let's go!" Bai Lu said with a wave of his hand.

"Is it really okay? Seeing how nervous you are, why don't you tell us the approximate location and we can find it ourselves." Xiao Mao said.

"I'm not nervous." Bai Lu said angrily, "Don't worry, I will definitely be able to fulfill the doctor's instructions and help you find your friends."

"Uh..." It always seemed unreliable, but Xiao Mao couldn't say anything when the other party was so insistent. Although it was a little late at this time, the three of them did not intend to stay until the next day, and soon set off towards the northeast of Feiyun City.

"Oh, here are the elves I haven't seen before." Not far from Feiyun City, they soon entered a place where wild elves were. Of course, it was Xiaomao's first time to come to the Hezhong area, and many of the elves here were elves he had never seen before. As a researcher and former trainer, he is still very curious about elves he has never seen before.

"This is your first time in the Hezhong area, right?" Bai Lu said, "There are many unique elves here. This is Kapok Ball. The Cotton Ball Pokémon is a very common elves here."

"Kapok ball?" Linton was stunned for a moment. He suddenly remembered something when he heard the name. He looked at the cotton-like thing flying in the air opposite him. "I seem to remember that this thing is very powerful..."

"Really?" Xiao Mao pointed to the kapok ball here, "But it doesn't look very powerful."

"I always remember that I used it to fuck a mythical beast..." Linton said.

"Huh?" Xiao Mao was stunned.

"Anyway, now that we have met, let's conquer him easily." Linton said suddenly. After all, Linton didn't think he could find the person at first. The other party left the world to him to explore. Of course, the person had disappeared long ago. Linton first came here to find out if there was any information left by the other party, and secondly, he mainly wanted to complete his own task. Since he guessed that advancing the exploration would depend on collecting illustrations, that was not a good idea. I didn't have time to capture the elves before, but now that I have time, I just collected some to fill in the illustrated book first.

"Hey? Do you want to subdue them?" Bai Lu said next to him, "Do you need me to tell you how to subdue the elves? I often help the doctor explain these to the new trainers."

"I already knew that!" Xiao Mao shouted, "Who do you think I am?"

"Oh, that's right. I heard from the doctor that you seemed to have been a trainer before..." Bai Lu said, "Then I'll be relieved. I should..."

"One ball goes deep into the soul." Just as he was saying this, Linton next to him was already ready to start throwing the ball.

"Wait, shouldn't you use your own elves to weaken it first..." Before Bai Lu finished speaking, Xiao Mao next to him had already realized that something was wrong.

"Stop it!"

However, before he had time, with a "swish" sound, the elf ball in Linton's hand turned into a meteor and flew out.

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