"Dad, did you see it?" Nakiri Alice suddenly remembered that her father seemed to be at the Totsuki teaching headquarters on the top of the mountain, and his vision should be farther than this. From this angle, they could only see a pair of thick smoke in the distance, and they hadn't seen what it was yet.

"Yes, I saw it." Nakiri Munee said, "Well, Alice, I thought about it, or you can think about it again. Although I have seen your strength before, this thing is not at the same level as the previous one."

"It's okay, Dad, don't worry. This time all the members of our Gushan Shrine are here, and the priest will activate the shrine in a while to bless us with spiritual power. And our goal is just to delay this thing, not to defeat it. The priest is already preparing the sealing technique. And we have reinforcements, so you don't have to worry." Nakiri Alice persuaded.

She didn't want her father to worry, and it was not easy to make a deal with her father before. Although the reinforcements were not certain at this time, she didn't say anything else. Of course, she herself was not very stable in her heart, but she couldn't let her father see it.

"Do you want to think about it again? This thing is really not something that can be defeated just by saying it." Nakiri Soei said.

"I have thought it through very clearly, father." Nakiri Alice said firmly.

"You should take a look at this thing first. It is coming towards this side now. I guess you will see it soon. Take a look first and then make a decision." Nakiri Soei said anxiously.

"Okay, father, I will be serious..." Nakiri Alice said halfway, and suddenly found that Mito Yumei next to her was pulling her. Nakiri Alice turned her head with some surprise, and saw Mito Yumei with a pale face pointing forward. I don't know why she wanted to say something, but she seemed to lose her voice and couldn't speak.

Nakiri Alice was stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction that Mito Yumei was looking. When she saw it, she was scared and dropped the phone in her hand.

Just as her father said, the thing had indeed appeared in their field of vision at this time. Although Godzilla's movement speed is not fast, its body can cover dozens of meters with one step, and it has walked a long distance in a short while.

And this thing doesn't care about other things around it, whether it is tall buildings or screaming people, it doesn't care. When it landed, it had a clear direction, heading towards the direction of Totsuki Academy. Then it quickly appeared in everyone's sight.

"No... No, this..." Even Kurokiba Ryo, who has always been calm, couldn't help it. After all, this thing in front of him made people feel scary just by looking at it.

Although it is still far away, you can roughly know how big it is by referring to the building next to it. Although they have also thought that there may be something terrible, can you at least find something they can fight?

Do you think this thing in front of you looks like something that people can fight?

This thing was crushed by a tank with one foot, okay? They just went up to fight this thing with human flesh? You are kidding.

"Well, miko, is this our opponent?" Kurokiba Ryo looked at Tanosuke Megumi who was already sitting on the ground next to her and asked, "Do you think this is something we can fight?"

"Well...well...I don't know." Tanosuke Megumi was shocked.

"Isn't this progress too fast? This is the first time for our Gushan Jinja team to have a group activity. We just came up and fought something like this?" Kurokiba Ryo pointed to Godzilla who was still approaching.

"Well...why don't we run now?" Mito Yumei couldn't help but say. She has learned some magic recently, and she wanted to show it well this time. After all, she hasn't been attacked by anything in the past few days, and she just wanted to try her hand.

However, this first team activity suddenly came with such an exciting thing, who can bear it. To fight this thing, you have to drive a space battleship to be more suitable.

"Calm down." The male protagonist Soma Yukihira was the fastest to calm down, and said to several people, "Look below, the people in the school obviously haven't had time to evacuate yet. We can't leave now, otherwise, when that thing comes here, these people will definitely not have time to leave."

This statement really stopped everyone, indeed they certainly couldn't watch innocent people suffer. If they had no ability at all, they could only run with this group of people, but now they were originally arranged to stop this thing, and this was their responsibility.

"Besides, although this thing is huge, it may not be powerful." Soma Yukihira laughed a few times and said, "I think it may not be as scary as it looks, otherwise the priest wouldn't let us die in vain, right."

Several people nodded reluctantly, but the panic in their hearts did not decrease. Apart from anything else, the size of this thing is scary enough. As for Soma Yukihira's saying that it is not powerful, it can only be said that this is the only way to comfort himself now.

However, just as they were thinking this, there were suddenly several "boom" sounds in the sky. Everyone looked up and found that about five or six fighter planes were flying over their heads, obviously heading in the direction of the monster.

"Fighter plane!" Everyone was delighted. They didn't expect that the superiors would respond so quickly and send out fighter planes directly. This was of course also the credit of the Anti-Japanese Department. Without this department that coordinates the overall situation, how could the response be so fast? The internal quarrels could last for hours.

This fighter plane was also straightforward. It didn't mean to wait any longer. After approaching Godzilla's position, it directly launched missiles from the air. More than a dozen missiles drew several arcs in the air and exploded towards Godzilla.

"Bang, bang, bang..." A series of explosions sounded, and Godzilla's upper body was directly surrounded by a lot of exploding flames, and at the same time, Godzilla's huge roar sounded.

This made the leisurely students of Totsuki Academy below nervous. They haven't seen Godzilla over there yet, and their vision is completely blocked. They still don't know what happened.

But until they saw the fighter plane flying over their heads, and then saw the fighter plane launch missiles, and the explosion just heard, they knew that something really happened. Of course, they obviously didn't know what was going on, and thought it was a war.

The crowd was really anxious now, and everyone sped up their evacuation.

On the other side of Godzilla, the flames quickly dissipated. It was obvious that its body was intact in front of everyone. Not only that, it seemed to be moving at this time, with a clear light on its back, and something seemed to be gathering in its mouth.

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