"Woooooooooo..." The emergency disaster siren sounded, which was an early warning from ZHENG Mansion. Although they haven't figured out what's going on yet, they currently judge that it should be an undersea volcanic eruption or something.

The previous huge explosions, vibrations on the ground, and huge smoke and dust on the sea caused them to misjudge. Although they had not found any submarine volcanoes in Tokyo Bay before, the whole country of Japan was in volcanic and seismic zones, and a sudden appearance appeared. Undersea volcanoes don't seem very strange, so let's issue an alert first anyway.

At this time, many citizens who were still at home heard the sirens. Although they did not know what was going on, they quickly began to prepare for evacuation. After all, there are quite a lot of disasters here in Japan, including earthquakes, typhoons and the like, so most people are quite calm and prepared.

The calmest ones were the students of Totsuki Academy. Nakiri Senzaemon and others could see clearly what was happening in Tokyo Bay because they were on the mountain. The people at the foot of the mountain had no idea what was going on.

Just a few minutes ago, the school just informed that there was a temporary disaster drill, and sure enough, the disaster alarm sounded a few minutes later. What's there to say? All the teachers and students thought it was a disaster drill, so they very calmly started to pack up and prepare for evacuation. Many students even had time to complain, but they were going well in class. They had to go out because of the weather outside. But it's still a little hot.

The teachers didn't urge them. After all, they thought it was a drill, and they themselves were not very willing. They didn't even notify them in advance of the sudden temporary arrangements. Didn't this hinder their work? Of course, there is nothing that can be done as arranged above. This is not something that can only be done by slowly urging the students, telling them not to panic, not to step on anything.

It was even a little leisurely here, and they didn't know that the other side was already very nervous. Especially at this time, the cabinet is in chaos.

This matter is still caused by power. This opposition department has just been established not long ago, but the power is terrifying. When abnormal events occur, they can take over everything, which is equivalent to the situation of the Provisional Military Control Department.

Of course that's what they say, but the question is, is this a period of abnormal events? So isn't this a debate over whether it's an undersea volcano erupting, or is there really something weird?

The Opposition Department has received a call from their minister Hiroto Aoki, asking them to take over everything, but the other ministers are refusing to do it. A lot of people came out to stop it, saying that it was just a matter of an undersea volcano erupting, and that it had nothing to do with the Department of Foreign Affairs and that it should be handled according to normal procedures.

As a result, the two sides began to have meaningless bickering. The father-in-law said that the father-in-law had the right to talk to the mother-in-law, which was a waste of golden time.

Someone even provided an image of a huge tail that someone had photographed before, but the people on the other side refused to recognize it. It was just black smoke. The lava on the seabed rushed out of the sea. Who could clearly see what such a big smoke was.

In the end, we had to wait for the Prime Minister who was outside to come back before someone could handle the matter. The Prime Minister actually supports the Ministry of Opposition, otherwise this department would not be established. After he personally spoke to Aoki Hiroto to confirm the situation, he sided with the Ministry of Opposition, and this was how the cabinet started to take action.

But this has delayed a lot of time, because no accurate order has been issued so far. At this time, a huge paw had already landed directly on the shore of Tokyo Port.

Yes, when no one was paying attention, Godzilla had already swam from the middle of the sea to the shore. Just when the Opposite Department over there had just taken over, it also made its official debut.

As the huge claws came ashore, Godzilla's huge body gradually emerged from the sea. Tokyo Port is a natural port, and the water on the shore is very deep. It wasn't until this thing climbed ashore that everyone realized that such a huge thing actually emerged from the sea.

"Then...what is that?" There were many people fleeing on the shore. They had already received a tsunami warning, because it was said that the volcano erupted before. Of course, this was also accompanied by a tsunami, so they hurriedly evacuated. , They are all daring to go higher.

As a result, right in front of them, a huge living creature suddenly jumped out of the sea. Many people who saw this terrifying body had their legs weak and sat on the ground on the spot.

The Godzilla created by Linton this time is 118 meters tall, which is considered a relatively normal-sized Godzilla. An Ultraman is only 40-50 meters tall, and this thing is as tall as two or three Ultramans.

Just put it in front of people, it can really scare people to death on the spot. Especially since this thing originally swam in the sea lying on its stomach, and only slowly got up when it reached the shore. The moment he stood up, it was like a huge tall building rising from the ground.

Everyone who saw this scene was so shocked that they couldn't speak at all, and looked at this behemoth as if they were stupid.

With a loud "boom" and a huge vibration, Godzilla took the first step. At this point, the people around him felt the ground shaking, and many wooden houses that were close by were knocked down.

It took a huge shock for the stunned surrounding people to react, and then all kinds of screams started to sound. Of course, no one with any sense at this time would stand there and scream. Their first reaction would be to turn around and run away, no matter where they went, running was the right thing to do anyway.

"What is that...?" At this time, in the principal's office on the top of the mountain of Totsuki Academy, several people stared blankly at the huge black figure that suddenly appeared in the distance. Although it was a bit far away, the outline could be roughly seen clearly. What is this thing? Dinosaur? Dinosaurs are not that big, okay? Tyrannosaurus Rex is only 8 meters tall. Does this thing look like 8 meters?

"Confirmed with the naked eye, the abnormal creature is a huge monster in the shape of a dinosaur, and its height is expected to exceed 100 meters. Notify the army immediately..." Hiroto Aoki next to him immediately said to the alien department on the other side of the phone.

"Is this thing... walking, and is it walking towards us?" Nakiri Senzaemon was also a little confused at this time, pointing at the black shadow in the distance and said.

"Father, his target is the shrine that flew to our academy before, so I asked you to evacuate the teachers and students quickly." Nakiri Soemon said immediately.

"You just said that Alice is going to fight with such a thing?" Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly remembered something and asked directly.

"..." Nakiri Souji suddenly remembered this, thought about it, and quickly called his daughter.

"Dad, what's up?" Soon Nakiri Alice answered the phone and asked.

"Alice, do you know what we are going to fight this time?" Nakiri Souji couldn't help asking.

"The priest said it was a powerful demon named Godzilla." Nakiri Alice said.

"I don't know if it's strong or not, but this thing is really big." Nakiri Souji couldn't help saying.

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