I really can't control myself

Chapter 3496 Promotion

According to the introduction of the voice claiming to be the system, Linton also roughly understood what happened before.

The previous explorer killed the protagonist of the previous world right at the beginning, but he did not change the main line of this world, but continued to advance the original main line.

According to the situation understood by the system, this explorer probably read the original work of this world, so he easily found the protagonist of this story and then replaced him. However, the route he took was basically the same as the original protagonist. He also chose to create a terrifying monster to start, and even the first monster he created was the same slit-mouthed woman. These were all information directly obtained by the system from the explorer, and the other party did not hide this matter in particular.

It seems that although the previous explorer did not choose to load the system directly on himself, he had a good relationship with the system. For example, he did not hide his identity as an explorer from the system, and he did not hide his purpose either.

Because the mission of the explorer is to explore, Linton also figured it out. This world itself is a world that has transformed from a normal world to a world of spiritual revival. If it is not advanced, then this is an ordinary world and there is really nothing to explore. It is estimated that the exploration degree will not increase.

So one side needs energy, and the other side needs to advance the speed to complete the system task. The interests of both sides are consistent, so they naturally start to cooperate directly.

As for why the original protagonist was killed, it can only be said that the explorer's work style is probably different from Linton's.

If Linton came, the protagonist would certainly not be killed. He is helping to promote the plot. Isn't this helping him work? Thinking of this, Linton even wanted to dig the grave of the original protagonist and let him get up and continue working now.

But it's a pity, because the protagonist is now gone.

This senior explorer did things very neatly. He was probably worried that the body would be discovered and cause unnecessary trouble, so he chose to destroy the body directly. It was destroyed completely, leaving nothing behind. Now Linton has no way to revive. After all, although he has a lot of abilities to revive, he still needs some basic ingredients. Nothing is left, and Linton doesn't know what to do.

In short, this explorer seems to like to control the overall situation and like to take the initiative in all aspects. It's like directly snatching the system and then being the one who revives the aura.

But there may be something he doesn't know. After all, the other party has read the original work, and Linton... He has read similar novels, but he doesn't know whether it is the original work.

First of all, Linton has no impression of the name of the first host. The other party's name is Gu Shanjun, the only heir of this shrine, and he was also a priest of the shrine before.

This guy started with the classic death of both parents. His parents were priests of Gu Shan Shrine before, and then died in an accident, and then passed the shrine to him. The operation of this shrine itself was almost going to go bankrupt, so it went bankrupt in such a short time after the disappearance of the explorer.

According to the original story, Gu Shanjun activated the system by accident, and then began to promote the revival of the spiritual energy in this world. Of course, to be precise, it should be a terrifying revival at the beginning, but then gods, Buddhas, and immortals came, which can be regarded as a revival of spiritual energy.

However, due to the intervention of the explorer, the original plot obviously could not continue. However, due to the active cooperation of the explorer, the plot seemed to have returned to the original route.

Hearing this, Linton seemed to suddenly understand something, that is, why the previous explorers did not choose to bind the system.

This is also the situation that Linton encountered when he was in the previous world of cultivation.

As for these explorers, they are actually not controlled by the heavenly way of this world, that is, they are beyond the cause and effect.

If this system is really bound to the explorer, will it be like the previous phoenix, directly transcending the cause and effect of this world?

If this is true, then this system may not continue to absorb the emotional fluctuations of people in this world and gain energy because of the laws of this world. Without energy, it will become a useless thing, so the explorer chose not to bind it directly to himself.

"I see." Linton thought of this and admired the previous explorer's careful logic. It seems that it is not the same as what he thought, that is, he simply does not want to get involved in this troublesome thing.

"So, you are now bound to this shrine?" Linton asked.

Yes, according to the current statement of this system, it is not bound to a person now, but directly to this land.

This situation is obviously quite bad, which is also the reason why all plans cannot be advanced after the explorer is gone.

As for why the previous slit-mouthed woman could not attack Linton, it is because the system is currently facing energy exhaustion. After all, it has been two years since the incident of the slit-mouthed woman, and the case documents have been sealed and stored by the ZHENG government. Not many people know about this matter now, and of course not many people will have much emotional fluctuations about this matter.

The system had no energy supply, and just maintaining it was enough to give him a headache. That was why he chose to show up without struggling for long after seeing Linton. It was not simply because he was worried that Linton would really destroy this place.

Of course, if it is really razed, it will also have an impact on it. Although this shrine has closed down, it is still a shrine after all. In the past, many residents nearby would come here to worship during festivals. Even if the shrine has closed down, people nearby still remember this incident and can provide some weak energy occasionally.

If it is really razed to the ground, the system will probably have to wait for the energy to run out and shut down automatically. There is no possibility of any reversal at all, so it will be so anxious to send the slit-mouthed woman who has no attack power now.

In the current situation, the system's energy is difficult to even maintain the appearance of the slit-mouthed woman, let alone let her attack people. Before Linton came, this system was also lingering on.

The system's confession is relatively honest. Maybe it can see that Linton is not easy to fool? Anyway, Linton thinks that the other party should be telling the truth.

"It seems that this fusion task still has to start with promoting the revival of spiritual energy." Linton thought about it. Since the other world is a world of spiritual energy revival, in order to promote it, he has to follow the old path of the previous explorer and cooperate with this guy who calls himself a system.

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