I really can't control myself

Chapter 3495 Understanding

"Tell me, what's the situation?" At this time, the howling of ghosts and wolves in the shrine had stopped. Linton turned his head and found that the slit-mouthed woman who had fallen to the ground and wailed before had disappeared at some point.

She disappeared without a trace just like before, and the specific location could not be traced. Now it seems that the skills currently mastered cannot locate the soul body of this world.

Linton looked at the wood carving in his hand, and didn't know whether the thing that claimed to be a system was really attached to the wood carving. After all, it was the other party who said this. Linton didn't feel any abnormality in the wood carving, and he would not believe the so-called system's words.

"Ding, are you willing to bind with me and become my host?" At this time, the system voice here suddenly said.

"There really was a 'ding' sound, right?" Linton said, "I don't want to."

"Uh..." It can only be said that it is not routine enough to refuse directly at the beginning, which made the other party a little confused for a while, "Won't you consider it? If you bind with me, I can bring you endless power..."

"No need, I am too strong, I am already a supermodel. If I bind with you, can I limit my ability? If so, I can consider it." Linton waved his hand and said.

"..." Good guy, this is the first time I met such a bad talker, and I can't talk about this system.

"You are really more difficult to deal with than the last guy, I really won't hurt you." The system here choked out a sentence for a long time.

"I really don't need you either. On the contrary, it seems that you need me more in this situation, right?" Linton said, "If you are so anxious to bind, you should want me to help you do something, right? Talk about it, I like to meddle in other people's business."

"Okay." The system here seems to understand the current situation. Obviously, Linton is not easy to fool, and is more difficult to deal with than the previous explorer. Before, he would at least consider it before refusing, but Linton had no intention of considering it at all.

"In fact, I need energy here." The voice claiming to be the system thought for a while and said, "I didn't lie to you. As long as you can help me get energy, I can also allocate some energy to help you improve your abilities. I have abilities in all aspects. I can basically provide the skills and items you want."

"Then I can help you work better after improving my abilities, right? I understand. I usually fool workers like this." Linton nodded and said, "So don't talk about this. What kind of energy do you need? If it's on the way here, I can help you."

"Okay, according to the person who claimed to be an explorer before, my current task here is to lead this world towards spiritual recovery." The system here said.

"So you are not sure about your task yourself? Was this task arranged for you by the previous explorer?" Linton asked.

"My energy comes from people's emotional changes towards me or my host. The larger the scope of influence and the more people affected, the faster I can get energy." The system here said, "So my first host came up with a way called... creating ghosts and gods."

"Oh, I see, you are the system behind the spiritual energy revival, right?" Linton suddenly understood and said.

"Yes, that's the word." The system here said immediately, "The previous explorer also used this term."

"This first host should be the original protagonist of this world, right? It's also purely stupid. Since emotional fluctuations are enough, it's better to exchange some entertainment skills to become a singer or movie star, and then show off in front of people to become a contemporary saint. You have to make it complicated. What about your first host?"

"Dead, before he could do anything specific, he was killed by the explorer like you." The system said.

"Good fellow, this senior explorer is really irritable, he just robbed me. Is the protagonist of this world so easy to kill? Doesn't the Heavenly Dao care? How strict was the Heavenly Dao in the previous world of immortal cultivation?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"Then I was stripped out and thrown into this statue." The system said.

"Oh? My senior explorer did it? He actually has such ability?" Linton was a little surprised. This senior explorer could actually strip the system? To be honest, Linton was not very sure about this matter.

After all, it was the first time that Linton encountered such a world with a system so far, and he didn't know what kind of thing this system was, and what kind of existence it was. He didn't know whether the general sealing technique could work, or use the power of law to directly interfere with the Heavenly Dao of this world. Maybe a word of law can make the system seal in the statue?

Theoretically speaking, it seems that the laws of this world are really not very good at present. The A-level power of law that he exchanged here should be able to interfere with the laws of this world.

Linton actually wanted to try it, but he didn't know his own abilities very well.

I don't know what method this senior investigator used. Now it seems that this senior has no intention of binding this system to himself, which is similar to his own idea.

Although the other party claims to be a system, Linton will not believe this thing he has met for the first time. Who knows whether it is telling the truth or not.

Linton didn't know if the other party would really transfer to him if he really agreed just now. Anyway, Linton would definitely not want this thing, even if it could really provide some special skills. In Linton's opinion, a system that can chat is really... disgusting.

Note that being able to talk and being able to chat are not the same concept. This thing that claims to be a system obviously has independent consciousness in Linton's opinion. This type of thing is generally not easy to deal with.

"Then this investigator began to cooperate with you, right? Those previous cases were all made by you, right?" Linton asked.

"Yes." The system here directly admitted, "The slit-mouthed woman you just saw is the first monster we created, with the purpose of causing panic. It went quite smoothly at the beginning, until..."

"Until the investigator disappeared, right?" Linton said directly.

"So you know the situation? Is he not going to come back?" the system asked.

"It should be impossible to come back." Linton nodded, "According to what you said, the main task of this world itself is to promote the revival of spiritual energy, right?"

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