"We have discussed some plans at present." The person who came out here was still Prime Minister Terrad. It must be said that Terrad is now much bolder. At least at present, he probably sees that Linton is still relatively indulgent to him and will not kill him at every turn.

No one else dared to make this proposal, after all, these are all Linton's "great achievements". But Prime Minister Terrad has been promoting and supporting it. It can be said that it is quite bold.

Of course, because of this, Terrad's reputation among the ministers is quite high at this time. After all, there are really not many officials who dare to be so bold in front of Linton, or to be more precise, there are not many alive, but many dead.

Seeing that Linton did not react, Terrad continued: "At present, I think the more appropriate plan is... enfeoffment."

"Enfeoffment?" Linton frowned. When it comes to enfeoffment, Linton's first reaction is what a rubbish proposal.

After all, from a historical perspective, the enfeoffment of the Zhou Dynasty has become a negative lesson. And the greatest achievement of the emperor Zhengge who came out of nowhere is to abolish the enfeoffment, which made the Chinese nation cohesive into a country. If he hadn't done this, who knows how many countries there would be in China now.

So you're dividing the territory now, can Linton stand it?

Perhaps seeing that Linton didn't support it, Terrad here quickly explained: "Your Majesty, we don't have much control over those territories. If we govern them ourselves, the consumption is too great, and our empire's finances can't support it. It's better to let others govern them. As long as we control the right to appoint the new ruler, we can have a certain degree of control."

It's obvious that Terrad meant to enfeoff the vassal states, and the divided places would be vassal states of the empire.

It's just that although it seems that the empire has the right to appoint and can decide who the ruler over there is, the problem is... Linton knows that this seemingly perfect method will sooner or later have problems.

If it's really that simple, will the Zhou emperor still be sidelined? You say you have this appointment power, do you have it? What about the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the seven heroes of the Warring States Period? Which of them really needs the Zhou emperor to nod? They have already come to power, so they should say hello to the Zhou emperor.

Of course, although Linton could see the problem, how to solve it was the key.

However, this problem only troubled Linton for a few seconds, because the next second Linton said that it was too troublesome and he was too lazy to think about it.

MD was influenced by the atmosphere on the scene and Linton really thought about it seriously. Isn't this just being too stubborn, making himself seem like he really wants to be the emperor.

"Good idea!" The next second Linton nodded decisively, "The prime minister is indeed a pillar of the country. I didn't expect that he could come up with such a constructive plan."

"Uh... Your Majesty, do you really think so?" Although his proposal was recognized by Linton, Terrad still asked hesitantly.

"Of course, I like you to be so good at doing things." Linton nodded and said, "Then I'll leave this matter to you. Just keep an eye on how to divide it."

"Uh... Yes, Your Majesty." Terrad felt a little strange. Linton agreed to this so easily? He felt that this was Linton's "great achievement" after all, and thought that Linton would object. He had prepared a lot of arguments to dissuade Linton, but it seemed that he had basically used nothing.

This feeling... I don't know why I still feel uncomfortable.

"By the way, you just said that the empire has financial problems? Is our country very poor now?" Linton suddenly asked again.

"Your Majesty, I also have something to report on this." Terrad here spoke again, "The current empire's finances do have some problems, mainly because the expenditures are now quite huge, and for the income, the territories we currently control have not been fully converted into income. The part we are currently spending is mainly the funds we received from other countries before."

Linton nodded, Terrad didn't say that it was a more civilized statement. It means that the empire still has money now, after all, he had robbed such a large sum of money before.

But the problem now is that the robbery is a one-time thing, and the current empire's finances should be in a state of overall deficit, with more expenses than income. Although the treasury is abundant, it can't go on like this, right? One day, it will be empty.

"Regarding this, I would also like to propose to His Majesty that the royal family should set up a chamber of commerce." Terrad said.

"Royal Chamber of Commerce?" Linton was stunned, but soon understood Terrad's meaning. Now it is better to use the stolen money instead of keeping it in the warehouse, and build a chamber of commerce to continue to make money. If money makes money, it will not be a waste of money.

So you can see how reliable this prime minister is. Although there are a lot of problems, he has really considered them and has solutions.

"Oh, this is a good thing, you go and do it." Linton continued to nod.

"Then... I wonder how much money Your Majesty is willing to put out as capital, so that I can have an idea here." Terrad said.

"What? Just doing business, do you need capital?" Linton asked with a surprised face.

"????" Terrad looked at Linton with a confused face. It can only be said that what Linton said was too shocking, and he looked as if it was a matter of course. Is it him or Linton who has a problem? Terrad was a little suspicious for a while.

"No, do you want me to pay for opening this chamber of commerce myself?" Linton asked.

"But...but...generally speaking, it is necessary." Terrad said, he didn't even know where to start explaining.

"Well, you find a businessman, and then let him work for us, and let him pay the capital and so on, can't he have any objections?" Linton said as a matter of course.

"..." Terrad looked at Linton and didn't know what to say. Your Majesty, are you a human being? Let people bring their own property to work for you, what do they want?

"To survive." Although Terrad didn't say anything, Linton still answered Terrad's question directly, "Didn't someone tell me that the merchants in the empire are all leeks, they can grow and cut themselves. They are so self-conscious, let them help me work, don't they want to, and are willing to die?"

"Uh..." It has to be said that although Linton's words are a bit subversive, Terrad couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

"Anyway, you post a notice or something, gather a few big businessmen, and talk to them about this. Those who are willing to work for me for free will stay, and the others will be the ones to make money first." Linton said, "Go ahead."

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