"Your Majesty, it's about the reform of the empire." Although Terrad here should have noticed Linton's impatience, he still insisted on continuing.

"Imperial reform? What reform? How come I don't know that our empire needs to be reformed?" Linton obviously didn't know anything about it and had no idea what was going on.

Terrad here really wanted to roll his eyes, so Your Majesty, can you reflect on why you don't know about this, and what do you know as an emperor?

Of course, I think so, and Terrad certainly doesn't dare to say so. After all, it has long been known that Linton probably knows nothing, so Terrad also began to explain to Linton.

The situation is more complicated. To be honest, Linton doesn't want to listen carefully, so he just listened to a general idea.

The general situation is that because the current empire's territory is too large, a series of problems have arisen. The current situation in the country can be said to be quite severe and it is already a bit unsustainable. So at this time, someone also raised the issue of the empire's reform, mainly to solve this situation.

Linton nodded slightly and quickly understood the key to the problem. The fact that the empire is too large is just a superficial phenomenon. The main problem is that the administrative efficiency is not keeping up. To put it more clearly, it is that it cannot digest the rapidly expanding territory.

Before, a lot of countries came to Linton to declare war, but they were all taught a lesson by Linton one by one. Of course, Linton was only concerned with fighting and not burying, and now the problem is coming soon.

Before, Linton solved the problem of the human empire. The Holy Empire of Yilan unified the other two countries, and then quickly digested this territory without any major problems. That is mainly because the three empires of the human race were originally split from the same empire.

Although the split lasted for a long time, the culture is still the same, so the problem is not so acute. In addition, the imperial government is relatively strong, so there is resistance, but it is limited. In the end, the digestion was quite fast, and there are no problems at present.

But other places are different. Not only are the cultures different, but there are also different races.

Some of the countries that Linton had fought before were not even ruled by humans. Some countries like lizardmen and dog-headed people were also defeated by Linton last time.

At that time, they were indeed defeated. The original ZHENG government was also destroyed and the king was killed, but what about after that? Anyway, Linton himself didn't think about the problem of governance at all.

And Linton sent T-810 robots to fight at that time. These people can fight, after all, they are designed to kill people, but they can't help at all in governing them.

And such a large territory that suddenly appeared, can the empire send people to govern it? Not to mention the question of whether the people over there resist or not, they don't have enough officials.

In short, the current situation is that the land over there is now only nominally owned by the empire, and no one actually rules it. Of course, it is even more impossible to pay taxes. It is completely a land that has no practical effect on the empire.

Except for the money that Linton robbed when he conquered there before, there was no income after that, and there was no practical benefit at all.

Moreover, the places are far apart, and even most of the imperial officials don’t know where the boundary is, whether it is in the south or the north, and ordinary people have no idea about the situation. They only know that their emperor has expanded the territory, but they don’t know where the territory is.

Now these places have become chicken ribs, which are tasteless and a pity to throw away. Or it is more troublesome than chicken ribs, because some officials don’t know what to do with these places.

Say give up, after all, this was fought by Linton, and it is a proof of your majesty’s expansion of territory and honor. You say throw it away, and you are not asking for trouble with your majesty.

If you don’t give up, how can you manage it? If you really want to build it, you have to pay money to that place, and then send people to govern it. I don’t know if there will be any return if you put in manpower and material resources. According to the current intelligence, those places are now in chaos.

The empire can’t manage it, so of course all kinds of local monsters and demons will emerge.

Before, there was also its own ZHENG government to manage it, so of course it could be suppressed. But now, not only the original bandits are bandits, but also the former ZHENG government has become a bandit. Then no one is in charge, which leads to more and more chaos. I don't know how much it will cost to manage it.

At this time, because Linton disappeared for nearly two months, some ministers boldly proposed a reform plan.

If Linton was there, they would definitely not dare to say it, after all, these are all Linton's military achievements.

And this proposal was supported by Prime Minister Terrad.

Because it is obvious that Terrad has seen the problem inside. These places are not only of no benefit to the empire, but if they must be taken, they will drag down the empire. This thing is simply a quagmire.

So under the leadership of Terrad, this matter was submitted to Yalan.

Yalan studied it and found that it seemed to be the case. Isn't this land that can't be managed a burden? The empire certainly can't digest so much land now.

It's not that they give up all of it. They can absorb some of the land. Swallowing all of it will definitely cause indigestion and directly drag down the empire's finances.

At this time, Yalan and a group of ministers are studying how to reform the system. This matter has actually been discussed for several days, but no accurate plan has been decided yet.

Of course, the biggest problem is Linton, the boss who doesn't care about anything. He conquered the land, but he didn't care about it anymore. He left a lot of mess and asked the ministers to clean it up. If he couldn't clean it up, he would kill people. It can only be said that he is just a good person.

"Oh, so." Linton understood it very quickly, because this is really not a special situation, and it is not the first time their country has encountered a problem.

Isn't it the same situation with Alexander the Great in the Holy Grail world before? The target is the stars and the sea, and the land is conquered by him. He only cares about fighting and not governing. As a result, the empire will directly split when he is gone.

The same is true for Genghis Khan, a great hero. It is said that in his heyday, one-third of the entire land was the territory of the Mongolian Empire. Then it was only supported for a few years, and it was torn apart and exploded.

The situation encountered by the Holy Empire of Yilan is almost the same. He can hold the place, but he disappeared for two months and immediately became unstable.

"So what is the solution now?" Linton walked to the main seat above, and Yalan stood up at the right time and let Linton sit down. Linton also quickly glanced around and asked.

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