Linton lowered his head and looked directly in the direction of the lightning strike, but when he looked over, the lightning had already hit its target.

A person in the void was directly knocked out by this exaggerated thunder and lightning, and with a loud noise, the whole person was sent flying out by the huge force.

"???" Linton had a question mark on his face. Who was struck by lightning? He didn't see clearly at all, okay? Tell me carefully, did this thunder strike crookedly? No matter how you think about it, the person who struck you at this time should be you.

The back of the guy struck by lightning was now scorched black, and his clothes and everything had exploded. It is obvious that the power of this thunder is really not small. Because what Linton saw here was a scorched person, and he didn't recognize him for a while until the guy raised his head.

"Should I wipe it?" When the other party raised his head, Linton realized that the person struck by lightning was actually Lu Xing. This once again caused Linton's face to be filled with questions.

Why was this guy struck by lightning? Linton said he really couldn't figure it out. He was the one who deserved to be struck the most. If he took ten thousand steps back, no one could hit Lu Xing.

Of course, Lu Xing was obviously confused at this time. When he stood up, he looked at the sky in disbelief. This time he was not looking at Linton, but looking at the thunderclouds in the sky in a daze.

Obviously, he couldn't figure out why he was struck by lightning. You could call it a thunder tribulation, but he didn't make a breakthrough. And he had an inexplicable feeling that this thunder and lightning was not here to help him, as if... it was indeed preparing to attack him.

"Why?" Lu Xing raised his head and asked, not knowing who he was asking.

"Yes, why?" Linton couldn't help but ask, "Isn't this the wrong person to hit? I asked you to hit me..."

Before he could finish his words, there was another huge thunder in the sky, and an exaggerated huge purple thunder struck down from the sky. Linton just raised his head and realized that the thunder was not coming towards him.

He quickly looked down, and sure enough, the thunder and lightning was still chasing Lu Xing's direction.

Lu Xing here looked at the thunder and lightning, and was stunned for a moment. The next moment, he suddenly mobilized all the spiritual energy in his body, directly forming a spiritual energy shield visible to the naked eye.

This spiritual energy shield is generally invisible, after all, the spiritual energy itself is invisible. But when it is really thick enough to be visible to the naked eye, it is already quite exaggerated.

However, such an exaggerated spiritual energy shield exploded with a "bang" the next moment. This lightning strike directly penetrated the shield composed of spiritual energy, and without even time to react, it struck Lu Xing directly.

There was another huge explosion, and in the smoke and dust, Linton saw a charred figure falling directly forward. Before Linton could understand what was going on, he heard a prompt in his ear: "The battle is over."

"What? What? What? What the hell is this?" Linton exited the form of the Ultimate Intention Gong and looked at the fallen Lu Xing below with a puzzled look on his face.

Obviously the enemy falls and the automatic battle ends, which is really fine. But what's going on? Why was this son of heavenly destiny struck by the thunder of heaven?

Linton could have thought that the first time he hit the wrong person or something, but it was obvious that the second time he hit Lu Xing. There was no such thing as the wrong person. So... what on earth is going on? ah.

Linton now not only looked confused, but also looked uncomfortable.

On the one hand, I was confused because I couldn't understand the situation. I finally managed to get some firepower, but suddenly I interrupted him. Isn't that uncomfortable?

At this time, without the help of Battle Ji, Linton also descended directly and fell back to the ground. The next moment, Linton also stepped forward and directly came to the position of the fallen Lu Xing.

Taking a closer look, Lu Xing's situation here is quite bad. When these two thunderbolts went down, Lu Xing was almost unrecognizable.

His body could be said to be charred black, his skin and flesh were split and turned upside down, and his whole body could even be said to be filled with the smell of meat. The situation can only be described as quite miserable.

Linton scanned it and saw that the person was not dead yet, still breathing, but he would soon.

After hesitating for a moment, Linton quickly raised his right hand and snapped his fingers. A green light flashed, and Lu Xing's body twitched, and then suddenly became unresponsive, still lying on the ground.

"What's going on?" Linton was planning to use the time stone to throw Lu Xing back. He wasn't worried about Lu Xing getting up and continuing to fuck him. He wasn't afraid in the first place. He just wanted to figure this out now. Condition.

However, the time stone didn't work on the other party, which was very strange.

Of course, Lu Xing must have understood the power of law, and the power of law has the effect of resisting the time stone. Linton already knew this.

But the problem is that Lu Xingren has lost consciousness now. Otherwise, this wouldn't indicate the end of the battle, right? Can he still resist the effect of his own time stone without consciousness?

"So... it was not the power of law activated by his own consciousness that resisted my time gem." Linton quickly thought of the only answer.

Looking up at the purple thunder clouds in the sky, Linton raised his hand directly, and just as he was about to launch the beam, the purple clouds in the sky suddenly began to dissipate automatically. Very quickly, they disappeared without a trace in a moment. trace.

Seeing this situation, Linton was stunned for a moment: "Is there really someone interfering? Can this person bring down the Son of Heaven?"

"Or is it the will of Heaven itself?" Suddenly a voice sounded, Linton turned around and saw that it was also an acquaintance.

The old man named Tianxuan appeared next to him at some point, but when Linton saw him, he knew that he was not in a normal state now. He looked like a ghost, floating in the air like a spirit, and he had no breath.

At this time, the phoenix was directly separated from Linton's body, and looked at the old man Tianxuan who appeared strangely: "Isn't Heaven on your side?"

"Yes, isn't this guy the son of destiny? The son of Heaven, why did it kill its own son?" Linton also said.

"Heaven is ruthless, there is no parent-child relationship as you said." Tianxuan said, "It is just executing the will of Heaven and reversing the mistakes of this world. But when the mistakes cannot be reversed, and the more they are corrected, the more serious they are, it naturally loses its use."

"Uh... let me think, you mean that Heaven feels that it can't beat me, so it surrenders directly, right?" Linton thought for a while and asked.

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