I really can't control myself

Chapter 3366 Heavenly Punishment

Just when Linton's side had just thrown out the third qigong bomb, a figure rushed out from an unknown corner again, speeding directly in Linton's direction.

Linton turned around and saw that the person who appeared was Lu Xing. Not only was the opponent's spiritual energy not detected, but the opponent's aura was also detected, but the battle was not over, which meant that the opponent was actively using the ability to hide the aura, and was obviously preparing to counterattack, so Lin suddenly appeared at this time. It's not surprising at all.

Battle Ji also reacted quickly, but just when Linton raised his hand, obviously preparing to counterattack, Lu Xing suddenly raised his hand, as if he was making a pinch. Linton suddenly felt that his body's movement seemed to be hindered by something.

Linton didn't know exactly what the skill was, and he didn't bother to tell. Regardless of whether it was a restraining spell or a skill similar to space confinement, it actually had little effect, because Linton would get rid of it in the next second.

It's not that Battle Ji directly breaks the opponent's technique, but directly adapts to the opponent's skill.

This type of skill can actually be imagined as a gravity chamber. There is no gravity but suddenly you have hundreds of times more gravity. Ordinary people will naturally have to adapt.

But this is nothing to the battle girl, she adapts almost instantly.

But probably Lu Xing here never thought about using such a trick to trap Linton. He just didn't expect Linton to be able to break free so quickly.

But this did not hinder his subsequent attacks, because at this time he had already thrust his sword towards Linton.

This time, Lu Xing gave up the sword energy competition. It was obvious that he had learned from his previous failure experience and was no longer prepared to confront Linton.

Although the direct cutting method is not as versatile and safe as sword energy, it is more effective because it does not give Linton a chance to charge back for a counterattack.

Just like now, if there is a direct attack from here, it is certainly impossible for Linton to charge up a turtle style Qigong to counterattack.

It's just that with this kind of melee attack, Battle Ji is naturally not timid.

Even before Lu Xing could approach, Battle Ji took the initiative to go up. This sudden forward movement surprised Lu Xing, probably because he did not expect such a proactive way of responding.

Linton's left hand Qigong was covered, and he struck directly at the side of the incoming sword. Battle Ji's move was quite subtle, but even Battle Ji underestimated the power of this heavenly weapon.

A strong force came from the sword. Although it was moved, it only changed its position a little.

The next second, the sword stabbed directly into Linton's left upper arm. It actually went in with one strike.

After once again confirming that his attack could hurt Linton, Lu Xing felt happy. Although it didn't hit any vital points this time, since it can hurt you, it can kill you, at least this is Lu Xing's idea.

Linton was also a little surprised by the power of this heavenly weapon. But he obviously didn't feel a sense of crisis. After all, this thing will be his own, so naturally the better it is, the better it will be. Is a sword that can't even kill Saiyans called a sword?

Although if you think about it carefully, it seems that no Saiyan was killed by a sword. Some were killed by planet explosions, and some were killed by energy bombs, but none were killed by swords. Then lower the standard. A sword that can't even kill Frieza is called a sword.

Of course, what Linton thought had nothing to do with what he did. While he was thinking wildly, a punch from his right hand had already hit Lu Xing's face.

Yes, Battle Ji took the initiative to move forward, obviously not to defend against the opponent's attack, but to take the initiative to attack. The left hand is just to attract attention, and the attack of the right hand has gone out at the same time.

With one hit, Lu Xing was shot out again. This time he even lost the sword in his hand.

The sword had just penetrated Linton's body. He originally planned to use the sword as a medium to directly use the sword energy to slash upwards along the wound. However, the next moment he flew away and the sword was directly stuck in Linton's left side. On the arm.

"It still feels so good." Linton sighed. As he spoke, Battle Ji had already pulled out the sword. Of course, the sword wound on Linton's left arm was nothing more than a minor matter.

Of course, some people may have doubts, is the opponent's sword just an ordinary physical attack, won't the sword energy and sword intention invade the body and cause damage?

In fact, there was sword energy and sword intent that invaded Linton's body, but it was resolved in an instant. After all, it is Battle Ji who controls the body now. Linton will not resolve such a thing. If he really encounters it, Linton will probably just cut off his hand to see if he can fix it, but Battle Ji can.

Linton learned A-level aura and couldn't use it, but not only did Battle Ji know it, its aura defense mode was like reactive armor, which was completely different from the solution in the cultivation world.

Of course, this form of solution can only be achieved by someone like Battle Princess. The general situation is like using brute force to crack the password using the exhaustive method. It is a method of casually wasting excess computing power.

"Come on, keep blowing it up for me." Linton didn't know the details. Anyway, he had points to repair his body to get the bottom. Now he just wanted to blow it up casually to see how long this world could last. "Expand the coverage for me." Point, you don’t know how flexible this guy is, you don’t know where the bullet goes, it just explodes everywhere.”

Since Linton said so, the battle girl here obviously won't be polite. With a seal of both hands, the divine robe on Linton's body appeared, and four hands grew directly from his back, and then he began to throw Qigong bombs in all directions.

Anyway, with sufficient magic points, the battle girl will only do more than Linton said.

"Boom", at this moment, a huge thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

Linton looked up and saw that the thunderclouds covered the entire sky again. This situation was just like the scene when the divine weapon was born.

Obviously, this is the Tiandao side to get involved again.

Linton didn't care. After all, the Tiandao had already been personally involved. Now he summoned thunderclouds again. Did he not want to act and was ready to kill himself with the punishment of the sky?

"Come on, come here if you have the guts." Linton shouted without fear. He had made so many oaths to the Tiandao before, but he had never been struck by the punishment of the sky. He really wanted to try how powerful the Tiandao was and whether he could kill him.

With a loud bang, just as Linton finished speaking, thunder really sounded in the sky.

However, it was a little different from what Linton expected. The thunder did not strike him, but struck a position on the ground.

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