Although the two disappeared suddenly, Linton was definitely not in a hurry at all. This person disappeared with Chu Chengwen. Do you think she can run away?

However, it seems that it is really important to take Chu Chengwen with him in this situation. I don’t know what Chu Chengwen can use it for.

As far as Chu Chengwen's current situation is concerned, apart from the jade token worth more than 2 million points, what makes people miss him is his hidden bloodline.

Now of the two bloodlines on his body, only the natural sword body is activated. Except for the display in the store, no one can see the bloodline of ancient Tianlong, not even the well-informed Jian Beixuan.

If it has anything to do with this bloodline, it is probably the plot of activating the bloodline. Then this thing that can activate the bloodline should be worth a lot of points.

It's almost time to play, and it's time to get down to business. After all, although I'm not in a hurry, there are still ten saints waiting in line to die. Linton felt that he couldn't make them wait too hard, so he walked directly into the nearby portal.

On the other side, the demon woman was grabbing Chu Chengwen and running wildly. The cave was a hidden place she had finally found, and she certainly didn't want to leave it if she could. After all, this is within the territory of the human race, and it is also inside the secret realm under the name of Cang Qingshan. Once they find out, your life is small, but the delay will be big.

But the man just now was too weird. In fact, the moment he left, the demon woman still saw Linton's figure and recognized him. But she didn't dare to stay any longer and escaped directly with Chu Chengwen.

She recognized Linton as the one who took the lead among the previous people. Yes, before taking action to kidnap someone, she had of course carefully observed the other team's team before arranging a plan to kidnap the person. From her observation, although there were two people in the Purple Mansion Realm among the previous group, it was the person in the lead who had no aura who gave her the greatest sense of threat.

As a member of the civet family, her senses are very keen, probably due to passive skills such as wild perception. Just like animals are more sensitive to danger, although she couldn't feel Linton's aura, she had already decided that he was the most dangerous one before taking action.

Sure enough, the subsequent situation also proved her guess. This guy was indeed dangerous. Until now, she didn't even know what kind of person he was. At this time, if you have the opportunity, you must run away immediately without looking back.

But at this time, Chu Chengwen also thought of Linton's situation and said directly to the woman: "I say, if you want to escape, just let me go and run away. You can't escape with me."

"Do you have a tracking charm on you? Or a prop?" the demon woman asked immediately.

"This..." Chu Chengwen here stopped talking. Because if he said yes, the woman would have immediately searched her body and asked him to throw it away. But the problem was that Linton didn't know what magic circle was engraved on his arm. If he told the truth, the woman would definitely cut off his hand and throw it away in the next second.

Although he also wanted to be kind, he would definitely not lose his own hand. After thinking about it, Chu Chengwen said: "To be honest, you can't play with that guy at all. You also realized that he is just teasing you, right? If he wants to kill you, you can't resist at all. As far as I know, although he He is very playful, but he also gets bored very quickly. If you have a chance now, you might be able to save your life by leaving quickly."

Perhaps sensing Chu Chengwen's kindness, the demon woman's expression softened slightly and she said, "I have something I need to do. But don't worry, as long as you cooperate with me, I won't harm you. life."

"I would like to cooperate with you, but the problem is that now is not the time for me to choose." Chu Chengwen said, "I would also like to run away if I could. Who wants to stay with that guy, but do I have a choice? ?”

"Were you arrested by him too?" The woman was stunned for a moment.

"Absolutely." Chu Chengwen said, "I'm not a disciple of Cang Qingshan, so he insisted on letting me come here. As long as I dare to resist, forget about not wanting to resist, it's useless." Chu Chengwen said, "Don't run away either. It's really useless. He might appear in front of you in the next second."

There was a sound of braking, and after Chu Chengwen finished speaking, the woman who had been running wildly just now really stopped.

However, Chu Chengwen didn't believe that the other party really did as he said. This demon woman was obviously very hostile and wary of the human race, so she probably wouldn't believe what he said.

There should be only one reason why she stopped now.

Sure enough, he looked forward, and Linton was waiting for them in front of them.

"Are you trying to be a roundworm in my belly?" Linton looked at Chu Chengwen and said, "Are we now seeing through each other? I guess your plot, and you guess my character?"

"In a sense, it's really easy for you to guess. Just guess based on the worst-case scenario." Chu Chengwen said.

"Uh... ok." Linton spread his hands, "As he said, I don't have any patience anymore. Please explain the plot on your side quickly. After finishing it, I still have ten fools to kill. .”

"Don't even think about it!" the woman said immediately.

"Although I don't know what you want to do, it must be done in this secret realm. If you don't tell me, I will blow up this secret realm directly. Your death is the second best thing. No matter how many demon clans are sent in the future, Even if people come, this matter can't be done. Doesn't it matter?" Linton said directly.

"You said you blew up the secret realm? You know..."

"He can do it." Before the woman could finish her words, Chu Chengwen said directly, "Don't worry about how incredible what he said is, but he can do it. Have you forgotten what happened to me just now? Every time this guy involves something that sounds impossible, he can do it."

"Oh, you really want to be a roundworm, don't you?" Linton held his forehead, then turned to the woman, "Don't be so vigilant. Tell me, I'm not here to stop you. If there is something interesting, , I might even go out with you and have a look."

"Huh?" The woman was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, believe him, he likes to do this." Chu Chengwen said again.

"Well..." Chu Chengwen's words seemed to really make the woman hesitate. If Linton said this, the woman would probably not believe it. But Chu Chengwen's side seems to be different. It is probably that the woman really doesn't feel how hostile this man is towards her and is willing to believe his words.

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