I really can't control myself

Chapter 268 Convergence

Although he was a little disturbed by the sudden appearance of the valuables prompt, Linton still made an evasive action and avoided Otsutsuki Kaguya's attack. Of course, part of the reason for this is that Otsutsuki Kaguya herself was also affected by hypergravity, and the speed of the ash bones she shot was obviously much slower.

The moment he dodged the attack, Linton had no time to think too much. The only thing that might be valuable was the arm he had chopped off. Although he didn't know why, he decided to get it first. So he took a step forward, jumped up and grabbed the opponent's arm. Before he landed, Linton suddenly understood what was going on.

According to the rules of this world, the person you defeat can upload the other person's things, such as blood inheritance and the like, in exchange for points. Linton has long known this. However, this must be done by defeating the opponent. You cannot force upload until the opponent falls. Kaguya Otsutsuki hasn't fallen yet, he just cut off one of his hands. Why are there valuables? There is only one answer. The person who was knocked down was not Kaguya Otsutsuki, but... Black Zetsu.

Yes, although there is no sense of presence, there is a third person present, and that is Hei Zetsu. The other party has been inhabiting Kaguya Otsutsuki's body before. Kaguya Otsutsuki can't handle his Kidou attack, and Black Zetsu can't handle it either. Linton estimates that the previous black coffin not only injured Kaguya Otsutsuki. , and directly killed Hei Jue, but he didn't pay attention. After all, there is no "battle over" prompt message from Battle Ji.

The hand he cut off was probably where Hei Jue temporarily resided. Sure enough, the moment Linton touched the hand, he was prompted to upload it. Is there anything more to say? Linton decisively clicked upload.

"The valuable items were successfully uploaded and 1.1 million points were obtained."

"What?" Linton was surprised by the amount of reward points, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be no problem. After all, he had uploaded something from Naruto and Sasuke before, and both sides had more than half a million. The points, if it is the blood of Indra or Asura, then Black Zetsu is the will of Otsutsuki Kaguya, it seems that the points should indeed be higher than theirs.

"No matter how many points there are, let's come on!" Linton was just about to take action, but suddenly Otsutsuki Kaguya's body began to swell, and a large amount of white stuff poured out of her body. Then it quickly turned into a ball.

"What?" Linton looked a little strange at the ball floating in the air, but soon, the white ball changed again, growing a head that looked a bit like a rabbit, and a huge magatama appeared on the rabbit's head. Samsara Eye. Seeing this, Linton probably understood that this was Kaguya Otsutsuki's tailed beast transformation.

"Ouch..." "Oh!" Suddenly the screams of some wild beasts sounded from the body of Otsutsuki Kaguya, who transformed into a tailed beast. I saw that the heads of various animals, such as foxes, were constantly pouring out of the body of this beast-shaped rabbit. , tanuki, etc., of course Linton also knows that these are the heads of tailed beasts. The current situation of Kaguya Otsutsuki seems to be a bit chaotic. It seems that he cannot control the tailed beast in his body, and he feels a little runaway and out of control.

"Is the injury too severe? Or is it a blow to the soul?" Linton was watching, when suddenly the space next to him was distorted, and Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and others came out of a space door directly.

"Linton, I found you." Kakashi said. When Linton and Kaguya Otsutsuki fought, the scene changed several times, and it was not the original place. Fortunately, they could still find it.

"Where's that guy?" Naruto asked, of course he was asking about Kaguya Otsutsuki.

"Uh... you may not believe it, but look at that thing above." Linton pointed at the indescribable thing in the sky and said.

"What kind of weird thing is this?" Naruto was stunned.

"Look carefully, he has the face of a tailed beast." Sasuke said, "It should be Kaguya Otsutsuki. After all, she absorbed the power of the tailed beast before, but now it seems that she can't control it."

"It feels very dangerous to me." Although Naruto has never seen this thing, his sense is very keen and he knows that this thing is very troublesome.

"Even so, I feel that the current situation makes it easier to seal her." Sasuke said.

"Come on, Sasuke!" Naruto said, "Now is your chance."

The two of them were about to step forward when suddenly a large number of white arm-like things emerged from the tailed beast in front of them, Otsutsuki Kaguya, and then suddenly stretched out and grabbed at everyone. Naruto sensed the danger at the first moment and did not choose to block, but directly dodged the attack.

"Sasuke! Don't touch these arms." Naruto shouted, "They will be eaten by them the moment you touch them."

"I know." Sasuke also felt it and was also dodging the opponent's arm attack. But there were so many of these arms and their speed was so amazing that they made several people very embarrassed.

"How did you fight this kind of monster before?" Sasuke dodged and came to Linton, wanting to ask Linton what fighting skills he had, and what the monster was afraid of.

"How to fight? Of course... just face to face." After Linton said that, he raised the knife forward and said, "Watch it."

At this moment, a big white hand smacked in their direction. Sasuke immediately dodged as before, but the moment he dodged, he saw Linton still standing there: "What are you doing? Get out of the way!" "

Linton ignored Sasuke, looked at the big hand that came over, and said calmly: "Swastika... Tiansuo Zangetsu!"

Suddenly, a black light shot out from Linton's body. A black coat suddenly appeared on Linton's body, and the sword in his hand quickly changed into the shape of a black samurai sword. Huge spiritual pressure surged out, actually blocking the big hand that came over. At this moment, Linton raised his sword and swung it forward.

"Crescent Moon Chong!"

Something like black sword energy flew out along with Linton's swing, splitting the huge white palm in two in an instant. The sword energy flowed all the way up the palm and flew directly to the body of Kaguya Otsutsuki who had transformed into a tailed beast.

With a "swish" sound, a huge crack appeared in the middle of the huge white balloon-like tailed beast's body, and the entire ball was almost cut in half. Seeing this exaggerated scene, the few people who were hiding couldn't help but They all stopped. But at this time, the white arms attacking them also stopped, and the tailed beast Kaguya Otsutsuki seemed to be motionless.

"It's really a monster battle..." Kakashi couldn't help but say, "This guy is really exaggerating."

"This attack..." Sasuke also noticed that Linton's attack seemed to have nothing to do with chakra. His slashes were not ninjutsu slashes, but some strange energy. Although Linton had used it in front of Sasuke several times before, Sasuke discovered something different this time.

"Sasuke, what a chance!" Naruto didn't think so much. Seeing that the other party had lost his reaction, he quickly shouted to Sasuke, and at the same time he rushed forward directly.

"Understood!" Although Sasuke was a little confused, now was indeed an opportunity and he couldn't miss it, so he rushed directly upwards.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, were preparing to directly seal Kaguya Otsutsuki. As a result, a strange scream suddenly sounded from the sky, and the loud sound made everyone's ears hurt. The tailed beast Kaguya, who almost turned into two halves, also began to change again. Her body twisted and closed, and then after a period of transformation, a giant black sphere appeared in her body, which burst the outer tailed beast's coat. The body of Otsutsuki Kaguya also split from the black sphere and appeared in front of everyone again.

"This thing feels the same as the ball behind my back." Naruto immediately discovered what the black ball was. It should be a huge Jade of Seeking Dao.

"It's still expanding...it's not good." Sasuke also said.

"With such a size, the divine power cannot be transferred." Kakashi said, "We cannot let it continue to expand, otherwise the entire space may be crushed."

"Sasuke, seal her!" Naruto shouted and rushed forward again towards the huge seeking jade. Sasuke nodded and followed directly.

"Seal... As long as one of you is killed, the seal will not be successful." Kaguya Otsutsuki also saw through the situation of the two of them and aimed directly at Naruto, shooting the ashes towards him.

"Naruto!" Sakura screamed nervously from below.

"Kamui!" Fortunately, even if Kakashi reacted, a Kamui directly removed the ashes that shot towards Naruto. However, Otsutsuki Kaguya had another trick, she summoned a piece of bone again, and she still aimed at Naruto. However, just when she was about to take action, she suddenly felt a pain in her chest.

"What?" Kaguya Otsutsuki looked up, only to find that Linton had arrived in front of her at some point, and a black blade pierced her chest directly. What happened to the other party? She had been paying attention to Linton, so she had to pay attention to him. However, he was still on the ground a second ago, and suddenly he teleported in front of her. How did she do it?

Of course Otsutsuki Kaguya couldn't imagine how fast the Eight Gate Dunjia plus Tiansuo Zangetsu would be, so fast that it was almost as fast as opening the Eight Gates. This blow filled with spiritual pressure was not something Otsutsuki Kaguya could block. Because according to the Shinigami, if your spiritual pressure is higher than the opponent's, the opponent cannot cut you and can block the attack with your fingers. However, Otsutsuki Kaguya has no spiritual pressure at all, even if she is a chakra master. Even his mother couldn't block Linton's attack.

"You guy..." Kaguya Otsutsuki grabbed Linton's knife with one hand and looked at Linton angrily.

"Incompetent and furious is okay." Linton smiled, "Good night, you old man."

After saying that, Naruto and Sasuke's hands happened to be printed on the left and right of Otsutsuki Kaguya.

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