I really can't control myself

Chapter 267 Targeting

"Ye Kai!" The red dragon roared again. Linton's kick directly hit Otsutsuki Kaguya's abdomen. The opponent flew up in the air, smashed through two huge rocks, and landed on the ground, causing another small explosion. . I have to say that the effect of destroying the terrain is pretty good, but what about the actual impact?

If an ordinary person were attacked like this, they would naturally die a long time ago. Even Madara couldn't withstand such an attack. He was almost beaten to death by Linton before, but Kaguya Otsutsuki is not an ordinary person. Sure enough, not long after, Linton saw the other party floating again.

The blow was effective, as evidenced by the opponent starting to pant, but the problem was that the effect... was still limited. Here are two things that are more difficult to deal with with Kaguya Otsutsuki. First, the opponent is the mother of chakra, so all chakra attacks are ineffective. Ninjutsu can be absorbed directly. Yin-Yang Escape It is also estimated that the attack has extremely high resistance, which means that the only ones that can cause damage are physical and magical arts.

But on the other hand, this guy is a rogue. This guy has a truly immortal body. It can be said that no method can kill her. The method used by Liudao is also a seal. Therefore, although Linton's attack can be effective, it is impossible to kill her. The opponent can recover after taking a few breaths.

The problem now is that although Linton can open eight doors, he needs to use points to repair his body every time he opens it. This is also a big expense. Linton has spent more than 50,000 before and after the fight. I already have points, and it’s not impossible if I continue to spend them like this, but I still feel like I’m at a bit of a loss.

While Linton was thinking about what to do, Kaguya Otsutsuki across from him suddenly touched his body with his hand, and then his body seemed to emit some light. Although Linton didn't know what technique the other party used, he could feel that the other party seemed to be healing his own body. That was very strange. Why was the other party healing himself? Isn't this immortal? ?

With a jolt, Linton suddenly understood. In addition to the physical skills that caused effective damage, there was also the domineering power of one's own weapons. This is a part that the opponent doesn't understand at all, and it's not chakra. It may be that after the armed haki enters the opponent's body, the opponent can't process it, so what kind of technique is used to expel this energy from the body? She herself seemed to have mentioned this problem before, so as an aggregate of chakra, she is not good at dealing with this?

"If that's the case..." Linton thought it would be better to give it a try, so he directly raised his hand and pointed his finger at Kaguya Kirigaki in the air, "Breaking Path No. 4. White Thunder."

A white light flashed. White thunder was a skill that was not very powerful. However, Otsutsuki Kaguya in the air directly made a dodge action without choosing any skills to block. Seeing that the other party seemed a little apprehensive, Linton suddenly felt that his guess was correct. The other party seemed very cautious about skills that he did not understand, so it might actually have some effect.

While Linton was thinking about it, Otsutsuki Kaguya had already avoided Bai Lei's attack and rushed towards Linton at a close distance. Of course Linton understood what the other party meant. He had already exited the eight-door state, and the other party had also discovered it. He chose melee combat because of his divine power. Long-range attacks had almost no effect and he could dodge them. In melee combat, As long as he's fast enough, he might not even have the reaction time to use his divine power to dodge.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's speed is indeed very fast. If he didn't use the Eight Gate Dungeon, Linton felt that his speed would definitely not be as fast as hers. But it's not to the point where Linton can't react. Isn't it because he still has the help of knowledge and sex?

"Six sticks of light." Suddenly Linton waved his hand, and Kaguya Otsutsuki in the air was directly pinned to the spot by six beams of light. This effect is a bit beyond Linton's imagination, and it is so successful. It seems that the saying that every other line is like a mountain is really true. Although Otsutsuki Kaguya is very strong, she is really not good at dealing with things she doesn't understand. .

"What is this?" Otsutsuki Kaguya was frozen in place and couldn't get out for a while, she said to Linton in surprise.

"Have you heard the motto of our Uchiha family? Vision determines realm. I really think highly of you. If you think about it carefully, you are just a frog in the well of this world." Linton said.

"Is it really...an ability from another world?" Kaguya Otsutsuki said, "So, you are indeed from another world."

"Do you still believe it now?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

"It is indeed a very strange ability, but with this alone, do you want to be an enemy of me?" As he said that, Otsutsuki Kaguya began to struggle, and the six-stick light prison also began to glow, looking like It's the feeling of being broken. I don’t know whether it was because Kaguya Otsutsuki forced herself to explode or because she started to understand spiritual power.

After all, this is a super boss, so it is not impossible for him to slowly get used to the weapon color or spiritual pressure during the battle. Faced with such an unreasonable person, Linton did not dare to waste time casually. So before the other party could break free, Linton directly raised his hand and said: "The waves of filth, the boat of madness; boiling! numb! flickering! sleepless; the princess of steel also erodes, the clay doll also collapses; gather ! Confront the enemy! Flood the ground to make them aware of their powerlessness! The Ninety-Ninety Black Coffins of the Broken Path!"

This is the first time Linton has used the chanting version of Kidou skills. Although he does not need to chant to use Kidou, he has always felt that chanting is useless. After all, it takes too long and is not as flexible as the instant one. But the current situation is Especially suitable. Sure enough, there is a clear difference between the chanted ghost path and the broken ghost path. It can be seen from the magic consumption alone that the power of this shot should be very strong.

The next second, Kaguya Otsutsuki in front was suddenly wrapped in a black cube. The scale of this black coffin even surprised Linton. And the black cube didn't last very long. After a second, the black coffin was removed. Kaguya Otsutsuki inside looked at Linton in surprise. Then, suddenly, his whole body seemed to have been slashed, and he sprayed. A lot of blood was shed.

With a "plop", Kaguya Otsutsuki knelt down. Linton also looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki with some surprise. The opponent actually spurted blood? However, if you think about it carefully, Otsutsuki Kaguya is just an ordinary person. After eating the fruit of the sacred tree, she does not really become a god. She is just regarded as a god in this chakra-based world.

As expected by Linton, although there were many wounds on the opponent's body, they quickly began to heal, and almost instantly the injuries were no longer visible. However, Otsutsuki Kaguya's expression was still very painful, even a little ferocious.

"What kind of ability is this...why can it hurt me..." Kaguya Otsutsuki looked at his wound in surprise. However, the wound had already healed, but why could the pain not be eliminated? It seemed that he was still injured. .

"I see, is the attack on the soul effective?" Linton roughly understood, "Since the attack on the soul is very effective, then focus on this aspect to attack."

I quickly scanned my store and found that the Death God had gotten quite a lot of skills before, but I basically didn't buy them because I didn't have points after all. And I don’t have many things I can buy with my current points. First of all, I can’t afford a swastika sword. When I uploaded it before, it was clearly worth hundreds of thousands of points. Now I want to buy it. It takes 1 million points to reach the A-level liberation swastika. . Linton now only has enough to buy a B-level one, which is the first solution, which requires 100,000 points.

"It's really... troublesome." There was no time for Linton to plan carefully. After all, the opportunity now was the best one. He quickly attacked Otsutsuki Kaguya before he could recover. So after thinking about it, Linton directly bought three things. One was B-level spiritual pressure, 100,000 points; the second was B-level blur, 100,000 points; and the third was a Zanpakutō. From all aspects After thinking about it, Linton chose the one that seemed to be the most powerful one (of course among the people he had defeated, Aizen and the old man didn't win), the protagonist's sword, Zangetsu.

"Come on!" After finishing shopping, Linton took out a big knife directly from the void, burst out his spiritual pressure, and rushed towards Kaguya Otsutsuki who had not yet stood up. At this time, a virtual mask also appeared on his face. Maybe because this skill was obtained by Ichigo, his mask is somewhat similar to Ichigo's.

Otsutsuki Kaguya felt something was wrong. She had no idea what skills the other party was using, but the previous situation had made her understand that Linton's ability had an effect on her. When she saw the other party rushing towards her, she waved her hand and surrounded her. The scene suddenly changed.

"Hmm..." Linton felt it instantly, as if his body was suddenly pressed down by a heavy object, and he fell to the ground. After having read the original work, Linton immediately understood: "Super gravity space? Open the Eight Gate Dunjia!"

Because he was running out of points after shopping, Linton did not open the eighth door directly. He opened the seventh door. A large amount of blue steam spurted out from his body. He put one hand on the ground and did a forward somersault. When his feet landed on the ground, he did a teleportation step. He came to Kaguya Otsutsuki and stabbed him in the head.

"But..." Kaguya Otsutsuki actually reacted and dodged slightly to the side. Linton slashed with his sword. Kaguya Otsutsuki's left hand separated from his body and was chopped off by Linton.

"You..." Seeing that his left hand was chopped off, Otsutsuki Kaguya looked ferocious, stretched out his right hand, and shot the ashes towards Linton. Linton was suddenly stunned for a moment, because at the moment he cut off Otsutsuki Kaguya's left hand, he actually heard the system prompt.

“If you find valuable items, you can upload them to get points.”

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