I really can't control myself

Chapter 2587 Provocation

After knowing the girl's name, Linton naturally knew what kind of world this was.

Linton is quite familiar with the animation Saint Seiya. I was a little worried before that Asuna didn't come with her. If she encountered a world she wasn't familiar with, it would be very troublesome. Although she brought a tool man who could be an intelligence collector, she would never be better than Asuna. Na works well.

But now, obviously there is no need to worry about this aspect. Although I can’t say that I can remember every detail of this animation clearly, but at least Linton definitely remembers the world view and the main plot. After all, the plot of this animation is not complicated, and it is the creator of the classic save the goddess routine.

Although it went smoothly to figure out what kind of world this was, the actions of Kido Saori or Athena here really surprised Linton. It was surprising enough to come directly to negotiate, and he admitted his identity straight away. He probably wasn't provoking. Linton still knew something about Saori Kido's character, and the other party was not that kind of person.

"In Lower Linton, the initiator of this invasion." Linton also introduced himself, "As you know, my purpose of coming here this time is to occupy and rule this world. Please give me your advice."

"What?" Upon hearing Linton's self-introduction, Kido Saori's expression did not change much. He had obviously known about this situation for a long time. But the expressions of the three men following her changed drastically.

Linton only noticed the three people at this time. After all, his attention was indeed focused on Kido Saori at the beginning, but after knowing what kind of world this was, he paid attention to the three people behind him who he thought were bodyguards before.

These three people are quite impressive, and they are definitely not ordinary people. Before, Linton thought they were just ordinary thugs, but now that he knew it was the world of Saint Seiya and looked at these three people, he suddenly guessed their identities. After all, she is the goddess Athena. Even if she is operating in the city of Athens, she cannot be without someone to protect her, and the person who protects Athena is obviously the Saint Seiya.

The identities of the three Saints who followed Athena were pretty easy to identify. After looking at each other for a while, Linton recognized that these three were the Leo Golden Saint Aiolia and the Scorpio Golden Saint. Milo, and Aries Golden Saint Mu. The main reason is that the three of them are all wearing black suits, so Linton still needs a moment to recognize them. If they are wearing holy clothes, Linton guarantees that he will recognize them instantly.

Judging from the performance of the three, Athena did not seem to tell them everything about the invasion. But when you think about it, it’s not surprising. Athena is the classic Riddler. Anyway, I know everything, but I just won’t say it. Even in the original work, nothing was said about the suicide, and it was former Pope Shion who explained it one by one.

"Lord Athena, could this be what you said before, a crisis more serious than the recovery of the Demon Star?" At this time, Mu here suddenly seemed to have thought of something and said to Kido Saori.

"What?" Aiolia and Milo next to them were stunned again, and they also remembered what Athena mentioned before. At that time, when they saw Athena's sad face, they thought it was because of the resurgence of the Demon Star and the Holy War that occurred once in more than 200 years. However, Athena told them that this matter was a greater crisis than the resurgence of the Demon Star.

However, Athena did not inform them of the specific situation, which made Milo and Aiolia not even pay much attention to the matter. After all, the Holy War was what they felt they should be more worried about. Only Mu has always believed that Athena would not talk nonsense. He has been worried about this matter for several days. Although he didn't know what happened today, he always had some bad premonitions until he saw Linton in front of him. , suddenly he felt that these bad premonitions were about to become a reality.

Obviously Mu's senses are quite keen. From the beginning, he noticed something strange about Linton here. There was definitely something wrong with this guy. Although there is no sense of a small universe from his body, this person... doesn't know why it gives him a dangerous feeling.

Yes, the small universe itself is an extension of the sixth sense. Although there is no evidence, Mu can feel danger. This feeling was also confirmed after the conversation between Kido Saori and Linton, so he immediately guessed that it should be what Athena said before.

"Is this guy a crisis?" Leo Aiolia here looked at Linton and said with a little disdain, "In that case, I will resolve this crisis today."

I have to say that this guy is really a bit reckless. After saying this, he was ready to take action directly. Of course, Kido Saori next to him immediately said: "Stop! Aiolia!"

"Well..." Aiolia here did stop. After all, this was an order from the Temple of the Goddess. The hand he had just clenched froze in place before he could lift it.

"Uh... here you have one of the good guys and the other of the bad guys?" Linton waved his hand indifferently, "I can do it too, Wanda..."

"Uh...huh?" Wanda next to her looked at Linton with a puzzled look.

Linton turned around and looked at Wanda, but Wanda here still looked at Linton with a puzzled face, meaning what did you want me to do?

"Tacit understanding? Tacit understanding? You should move." Linton shouted.

"What on earth is this... going to do?" Wanda asked.

"Isn't there already a prototype in front of you? Can't you just follow his example and be done with it?" Linton said.

"Him?" Wanda asked, pointing at Aiolia.

"Hurry." Linton said.

"Then... okay." Wanda looked at the four people in front of her. She didn't know their identities at this time, but they should be enemies. After thinking for a while, he said: "Are these guys the enemies this time? If so, I will deal with the enemies today."

"Stop, Wanda!" Linton here stretched out his hand to stop him, and then nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, the play is good, and it really feels like a real person acting. Asuna's expressionless face doesn't fit in at all. The guy who is acting too much."

"You're kidding me!" Aiolia, who had just been stopped here, was about to explode. Linton was obviously laughing at him.

"Yes, I'm just kidding you." Linton nodded, then pointed to his head, "Don't you want to do something? Come on, come on, hit me here."


"Aiolia!" Seeing that Aiolia wanted to take action again, Kido Saori shouted again.

"Don't interfere, let him do it, otherwise we will stop talking." Linton stopped Kido Saori and said.

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