I really can't control myself

Chapter 2586 New World

Facts have proved that what Linton said was absolutely correct. Wanda had a lively chat with three young guys at the table next to her, and within ten minutes she asked about the entire situation.

When Wanda returned to Linton's table, the three young men here looked at Linton with melancholy expressions of envy and jealousy.

"This is...Athens, Greece." Wanda, who came back, directly explained the results of the investigation to Linton, her expression looking a little strange.

"Huh? Again?" Linton was a little stunned. Apparently he was also a little stunned. After all...he had just been to Greece in this first world, so he didn't enter the wrong door. But after thinking about it, Greece over there had experienced a war, and it was probably all destroyed. Moreover, it was still the age of the gods over there, while this is modern, and it is definitely not the same world.

However, the landing position of the system has generally not been too far away from the main line. Since the two of them were thrown to Greece, it was obviously a hint.

Now that it's all about Greece, Linton probably guessed what enemy he was going to face. I just can't figure it out. Why does this president named Yang like Greek gods so much? Why did you choose so many worlds related to Greek gods, two out of three.

But it is true that there are many worlds where Greek gods appear, and you can take part in any place. For example, there are actually Greek gods in the Marvel world, but Linton has never encountered them before.

"Are you going to kill the gods again?" Linton said while eating.

"But after I asked about it, this world seems to be a very normal world, similar to ours. The countries are basically similar, but there are no superheroes or alien invasions." Wanda said.

"There must be some, but most people just don't know about it." Linton said, "Are you hungry?"

"Uh... I'm not hungry at the moment." Wanda said. Anyway, she really just came here after eating and she wasn't hungry at all.

"Then go and commit suicide." Linton waved his hand and said, "Just do some damage and see if anyone comes to your door."

"..." Wanda here didn't know what to say.

"Wait, wait a minute, the dishes ordered here haven't been served yet. Let's wait for them to arrive before we start. Otherwise, the boss will run away and there will be no one to cook." Linton thought for a while and then said.

"Can I send the beholder to do this?" Wanda here asked.

"Can summoning be used here?" Linton was a little surprised. After all, according to what he knew, although Wanda could summon monsters, she did not create monsters, but summoned monsters from another space. Now that the world has changed, can she still pull the monster out directly?

"It should be...no problem." Wanda said.

Linton thought about it and didn't know whether it was a modification after changing his identity or a direct modification on Wanda's part. Yes, Wanda has the ability to directly modify reality, similar to the situation with the Reality Stone. Even if there were no monsters in this world, it was normal for her to say that there were.

In this regard, even Linton, who owns a handful of Reality Stones, is not as good as Wanda. After all, he doesn't know how to use the Reality Stones and basically can only use them to print cards. As for Wanda, she may not fully understand how talented she is in this area.

"This thing is for you." Linton thought for a moment and handed Wanda a Reality Stone directly. After all, he had a lot of them in his hands now. Although I remember correctly, Wanda had an entanglement with the Mind Stone in the original work, but I always felt that the other party was more suitable for the abilities of the Reality Stone.

"This is... an infinite stone?" Wanda naturally recognized this familiar thing. In her eyes, it was naturally a very precious thing. She didn't know that Linton sold it wholesale for the time being.

"Play with it, it should match you very well." Linton said.

"..." Wanda took the Reality Stone here and handed it to her directly. Don't she worry about what she will do? However, if you think about Linton's ability carefully, the opponent is probably really not afraid. Even Wanda, who is at such a perverted level, really doesn't dare to do anything now.

After sitting for a while, I was naturally waiting for the restaurant owner to serve the food. Although Linton ordered a lot, because there were not many customers, he didn't have to wait long, and soon the tables here were full.

"All ready?" Linton looked at the boss next to him and asked.

"Well, it's all here. I didn't expect to meet a real big eater. Are you Japanese? Chinese? Hanguo?" This restaurant is not big, and the dishes are all cooked by the boss himself, because There are not many customers now, and everything is ready. The boss is still planning to chat with Linton for a while. After all, Linton has a lot of things, and this single order can cover his daily turnover.

"The food is well made. Since you are a good cook, I want to remind you one thing." Linton said while eating, "There may be monsters nearby in a while. If you run away now, you might still have time." "

"Monster? Is it the one in Japanese movies? Dinosaurs or something like that?" Naturally, the restaurant owner here took it as a joke. At this time, he probably decided that Linton was a Japanese, and he seemed to be a monster. As a lover of movies, I took the opportunity to chat with Linton about monster movies.

"Yeah, it's great like Godzilla, but it's a tentacle monster." Linton nodded and looked at Wanda next to him, "Magical girls love tentacles. The ancients never deceived me..."

"Uh..." Wanda looked like she didn't know what to say again.

"You're complaining!" Linton yelled directly.

"But I can't control what it looks like." Wanda explained.

"An honest man actually came here..." Linton held up his forehead, "Okay, let's get to work anyway."

Wanda nodded, and then looked at the boss next to her who was still chatting happily with Linton. You see, this is the scary thing about Linton. Sometimes he really doesn't behave like a human being at all.

But she didn't think she was a messenger of justice, so she got up and got ready to work. But just when she got up, a black car suddenly stopped in front of the restaurant.

Wanda quickly noticed the car that stopped suddenly. It was obvious that there was something wrong with the car. Not only did she notice this, but the boss here felt something was wrong.

Although I can't tell what brand this car is, looking at the body and texture, I can tell it's not a cheap car, it's definitely a super luxury car. Obviously, those who can sit on it must be super rich people. But the restaurant Linton was in was obviously not a restaurant that rich people of this level would patronize. Although it was good, it was just a fly restaurant, but this car parked directly in front of the restaurant, probably... You're not here to eat.

Since we are not here to eat, there is obviously something wrong. As for the few customers currently in the restaurant, their table is probably the only one they can find.

Wanda immediately became vigilant. At this time, the car here had already parked, and three men who looked very strong got out of the car. They were all wearing black coats and looked like they should be bodyguards.

One of them walked to the back seat, opened the door, and carefully protected his head. Soon, the rear door opened, and a long-haired beauty walked out of the car. Her appearance stunned everyone present.

Everyone looked at the girl who appeared in front of them in surprise, but there was no evil feeling in their eyes.

It's not that this girl isn't beautiful, on the contrary, this girl is quite attractive, and her beauty is simply astonishing. But the look in the eyes of all the men present when they saw her was not like looking at prey at all, but a hint of reverence in their eyes.

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, this girl seemed to be emitting a divine light. The first reaction when people saw her was to worship her, not to blaspheme her. This emotion even made them ignore the beauty of the girl, and their hearts were filled with clarity.

Obviously something was wrong, and Linton certainly noticed something was wrong. So obviously this girl came to find them, and if she appeared at this time, she might be a member of the opposite guild.

Because she was sitting outside, the girl here saw Linton inside as soon as she got off the car. The two sides' eyes met, and Linton knew that they had probably figured out each other's identities. It seems that the other party should know about the invasion. Even if it is not a team member, it is someone sent by the team members.

This is of course a good thing. Linton wants this effect, and he is worried that the other party's people will not come to him. Now that he has taken the initiative to deliver it, it is naturally a good thing. Even if she is not a team member, I can still find the other party through her, and I feel stable all of a sudden.

Linton continued to eat, waiting for the other party to serve it himself. Sure enough, the girl here also quickly walked into the restaurant and came directly to Linton's table.

"Miss..., may I ask..." The boss here saw the other party walking in and took the initiative to ask. At this time, he seemed a little embarrassed in his fifties. Of course, it didn't mean that, but it felt like an idol suddenly came to your house and you didn't know how to entertain him.

"I know this gentleman." The girl here said directly.

"Oh, in this case, you guys chat, you guys chat." The boss here understood the situation and quickly nodded and left. He didn't know why when he saw the girl's polite smile, he felt as if he had strength all over his body.

"Hello, sir." The girl here also sat down directly in front of Linton, and her three bodyguards stood directly behind her.

Before Linton here could reply, the girl here spoke again: "My name is Kido Saori, and I am one of the defenders in this invasion."

"Oh?" This actually surprised Linton. Could he be so direct?

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