Ying, who was in the cell at this moment, seemed to suddenly realize that he was in trouble.

When he was arrested two days ago, Ying here was still confused. Under what circumstances did you get caught?

It was not an agreement with General Lei and Lightning before, but under the witness of Liyue, the eye-hunting order was abolished. They sent General Lei and Lightning back, and the two sides shook hands and made peace. Isn't this good for everyone? The people in Liyue here also agreed to this, and everything went smoothly.

Linton left this matter to Ying, and she was really taking it seriously. Whether it was Liyue or General Lei Dian, she personally talked to each other and settled the matter.

In her opinion, this matter should be coming to a perfect end soon. The general here has abolished the Eye Hunting Order, and the civil war in Daozhu has ended. With Liyue as a witness, this is sure to happen.

However, at the most critical moment, something happened. It was originally agreed that the general would come to sign the contract that day, but General Raiden did not come. A large number of shogunate soldiers directly surrounded the peace negotiation site.

Ying didn't understand the situation at that time, and she didn't know that General Thunder and Lightning didn't come at all. She felt that these soldiers were just to protect the general's safety. But they didn't expect that the other party would take action suddenly, and the army immediately began to attack them.

Because they were originally here to sign a contract, there were not many people on the resistance side, but the shogunate army was overwhelmingly large, and they were caught off guard, so there was little resistance on the resistance side. A few users of the God's Eye were quite capable of fighting, but in order to cover the retreat of others, their physical strength was finally exhausted and many people were captured, including herself of course.

Ying really didn't expect that General Lei and Lightning would actually fall out on the spot. He would let the army surround them and launch an attack in surprise when he returned. At this moment, she remembered what Linton said before. Could it be that she trusted others too easily?

At this time, Ying just felt a little angry, mainly against General Thunder. What she wanted to do was to quickly regain her strength and find a way to escape from the prison. After all, there was nothing she could do here.

However, before she could start her escape plan, the general unexpectedly summoned her directly.

Ying also wanted to question the general why he suddenly broke his promise, so he was taken to see General Thunder. But what she didn't expect was that in addition to General Thunder, she also saw several acquaintances whom she had met in Liyue before, such as Ning Guang and even Zhong Li. Of course, Keqing, who was arrested with her before, was also there, but the two of them were locked in different cells before, and they didn't see each other.

Of course, what was very strange was that Linton was also there, sitting next to General Thunder. This... isn't Linton the leader of the resistance? Why are you sitting next to the shogun? He was detained for only two days. What happened here?

Before the people here could figure out the situation, someone spoke first, and this person was Ke Qing: "It's her, she asked me to be the middleman."

"Is it you? Traveler Ying." Ning Guang looked at Ying and asked, "Did you do it?"

"Uh...I did it." Although Ying didn't know what was going on, she still nodded. She was indeed the one who asked Ke Qing to be the intermediary. There was nothing wrong with this.

"Well, Your Highness General, you have also heard that this person is not from Liyue, and she tricked Ke Qing into being the middleman. The purpose is to drag us into Liyue and provoke a war between our two countries..." Ning Guang said directly to General Thunder.

"What?" Ying here looked confused. What did you mean? Start a war between the two countries yourself? What's going on? My purpose is obviously to end the war. To end Inazuma's civil war, why did he become an instigator?

"Traveler Ying, I really didn't expect that you would have such a purpose. What you did before was just to deceive us into trusting you." Ning Guang said directly to Ying.

"What? I have never done such a thing." Ying here said immediately.

"Yeah, I wouldn't do such a thing." Paimon next to him said immediately even though he didn't know what was going on.

"But you just admitted that you asked Keqing to be the middleman, right?" Ningguang said.

"Yes, this is indeed what I did." Ying nodded, "But it was just to bear witness to the cancellation of the Eye Hunting Order."

"Why do we, Liyue, bear witness to this?" Ningguang asked, "Whether or not the Eye Hunting Order is actually implemented is Dao's wife's internal affairs. You defrauded our trust and put pressure on the general through us, Liyue, under the guise of We, Liyue, are interfering in Dao Qi’s internal affairs, what are your... intentions?"

"Is this...is this true?" The person here really didn't understand that this involved interference in other countries' internal affairs, but he immediately said, "I just want the general to abolish the Eye Hunting Order, because this has already It led to multiple tragedies.”

"Now the General is preparing to declare war on us, Liyue, and this is the consequence you have caused." Ningguang said directly, "First, you forced the General to accept your opinion, and then dragged us, Liyue, into the water. You are doing this one after another. The conspiracy is obviously to subvert our two countries."

"I...I'm not, I didn't think so." Ying here said immediately.

"I advise you to explain your conspiracy clearly, because this matter has already led to serious consequences." Ningguang here said, "Currently, it seems that there are only two possibilities for this matter. One, This is your personal conspiracy, the purpose is to subvert our two countries. The other one, this is our Liyue conspiracy, we are interfering in Daozhi's internal affairs, and you are just the person we Liyue pushed out to fight against crime."

"If it's the former, then it's your personal matter. But if it's the latter, then our two countries have to go back and prepare for war now." Ningguang continued, "I don't know which one His Highness the General will believe, but it must be One of them. Although I know that our Liyue is innocent, there is no way to prove it now. I can only listen to your confession. Do you...understand?"

At this moment, Ying finally understood. At present, this matter has caused a serious diplomatic incident, and someone must come out to resist this matter. If you admit it to yourself, then it is your own personal behavior, and at most you will suffer disaster. If he doesn't admit it, General Leiden will probably think that this is Liyue's conspiracy, that is, the two countries will go to war directly.

Ying suddenly felt a chill running down her spine at this moment. Did Ningguang already know that this incident was not intentional at all, but in order to solve this diplomatic incident, he directly let himself take the blame?

This situation made me a little confused. Why did it suddenly become like this? What went wrong?

"Why are you... hesitating?" Linton's voice suddenly came, "According to my understanding of you, you shouldn't say anything directly at this time. This has nothing to do with me. How do you love each other? If you want to fight, just fight, right? After all, from the beginning, you are someone who refuses to take any responsibility."

"You..." Ying suddenly came to her senses at this moment, and she suddenly figured out what went wrong. Wasn't it a matter between the shogunate army and the resistance army from the beginning? Why did it suddenly become a matter between Daozhu and Liyue? Is there a rebel force among them? Where did they go? Why is Linton here now?

"Why are you here?" The screenwriter here felt that Linton obviously had something wrong and asked directly.

"I've been recruited." Linton spread his hands and said, "Now I'll just make a living with the general."

"Huh? What about the resistance forces?" Ying asked directly before she could react.

"Then I have been recruited, and the rebels must have been recruited as well." Linton spread his hands and said, "Now we are all regular troops who eat imperial food."

"Uh...but what about the Eye Hunting Order?" Ying asked.

"The Eye Hunting Order is great. It is a good policy. Of course we will support it. I, Linton, fully support the Eye Hunting Order. Whoever opposes it will be worried about me." Linton said.

"This...but you are the resistance army." Ying here said subconsciously.

"Look, you've exposed yourself." Linton pointed to the screen here and said.

"Telling horse's feet?" Ying was a little confused, what did this mean.

"Look, now that we have been recruited and the civil war is over, there are people who can't sit still." Linton took a step forward and said, "There are people who just don't want to see peace in Rice Wife. Sure enough, when I said that we were Recruitment, who is the most anxious person? So this person's purpose has always been to provoke a war, and she will run wherever there is an opportunity. From the beginning, I felt that this was her purpose."

"Me?" Ying realized at this moment, "I'm not. I mean, the Eye Hunting Order has caused so many people's tragedies. Even if the resistance army joins the shogunate at this time, the matter has not been fundamentally solved. It will happen again in the future. There are many more people who have suffered tragedies because of the Eye Hunting Order."

"Well, so what you mean is that our resistance army will come out now and fight to the death with the shogunate army?" Linton asked, "I think what you said makes sense, I will lead my people to start another war. "

"No...it's not." Ying said quickly.

"Then what do you mean? Just tell us what we should do now. As long as you are willing to take responsibility for what you say, I will listen to you. If you say fight, I will rebel on the spot." Linton said.

"That's not what I meant!" Ying said quickly.

"Then what do you mean?" Linton expressed a headache. "Speak clearly, I can't understand you."

"I...I..." Ying said that she couldn't explain clearly, and it didn't feel right no matter what she said.

"That's enough." General Thunder suddenly said at this time, "Back to the previous question, is this matter your conspiracy or Liyue's conspiracy?"

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