I really can't control myself

Chapter 2561 Invitation

"The situation is not good. The entire continent of Teyvat seems to be in chaos." The speaker was Diluc, the owner of Chenxi Winery. At this time, he was still sitting in the Angel's Gift Bar, looking at today's The newspaper couldn't help but sigh.

It was already the fifth day since Linton and the others came to this world, and it was also the third day after Linton arrived at Inazuma. At present, Inazuma's situation is already in chaos.

Diluc looked at the newspaper in his hand, recalling what happened to Inazuma in the past few days, and was obviously still wondering what was going on. He was basically certain that this matter had something to do with Linton. He also knew that Linton was currently in Daozhi, but...how did this happen?

At least he didn't see Linton's name in the newspaper. Yes, today's front page headline is about Liyue's Qixing Tianquan Ningguang going to Daozhu to meet with General Thunder and Lightning. As for why Ningguang went to Inazuma, the main reason was... to apologize.

The matter starts from the newspaper two days ago. Just two days ago, a shocking news broke out from Dao Wife's side, that is, Liyue was publicly accused of interfering in Dao Wife's internal affairs. It recorded the entire incident in detail. Liyue sent people to infiltrate Daozhu, and then directly colluded with the rebels. They also tried to get General Leiden himself to sign an unequal treaty to abolish the Eye Hunting Order.

Of course, the other party said that they were just witnesses. In fact, the shogunate signed a treaty with the rebels. However, General Thunder here doesn't understand this.

The actual situation is that General Leiden here superficially agreed to sign a treaty with the other party, but in fact he directly sent troops to encircle and suppress them that day, capturing several high-level rebels on the spot, as well as one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, the Yuheng Star Carving. Qing, it can be said that people get both the stolen goods and the stolen goods. Then he backhandedly issued an edict directly announcing the incident and denounced Liyue's shameless behavior.

The anger of General Leiden himself could be seen in every word of the edict, and he even felt that he was close to declaring war directly. However, she did give Liyue a chance to explain, saying that if Liyue's explanation did not satisfy her, she would declare war on Liyue on behalf of the entire Dao Wife.

So the time came to the next day, and the headline of the next day's newspaper was Liyue's explanation. Ning Guang, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, expressed in the newspaper that he was very surprised and that he had just learned about this incident. They, Liyue, have never had the intention of interfering in other countries' internal affairs. Although Keqing is indeed in Dao's wife, she is dealing with her own personal issues, not official business.

Ningguang said that Liyue is a peace-loving country and has never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries. Therefore, there must be some misunderstanding or conspiracy involved in this matter, so she immediately said that she would go to Daozhu in person to report to Leiden. The general himself explains the situation and investigates the truth of the matter.

So today, Ningguang has gone to Dao Wife. Of course, although the content in the newspaper only ends here, Diluc calculated the time. At this time, Ningguang should have met with the general of Inazuma. What will happen specifically, we can only wait for the follow-up information. .

At present, the war between Daozhu and Liyue seems to be just around the corner. However, such a thing as war has not happened in Teyvat continent for a long time. At least the war between countries before, this can almost be regarded as the beginning. Once.

Diluc's first reaction was actually that the conflict between the two countries was instigated by Linton, but he had a vague feeling that something was wrong. The most important thing is that Dao's wife and Liyue's reactions here are really strange and weird.

If you want to say it's normal, it does look quite normal on the surface, but the problem is that it doesn't fit in with the style of the Thunderbolt General Daozuma and the Tianquan Ningguang of Liyue. It gives Diluc a A special sense of dissonance.

If I have to say it, it feels like there is a very suitable script, and the script is written very reasonably in order to be logically smooth. Then Daozhu and Liyue acted according to this script that seemed very reasonable. Diluc didn't know why he felt this way, probably because... it was too reasonable, and in his impression, these two were not such "reasonable" people.

Vegeta's words next to him can help him prove this point. According to his words, if Linton does it, there is no need to make it so complicated and instigate a fight between the two countries. He can do it alone. For all the people in the two countries, why is it so troublesome?

Yes, Vegeta is still in Mondstadt at this time. Five days have passed, and Vegeta is still in the Angel's Gift Bar. At this time, he had already quarreled with Sun Wukong. The two of them ate for five days and slept on the table with food.

Everyone on Mondstadt's side was already numb to the appetite of the two. Because of the fight a few days ago, several people already had a rough idea of ​​Sun Wukong's strength. Although Vegeta didn't take any action, Sun Wukong could also find out that the other party was similar to him.

Although the amount of food consumed by the two of them is staggering, as long as they don't cause trouble, it can only be eaten by them for now. Diluc and the others have been paying attention to the situation in other countries these days. Linton's appearance made them feel bad. However, there is not much news coming back these days. In fact, it seems that except for Liyue and Dao Wife, there is not much news from other countries.

Of course, Diluc also knew that the person named Linton was in charge of Liyue and Dao Wife. As expected, this guy was the most dangerous. Next to him is Sun Wukong. From his interactions with him in the past few days, he feels that although he is powerful, he is not a bad person. As for Vegeta, although he was difficult to get along with, he didn't feel too dangerous. Only Linton gave him a very dangerous feeling when they first met.

This may be because Linton's eyes always convey the feeling of looking for a new toy.

"There is new news." At this moment, a person walked in the door. Diluc looked up and found that it was Kaia from the Knights. He has been coming here almost every day these days, naturally to watch the two guys next to him. Although they are just eating, they really can't help but watch.

"Where's the rice wife?" Diluc asked here.

"Yes." Kaiya nodded, "The situation is more complicated."

"The information from the Knights is quite good, but I haven't received any news yet." Diluc said here.

"This is not the information our people brought back. They sent the invitation letter directly to our acting team leader," Kaiya said.

"Invitation? What invitation?" Diluc asked.

"It is said to be...an invitation to the execution ceremony." Kaia put away her smile and said with a serious expression.

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