I really can't control myself

Chapter 2557 Slap in the face

Kujo Sora is really desperate now, because at this time she has just met her father Kujo Takayuki, and of course she also confirmed some things from him.

The so-called Eye Hunting Order was indeed proposed by people from the Winter Kingdom. They completed a deal with their father Kujo Takayuki, using materials in exchange for Tianling's implementation of this policy.

To put it another way, the people of Zhidong Kingdom interfered in the internal affairs of Inazuma Country by buying off powerful ministers. The current chaotic situation in Inazuma Country and the emergence of the resistance can be said to come from here. And she never expected that the powerful official who was bribed turned out to be her father.

Although he had already learned the truth from Linton before, and even people in the Winter Kingdom recognized the matter at that time, before meeting Kujo Takayuki, Kujo Sora here still held on to the idea that this matter was not true Really hope.

However, such hope was quickly shattered, because Kujo Takayuki here quickly admitted the matter, and even admitted it so happily that there was no trace of any shame or regret in him.

From Kujo Takayuki's point of view, what he did was certainly not a betrayal of the shogunate, let alone His Highness General Raiden. On the contrary, Kujo Takayuki believed in General Raiden too much. In his mind, General Raiden was the god he worshiped. How could he betray the god he believed in?

As for what you said about cooperating with foreign countries to interfere in domestic affairs. First of all, this matter was nodded by General Raiden himself. The decision-making power rests with General Raiden. He is the person responsible for proposing policies. So how can this be called betrayal?

As for you saying that the Eye Hunting Order will lead to chaos in Inazuma, this is the conspiracy of the Solstice Kingdom or something. What does this...have to do with anything? In his eyes, General Thunder and Lightning is a god. Of course, he also knows that these people from Winter Kingdom definitely have bad intentions, but so what? How could they still be able to jump like this in front of the majesty of Thunder?

To put it simply, in Kujo Takayuki's opinion, it was impossible for anything to happen with His Highness Raiden General around. Neither the Winter Kingdom nor those disgusting rebels can survive for long. So what harm will the Eye Hunting Order cause? It doesn't exist at all.

There is no harm here, and various materials and money are sent. Why refuse such a good thing? Isn't this a matter of getting money for nothing?

Of course, according to Kujo Takayuki's logic, this matter is indeed harmless to the shogunate. After all, General Raiden is in charge. But didn’t this hunting order also harm the civilians of Dao Wife? Not only those with divine eyes will be destroyed, but ordinary people will also suffer from it? Can’t you see Kujo Takayuki?

Of course Kujo Takayuki knows, but...does that have anything to do with him? The lives of the people are also called fate? As the head of the Kujo family, he is responsible for the family. As the ruler of Tianling, I am responsible for the shogunate and the general. Isn't this enough, people? It's none of his business.

Therefore, Kujo Takayuki didn't feel that he had done anything wrong at all. When faced with Kujo Sora's questioning, he not only did not feel any shame at being exposed, he even educated Kujo Sora in reverse, saying that the other party should understand that he was Kujo Sora. Family members should think more about their family and reflect on their identity to question me.

At this time, Kujo Sora seemed to understand what kind of person her father was, and now she realized that the innocent person was herself. For a time, all kinds of beliefs completely collapsed, and Kujo Sanra stayed in place for a long time without regaining consciousness.

Yes, once again, she had two beliefs, one from her family and one from the shogunate. One was her father, the ruler pursued by Tian Ling; the other was the object of her allegiance, His Highness General Raiden.

However, within a day, both beliefs completely collapsed. The father here is selfish and stubborn, causing great disasters without realizing it; but over there, the invincible thunder and lightning generals have fallen.

Kujo Sora was desperate, even more desperate than when he saw Linton trying to destroy Inazuma, because there was nothing more desperate than the collapse of faith.

But despair is despair, and things must continue to be done. She came here not only to question her father, but also to collect a ransom for General Thunder.

Now that the ruler of the shogunate, General Raiden himself, has been arrested, who will make the final decision on how to redeem people with money? Linton wanted a lot of money, food and supplies, but she didn't have the right to ask people to send money over with just a word. Then who has this right? Under General Leiden, the three most powerful people are naturally the three great disciples.

His father was the ruler pursued by Tian Ling, so Kujo Sanra naturally had no choice but to come to him to get money. Although she even felt some instinctive nausea when talking to her father now, she still explained the current situation, that is, General Thunder and Lightning had been captured and now needed a ransom.

You can imagine the expression on Kujo Takayuki's face when he heard this, with a "What are you talking about?" look on his face. General Thunder and Lightning is a god. If a god is captured, he is still being held for ransom? Do you think such a thing is possible?

Kujo Takayuki reprimanded Kujo Sora on the spot, saying that she was the one who was disloyal to His Highness General Raiden and dared to disrespect the gods, and even wanted to expel Kujo Sora from his ancestral home on the spot.

Kujo Sora agreed on the spot. Yes, she didn't want to stay in this house anymore. Before, Linton said that the shogunate army harbored filth and was rotten to the core. She didn't believe it, but now she believed it. With the collapse of faith, everything in Kujo Sora's heart collapsed. At this moment, she even wanted to follow the resistance to overthrow the shogunate.

But she still gave one last try to see if she could convince her father. So I carefully told him what I had seen before and the current situation again, saying that General Leiden had really been arrested, and he quickly convened a meeting to redeem the person.

"That's nonsense!" Kujo Takayuki here sneered as he listened to Kujo Sora's words, and then said directly, "I don't know if you are too tired and have some hallucinations. You are not suitable to lead the army now. You are at home. Rest, I will not allow you to leave home within a year, and I will report this to His Highness the General."

To put it simply, she was grounded. Kujo Takayuki was too lazy to listen to her crazy words and didn't really listen at all. Before Kujo Sora here could finish speaking, he shouted directly to the door: "Come here, take the young lady back to her room."

Although he had previously said that he would expel Kujo Sanra from the family, that was mostly a threat. He didn't want to do such a troublesome thing and expel him from the family. The Kujo family themselves would be disgraced in this matter. Even if Kujo Sera did something, it would be better for him to die than to be expelled from the family.

As for Kujo Sora's statement that it didn't matter, he didn't believe it at all. In his opinion, it is impossible for anyone to be indifferent to being expelled from the family. This is the family identity of the Kujo family. Kujo Sora is just a tough talker, but he does not want to be the same as this junior. In short, it is best to be locked up. Method.

It seemed that his judgment was indeed correct, and he really shouldn't tell her this matter. Kujo Sora has not yet realized that the Kujo family is her foundation. After going out to work for a few years, her wings have hardened. Kujo Takayuki decided to take this opportunity to educate her adopted daughter again. If it doesn't work, then... Forget it, she is not her ideal successor to the family anyway.

When several family guards heard Kujo Takayuki's order, they naturally walked in and wanted to take Kujo Sora back. Kujo Sora here has decided to betray the family directly. She no longer cares about the identity of the Kujo family. Seeing the guards coming here, she decided to just kill them and go out.

"Miss, please." The guard here didn't take action at first. After all, this was the eldest lady of their Kujo family.

"Father, let me say it for the last time. His Royal Highness the General is now in the hands of the man named Linton from the resistance. What I say is true. I don't care whether you believe it or not, in short, I have done what I can do here. "Kujo Sora had decided to resist, and finally turned around and spoke to Kujo Takayuki.

"It's ridiculous, don't you listen to yourself how ridiculous what you said is?" Kujo Takayuki said immediately.

"All I said is..." Kujo Sora here wanted to defend, but at this time a man came to the door and shouted to Kujo Takayuki: "Master, there is something urgent."

"Say." Kujo Takayuki here frowned, but still said.

"His Royal Highness the General is calling you over urgently." The guard here said quickly.

"What?" Kujo Sora, who was halfway through speaking, looked at the guards here with a confused look on his face, "You say it again?"

"His Royal Highness the General is at the castle tower, summoning the three chief ministers to come over." The guard here said again.

"I understand." There was nothing unexpected about Kujo Takayuki. It was perfectly normal for His Highness the General to summon them. However, he looked at Kujo Sora at this time with a smile on his face. Although he did not speak, his expression was like "What do you want to say now?"

"This... how is this possible?" Kujo Sora was really confused. She just saw the captured Raiden General at Linton, and now he is in the castle tower again? Kujo Sora can't figure out what's going on.

"Take her down, I'm going to meet His Highness the General." Kujo Takayuki here shook his head and said as if he hated iron.

"Wait a minute, I also want to see His Highness the General." At this time, Kujo Sora suddenly said, "There is a problem here."

"If you have to go, go ahead." Kujo Takayuki said nonchalantly, "It's just a good time to explain your resignation as general to His Highness the General."

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