I really can't control myself

Chapter 2556 Arrangement

"Hey, hey, hey?" Paimon here was suddenly startled, "Why did it suddenly become like this? Are you really going to be the executioner to execute the general?"

"How is that possible!" Ying here said immediately, "That's not what I meant!"

"Then how can you guarantee that she will not restore the shogunate in the future? When she comes back with her people, you who proposed this opinion should take the responsibility, right? Then shouldn't you be here to guard the new shogunate... …Wait a minute you just said you can’t stay here…” Linton said.

"Uh..." This question stopped the two of them again.

"Or just kill all the people under him and turn her into a bare commander. In this way, even if she is restored, she will be nothing more than a deity and no one will do anything for her." Linton thought. After thinking about it, he continued, "But this means there will be more people to kill. All people who may work for her must be dealt with to avoid future troubles."

"Huh? How many people have to be dealt with? Almost everyone on Inazuma's side believes in her." Paimon here immediately said, "You wouldn't do that, right?"

"Of course I won't do that." Ying here said immediately.

"Then what should we do now? This won't work, and that won't work either. I thought that as long as I caught General Raiden, everything would be solved, but I didn't expect that there would be so many troubles." Paimon here said, " What do you think we should do, Mr. Linton?"

"Just...sell her for money." Linton said casually.

"Huh?" Ying and Paimon here were both stunned, "Sell it for money?"

"Yes, there are quite a lot of people who want to buy it anyway. Someone named Rosa Kujo just said that she wants to buy it back. Now she is going back to raise money. I also want to inform other people to see if they want to give a price. I bought this product," Linton said.

"Huh? This... this can't be done, Mr. Linton." Paimon here said a little anxiously after hearing this.

"Why not?" Linton asked.

"Because... because... ah ah, Paimon doesn't know what to say anymore. Please come and tell me." Paimon here really didn't know where to start, mainly because Linton said It's really outrageous. Just capture the Raiden Shogun, the ruler of the shogunate, Inazuma's God of Thunder, and then sell him on the spot, which is okay.

"I think..." Of course Ying here also felt that something was wrong, but before she could say anything, Linton here interrupted directly.

"I advise you to think about it before speaking." Linton said, "At present, you don't want to take any responsibility on my side. You just say a few words and want others to listen to your opinions. You just don't do anything. A guy who can open his mouth. I can take responsibility for any of my actions. If anything happens to her after I sold her, I will take the responsibility. If she should be caught, I will personally catch her back, even if someone is killed for it. I personally resurrected him. I only said this when I had the guts to take on this responsibility. What about you?"

"I..." Ying, who was about to say something, was immediately suppressed by Linton's words, and she didn't know what to say.

"Hey, hey? Why can't even Ying refute this time? Isn't this usually the case with Paimon?" Paimon here looked at Ying who couldn't answer in surprise, obviously she didn't understand at all. The focus of Linton's words was the discussion of responsibility. It was precisely because she didn't understand it at all that she continued to speak: "Then if you sell her back like this, won't all the hard work of catching her be wasted?"

"Uh... it's not that easy. Whenever the rebels are short of money and supplies, they can just capture her in exchange for money." Linton said, "You have never rebelled before, so you are inexperienced. I am a rebel here. You are a pacesetter, and you know that rebellion is a long-term process. Temporary victory does not mean anything. Accumulate food and slowly become king. Money and food are the basis of rebellion. Sometimes it is just a settlement, and suddenly the rebellion succeeds. Well, that’s the point.”

"Uh... Is this... like this? Although Paimon has been resisting his fate, he is still very inexperienced." Paimon said here.

"However, there is clearly an opportunity to end the war immediately. If we do not seize this opportunity and instead operate in the long term, won't this country be plunged into a longer civil war?" The man here immediately understood the situation. said.

"Oh?" Linton was a little surprised that Ying immediately pointed out the key points. The protagonist is not stupid. The main reason is that Paimon here is so easy to fool, which made Linton misjudge the average level.

"You are right. It is true that the duration of the civil war will be longer in this way." Linton nodded. "But the problem is that you said that the war will be ended immediately. I don't think so. As a person, The leaders of the resistance do not believe anything the shogunate says. This fits my character very well, right? Since I can’t believe their promises, how can we reach an agreement? Otherwise, we can only kill them all, and it will be over. This is a quick way to resolve the war. In order for the people not to suffer, let the ministers suffer."

"Oh...this..." Why did this come back again? At this point, Ying didn't know how to continue.

"If there is a trustworthy middleman as a guarantee, it is not impossible, but the problem is... there is no suitable middleman. You said that this middleman must be believed by both parties, right?" Linton said.

"Liyue... what do you think?" Ying here said suddenly. She had never thought of this before, but meeting Ke Qing just now reminded her of Liyue's ability to be a middleman. It is reasonable to let Liyue Qixing be the middleman to supervise this agreement. Liyue is a country of contract. If they provide bail, everyone will believe it.

"This... I didn't think of it before." Linton smiled, "If Liyue is willing to be the middleman, if anyone violates the agreement, Liyue can intervene according to the terms of the contract, so that the shogunate can Bian really needs to think about it, your approach is good."

"Oh oh oh, I said you will definitely find a way." Paimon here said proudly, as if she had come up with the solution.

"But... why does Liyue want to wade into this muddy water?" Linton said with a smile, "I don't have any confidence that I can convince them."

The atmosphere has been set up to this point, and Ying is also a little bit stuck at this moment. Yes, from Linton's first words about responsibility and irresponsibility to now reminding him step by step about Liyue, Ying here really can't help but talk about it anymore.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, Ying here said directly: "I will be responsible for convincing Liyue."

Ying is quite confident. After all, she has stayed in Liyue for such a long time before and has a good relationship with many people in Liyue. She has even helped Liyue, which is considered a kindness to them. At this time, she was indeed affected by Linton's words, and she accepted the matter.

"Oh, is that so?" Linton smiled, "But...what identity do you use to persuade Liyue? Now you are not a member of the shogunate army, nor are you a member of our resistance army, you must If you want to say...it seems like a nosy?"

"We are not nosy, although... it seems a bit like..." Paimon here felt less and less confident the more he spoke.

"Uh...well..." Ying here didn't know how to answer.

"Well, let me entrust you." Linton suddenly said, "As the leader of the resistance army, I invite you to join the resistance army. Now it is up to you to convince Liyue for me and let them act as an intermediary. how do you feel."

"Huh?" Ying and Paimon were both stunned. After listening to Linton's words before, they felt that the other party seemed to be a little hostile to them, because the tone of their voice suggested that they seemed to be nosy and annoying, but they didn't expect it. This matter was suddenly entrusted to them with such an important matter. Why would the other party trust them?

"The fate of the resistance here is left to you. Didn't you say you would handle it?" Linton said with a smile, "You don't need to supervise it, but let me see how you perform on how to reach an agreement."

"I... understand." Ying nodded seriously, as if she understood what Linton meant.

Of course she thought she understood, but the actual situation was that Linton had nothing to do with the resistance.

As long as he wants to become the leader of the resistance now, isn't this a bit stuck? Now he is the leader, and Ying has agreed to join him and help him work, right? All the conditions are in place. Linton looked at the progress of the control here, and sure enough, it suddenly increased by 16%. This is higher than Liyue had given him more for surrendering before, so it was not in vain to spend more effort on this protagonist.

"Then go and negotiate with the people in Liyue now." Linton said with a smile.

"Speaking of which...why is Keqing here...forget it, let's just ask her directly." Ying nodded and went straight out to find Keqing.

"You really didn't interrupt." Linton looked at General Thunder and Lightning who had been listening next to him. He had been talking for a long time, all about things related to her, but he didn't expect that General Thunder and Lightning here actually said a few words. No words were spoken.

"I will abide by the agreement." Unexpectedly, General Thunder suddenly spoke at this time.

"Promise?" Linton was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was what he had said before that the other party would break the contract. Unexpectedly, she refuted it. Linton also believed this. Although she didn't know the other party's character background, based on her current understanding of the other party, her character was definitely a person who kept her word.

"What are you going to do about the other protagonist?" Asuna behind her suddenly asked, mainly because Linton didn't ask about his brother at all before.

"It's okay, everyone is here with me, I have already figured out a way to do this." Linton said with a smile, "You know, I also participated in the war on the top. Look here, the stage is very suitable."

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