"Huh?" Asuna looked at Linton. She was still tied up, and asked Linton with her eyes whether he was talking now.

"Say, no one here believes you are the real Thunderbolt General anyway. Your acting was a complete failure," Linton said.

"I don't think it's my fault." Asuna finally spoke. After hearing the voice, Kujo Sora and others knew that the other party was fake. Of course, this was not surprising. Lin What Linton said was correct. No one thought this was the real Thunderbolt General, including Guobeng, who had just been captured by Linton.

"From a normal logical analysis, if the general of this country is caught..."

"Okay, hurry up and talk about this guy." Linton interrupted Asuna's rational analysis and quickly pointed at Guobeng.

"This person... Let's just call him a human being. He does not have a name. The collapse of the country he mentioned is indeed one of the names he has used." Asuna said.

"Why do you say let's call him a human being?" Linton asked. On the other hand, Guobeng looked at Asuna with surprise.

"Because he is just one of the dolls made by General Raiden. He is almost the same species as the General Raiden we see now." Asuna said.

"Doll? General Thunder and Lightning?" Linton looked at Guobeng here, and then suddenly realized why he felt that the other person's face was familiar just now. Yes, although he is a male, if you look carefully, the other person's face is really similar to General Raiden. Asuna, who has now become General Raiden, is right next to him. Linton looked at both sides, and the more he looked, the more similar he became.

"The general... made a doll? What does this mean?" Kujo Sora here looked at Asuna in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

However, Asuna here ignored Kujo Sora's inquiry. She didn't have to explain to Kujo Sora anyway, but continued to say to Linton: "His current identity should be Eleven of the Fools of the Solstice Kingdom." The sixth seat of the executive officer is titled Skirmisher, and the supplies he mentioned must be true, because they are supplies provided by the Solstice Kingdom."

"What? The Winter Country? The Winter Country wants to fund the resistance? What do you mean by the Winter Country?" Sure enough, after hearing this, Kujo Sanra here was even more excited.

"Who...are you? Why do you know this?" The skirmishers here didn't mean to refute, and they admitted what Asuna said. After all, the other party knew so clearly that he should have known about it for a long time. identity.

"The Winter Kingdom... I heard that the Winter Kingdom was causing trouble in Liyue before, right? This country is really a troublemaker." Linton said, "Then why do they support the resistance? Want to Rice wife maintains civil strife?"

"The main purpose is to seize General Raiden's Heart of God and create unrest for this purpose. It may also be to test their newly invented evil eye," Asuna said.

"Evil eye? Is it the item I just mentioned that allows people to gain the power of elements?" Linton asked.

"Yes, in terms of function, it should indeed be similar to the Eye of God, and it does allow the user to gain the ability to control the power of elements for a short period of time." Asuna nodded.

"You said it was short-lived, right?" Linton said, "Sure enough, there is still something wrong."

"Well, this evil eye should absorb the user's vitality, so long-term use will cause the user to accelerate aging and eventually die." Asuna said.

"Oh, it's really a short-term use in the literal sense." Linton nodded, "But you can't tell it in a short time, right, so you're just using this thing to trick people?"

"You guy..." Coral Palace Xinhai next to him said angrily at the stragglers here. He felt something was wrong just now. Sure enough, there was something wrong with this thing.

"I know...there are so many." The skirmishers here changed their expressions slightly at this time, and suddenly the face of a good old man was no longer disguised. After all, it had been directly exposed, "But So what, in this floating world, human life itself is like grass and grass. Like these miscellaneous soldiers, without evil eyes, they will die in the war. Instead, I gave them a choice to realize their 'ambitions' Opportunity, isn’t it?”

"Uh..." Linton looked at the stragglers here, and then said, "Is this thing you made really just called the evil eye?"

"Huh?" The skirmisher was stunned when Linton asked him. As soon as he said this, Linton either agreed or scolded him directly. He could accept both of these points, but the other party suddenly said What the hell is the name of this evil eye thing?

"Why do you give this thing you made such an unfortunate name? Generally speaking, even if it is a real evil devil, you will not call yourself evil. The Sun and Moon God Sect calls itself the Holy Sect, so you just give it Name the thing you created Evil Eye? Why don't you just carve 'I am a bad guy' on your forehead? With your intelligence, you dare to be a villain?" Linton said.

"..." The skirmisher was speechless. Linton really couldn't answer what he said, and he didn't make this thing.

"The important thing isn't the name!" The person speaking at this time was Coral Gong Xinhai next to her, and she couldn't help but complain.

"I know, I know." Linton nodded, "Remember, don't hide anything when you do promotion next time. If you have already said that you think what you are doing is right, there is no need to hide anything, just say it clearly."

"Huh?" Coral Gong Xinhai here was stunned for a moment, "The evil eye he mentioned is an evil prop that consumes people's life force."

"Evil props? What's so evil about them? Consume your life force to use the power of elements. This effect has been made very clear. Use it if you want to use it, and don't use it if you don't want to. What is the difference between evil and non-evil of this prop?" Linton said , "If I have to say it, it is true that this thing is not as useful as the Eye of God."

"That's right!" After hearing Linton's words, the skirmishers here became more excited, "They all chose to use it themselves. I am just doing it for them to make their ordinary lives shine with a special brilliance. This is They are fulfilling their 'wishes'."

"What nonsense!" Coral Palace Xinhai here said immediately, "You have concealed the side effects of this thing from the beginning, because you yourself know that once the true effect of this thing is announced, no one will want to use it. This kind of thing is evil."

"Look, that's why I asked you to tell the truth when you first came up, right? Once you hide something, it will be like this after being exposed. You will completely lose other people's trust in you." Linton said. But after saying that, he looked at Coral Palace Xinhai again and said: "But I really don't agree with what you said. What do you mean if you know the actual situation, no one will want to use it? Someone will definitely want to use it, okay? That's it. For example, aren’t there so many people using the God’s Eye? Why can’t it be used by the Evil Eye?”

"That's not the same thing!" Coral Palace Xinhai said immediately.

"Not the same thing? Your understanding is really strange." Linton said, "The effect of the evil eye is to exchange vitality for the power to manipulate elements, right? Is this different from the eye of god? It's just now I still don’t know the price to pay for using the Eye of God.”

"What...what did you say?" Coral Palace here was stunned.

"Hey, you don't think you don't have to pay anything for using the Eye of God, do you?" Linton looked at Coral Palace Xinhai and said, "There is no free lunch in the world. Since you have gained something, you will naturally pay for it." Corresponding price. Otherwise, do you really think that the Eye of God is a free benefit given to you by God? You don’t have to pay anything, you get the benefit for free, and you can get this power just because you are luckier than others?"

"Well said!" The skirmishers here couldn't help but said after hearing this, "Yes, the two are essentially the same thing, but the effect of the evil eye is more obvious. As for the Eye of God, in my opinion, it is just like me before, hiding what you are about to pay."

"That's not the case. The Eye of God is the recognition of the user by the gods..."

"That's what God said?" Before Coral Palace Xinhai could finish his refutation, Linton interrupted directly, "Who has seen God? Did they tell you that?"

"Uh..." Coral Gong Xinhai couldn't refute because he didn't know who said it. This is the general perception on the mainland.

"I really like to put gold on my face, and say all the nice things I think I mean." Linton spread his hands and said, "It was the same trick at the border last time, with golden blessings and the like, making people grateful. Yes, the result is to select a tool man. It is probably the same trick this time, and the probability of being fooled into being used as firewood is relatively high. What I said is right, Asuna."

"I don't know, because the plot has not been announced yet." Asuna said next to her.

"Really? But I guess they are inseparable." Linton waved his hand and said, "Didn't you ask the users of the Eye of God to go to Sky City? What an obvious trick. If someone really comes back, no one will know about it. What's going on? I guess those people who went there didn't come back, and they just went there like a pilgrimage, fooling people."

"I...I don't agree..." Coral Palace Xinhai here didn't know how to refute, but still said so.

"What you said is really good." The skirmishers here agreed very much with Linton's words and said, "So, you are willing to cooperate with our Winter Country? Since you already know, I won't hide it. , Indeed, my mission is to obtain the Heart of God from General Thunder, and what you want is this country, so there should be no conflict between us."

"The words are good, but the problem is that we can't do it." Linton spread his hands, "I would like to eat the supplies of your Winter Kingdom, but your Winter Kingdom is about to explode across the country."

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