This time, the person he bought was a young man. Looking at the strange attire, Linton was probably sure that he was at least not a passerby. It can only be said that the difference between passerby characters in this world and characters with stories is too obvious, and you can see it just from their appearance.

The young man in front of him wore a very obvious round hat and short blue-purple hair. His appearance was so delicate that he didn't even look like a man. And I have to say that Linton also felt that the other person's face looked a bit familiar. Of course, Linton had never seen him before. After all, the shape was quite obvious. He should have had an impression after seeing him.

The young man caught by Linton didn't struggle at all. He was sucked into Linton's hand and gave up resistance. Linton guessed that the other party also saw the situation where half the island was destroyed with one punch. After all, such a big movement , the other party can see it as long as he is not blind.

"Who?" Linton asked, carrying the young man here, "Maybe he's not from the shogunate."

"Well... no one would believe me if I said I was just passing by." The young man here said, "I am indeed not from the shogunate. I came here specifically to discuss a business deal with the rebels. "

"Business? With the rebels?" Linton smiled, "You know how to do business. If you dare to do business with us, then tell me what kind of business it is."

"Uh..." The young man here looked at Kujo Sora next to him and said, "The people from the shogunate army are here. It's not good to talk about this now. Can we change the place and talk in detail."

"You have been seen by her. Why can't this guy arrest you if you change the place?" Linton said with a smile, "Besides, I don't think there is anything to hide in what we are doing. I My heart is as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous! Eliminate the tyranny of the shogunate, and Ina Wife belongs to the people! Such a just act, there is nothing to avoid, what do you think?"

"Uh... Your Excellency's ideal is really touching." The young man here said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"Okay, let's talk about what you have to say. I'm a bit free now. You'd better not talk nonsense to me. I don't have a good temper." Linton said, "Let's... start by introducing myself. What’s your name and which force you belong to?”

"I... am just an ordinary wanderer. If you have to have a name... then just call me Guobeng." The boy named Guobeng said, "As for power, I don't have much power. At the moment, I am just Representing myself.”

"It sounds like a fake name. You are very brave to use a fake name in front of me." Linton said, "It doesn't matter. You tell me your side of the deal first and then listen to it."

"It is said to be a transaction, but in fact, it is more of a sponsorship." Guobeng here said, "In fact, after hearing about the righteous deeds of the resistance army, I was personally quite moved. In fact, I had the same idea. The shogunate implemented The eye-hunting order is really a very serious atrocity. Unfortunately, I don’t have much ability, but I have some wealth, so I want to support the resistance army’s righteous deeds.”

"Support?" Linton smiled, "Materials and the like?"

"Yes, whether it's food, weapons or equipment, I can provide them all." Guobeng here said.

"Then your business is quite big. Under such circumstances, you can still get food, grass and armaments, and they are free, right?" Linton said, "Then... what do you want?"

"Although I want to say that I don't need anything, it's too confusing to say so." Guobeng here said, "But what I want, the current resistance army probably can't give it. I hope that the resistance here If the rebels get what they want, they will give me something in return."

"Understood, the power of the dragon, right?" Linton nodded slightly, "But the situation of the resistance is not good now. Are you sure that the materials you gave us can get back their money?"

"I don't necessarily want to take it back. In my opinion, it's just an attempt." Guobeng here said, "Besides, I can also get some special props here, which can just help the resistance to solve the current problem. dilemma."

"Oh? A special prop?" Linton asked with a smile, "What kind of prop is it?"

"This is a prop I accidentally purchased in another country. It is said that as long as you use this prop, you can use the power of elements like a person with the Eye of God." Guobeng here said.

"What?" Guobeng's words stunned everyone present, except of course Linton and Asuna. After all, Linton didn't think it was anything special, and Asuna had read the script, so she naturally knew what was going on. of. But for people in this world, this is simply impossible.

Can you gain the power to control the elements without using the God's Eye? This is really surprising. You must know that the user of the Eye of God can use the power of elements, which is one of the original basic rules of this world. This is simply subverting this basic rule. It feels like the subversion of someone telling you that Newton was wrong.

"Is there really such a thing?" A soldier next to him asked anxiously at this time. Yes, it is natural for ordinary people to envy users of the Eye of God, especially in such a war, having the power of God The role that people with eyes can play is much greater than that of ordinary people.

Especially when watching his teammates fall one by one and being unable to do anything, he thought about how great it would be if he were a user of the Eye of God.

"Of course." Guobeng here also nodded immediately and said, "I have tested it and it can indeed be done."


"Zheping!" The soldier here wanted to say, but was stopped by Coral Palace Xinhai. She could see that the soldier named Zheping here was very anxious, but she felt that the matter was not that simple, "The thing you mentioned will not have any restrictions or costs when using it."

"As for the restrictions, there should be no restrictions. After all, anyone can use it." Guobeng here said, "As for the cost, is it very tiring after use? At least I sent a few people here to do the test, and it is indeed used It will make people very tired in the end, and other costs have not been tested."

"Tired?" Coral Palace Xinhai here looked at Guobeng, seemingly judging the authenticity of the other party's words.

"What do you think?" Guobeng looked at Linton and asked.

"Are you done? Nothing else?" Linton asked directly.

"No more, this is my purpose." Guobeng nodded.

"Okay, then let me see how likely it is to believe what you said." Linton said, "Asuna, tell me your version."

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