Linton turned his head and looked at the front of the ship. It was really about to hit a mountain.

At this time, the Death Omen star here has lowered its altitude. After all, this ship can't really fly, it is just thrown all the way. His last shot before was towards the approximate location of Inazuma. Now he needs to prepare. Landed.

Yes, it literally landed. Linton didn't throw it on land intentionally, but he didn't expect that it would land on the ground instead of the sea. According to the current situation, the Death Star is probably going to crash into the mountain ahead.

"No problem, trust my driving skills." Linton said immediately.

"Only a ghost can believe this!" Beidou shouted directly. Linton's behavior was not called driving at all, it was just throwing away.

"I've said it before, I've encountered this situation many times, and I'm very experienced in handling it," Linton said.

"Then tell me what to do now." Beidou shouted.

"Simple, if you encounter such a situation, of course you just need to open mountains and fill them with water." Linton said while aiming forward with his hand. The next second, a ray of light was emitted directly from his hand. It directly hit the mountain in front.

There was a loud "boom", and the mountain below was instantly penetrated by Linton's light. It was as if a piece of it had been dug out in the middle, and the Death Star was also directly dug out of the mountain. In the past, I really didn’t suffer any harm.

"Look, I just said..." Linton put his hands on his hips and looked like "please praise me now", but before he could finish his words, Beidou next to him roared again.

"Slow down!"

However, it was obvious that her shouts were of no use. The next second, the Death Omen Star was shot directly on the sea. The huge impact caused the Death Star here to almost plunge into the water, but soon due to the recoil of buoyancy, the entire ship left the water again, as if it was floating on the water, and then it went all the way. After bouncing on the water several times, he finally washed up directly on the beach, slid on the beach for dozens of meters, and finally stranded on land.

The scene suddenly became silent. After a while, the sea surface surged, and a figure climbed out of the water and stood on the water.

Yes, the person who came out of the water was naturally Linton. When he hit the ground for the first time, he was thrown away and fell into the water. Who made him stand on the bow of the boat just to show off? There are no handrails at all.

Looking at the boat that had landed in front of him, Linton sensed the aura and found that everyone should be there. No one's aura disappeared, which meant that no one was seriously injured.

Then he turned his head and looked at the direction they came from before. At this time, the situation on the other side of Inazuma City could no longer be seen, and there was a mountain that had just been blasted through by Linton between them. Although Linton made a hollow in the middle of the mountain, it did not collapse completely.

Moreover, this mountain is not on the same island as them. There is another island behind the mountain where they are now landing, and there is a strait between the mountain that was blown up. As for Inazuma Castle, the location is completely invisible now.

After thinking about it, Linton didn't intend to continue, so he opened a portal next to him and quickly returned to the Death Star.

At this time, the ship was in a complete mess. The hull was damaged everywhere. The mast here had been broken long ago and was now lying sideways on the hull.

The Death Star has two large masts, the foresail and the topsail. The smaller foresail had been broken during the previous flight, and the largest mainsail, located in the middle of the hull, could not withstand the ravage and finally broke. According to the standards in the game, it is probably in a state of great damage. .

As the things on the boat slid all the way over, they were scattered all over the ground like coins along the road, and a few people landed directly on the ground. However, the few people on the deck before were still on the damaged deck, and they seemed to be fine.

"You..." Beidou here sat directly on the ground, pointing at Linton and feeling like he couldn't curse anymore. Keqing was not far away, pulling on the railing and vomiting outward. Gan Yu next to her seemed to have a slight injury on her arm, and next to her, Maplehara Manyo was checking her injury.

"Look, didn't we arrive safely?" Linton spread his hands and said, "There's not a single person missing. My driving skills must be awesome."

"Why do you use the word 'actually'!" Beidou yelled again, "And my ship exploded."

"It's okay. These are all normal war losses. Once Dao's wife is defeated, we'll just ask them to pay for a bigger ship." Linton said.

"Uh..." I have to say that Linton's fallacies were really persuasive at times, and Beidou here didn't know how to refute him for a while.

Judging from the results, their ship passed all the way, broke through the blockade of the thunderstorm circle, and even encountered the obstruction of General Raiden himself. In the end, it successfully arrived at Inazuma. If you have to talk about normal war losses, think about it this way It’s really acceptable.

There was a "bang", and while the two were talking, something like a signal flare suddenly rose next to them. Linton was stunned for a moment and looked at Asuna next to him. Yes, this thing was another detector launched by Asuna.

"I said, next time you launch something like this, can't you act like it's a flare? Can't you change to a launcher that's quieter?" Linton said.

"It should be possible. Do you want to add it to the research catalog?" Asuna meant that technically it can be improved, but the problem is that there is no time to build it.

"Join, it scares me every time." Linton said, "Have you figured out where this is?"

Asuna was also looking at the tablet at this time, probably using a detector to observe the surrounding terrain.

"At present, it seems that we may have passed Kannazhong, and now we may be on Yaoji Island." Asuna analyzed.

"Is that Kannazhong?" Linton asked, pointing to the mountain he had just penetrated.

"Yeah." Asuna nodded.

"The city just now is also on that island?" Linton asked.

"No, that's another island, Narukami Island." Asuna said.

"So many place names are really overwhelming." Linton said, "Okay, let's start working anyway."

"The main task is to persuade the ruler here to join, and then to find the protagonist..." Linton did not forget the task this time, "The ruler of the Rice Wife Country is the Thunderbolt General, right? He can't still exist. An organization like the Inazuma Eight Stars."

"The ruler of Inazuma is General Raiden himself." Asuna nodded.

"Okay, judging from what happened just now, it shouldn't be difficult to convince her," Linton said.

"Isn't it difficult? You guys just started fighting, okay?" Beidou couldn't help but say.

"It's not like you only know the opponent's level after fighting. Now it seems that the opponent's level is not that good at all. Of course, it will be much easier to convince him." Linton said, "This is not as good as Zhongli over there."

"Well, Emperor Yan Wang has extraordinary supporters in Liyue, and his willpower should be able to provide him with a considerable bonus." Asuna also nodded, "Although General Thunder and Lightning also has the largest support on Inazuma's side, Reverence and authority, but some of the policies implemented recently have obviously aroused opposition from some people. At least for now, there are rebels, and many people have taken the initiative to join the rebel ranks."

"The emperor is naturally the most powerful and gentle spirit." Gan Yu here also said immediately.

"So you're going to knock on the door directly?" Beidou asked here.

"It's possible to knock on the door, but I've said things over there are relatively simple. Now it seems more troublesome to find the protagonist. I'm not sure if he's in Dao Wife yet," Linton said.

"It is now confirmed that the protagonist is Inazuma." Asuna said.

"Oh? How are you sure?" Linton asked.

"In the situation just now, General Thunder and Lightning should be presiding over the eye-hunting ceremony. According to the original plot setting, the protagonist should also be present at this ceremony, because the person being performed the ceremony is the protagonist's friend. Currently known enemies The president of Guild Fang probably did not follow the protagonist to Inazuma, so the plot here may not have changed much, and the protagonist may have just been in the crowd below." Asuna analyzed.

"Huh? Didn't you tell me earlier?" Linton was also stunned for a moment, "Then can we find him if we go back now?"

"Maybe... no." Asuna said, "Although I didn't see the situation clearly, the protagonist was originally going to save people. In the chaotic situation just now, the protagonist probably took the opportunity to rescue people. And according to the plot, they He will also be wanted by General Thunder, and he must be hiding now, making it even more difficult to find him."

"Uh... what should we do now?" Linton asked.

"Actually, I have a way." Asuna said, "According to the original plot, the protagonist will take the initiative to find the rebels and join forces with them to fight against General Raiden. So now that we know the protagonist's goal..."

"We just need to find the resistance first, and then wait for the protagonist to find him, right." Linton immediately understood what Asuna meant.

"It just so happens that Beidou will soon contact the rebels and become their mercenaries, so I guess it won't be difficult to find the rebels," Asuna said.

"Oh, that's not just right, it went pretty smoothly." Linton looked at Beidou next to him, "Then you should contact the rebels quickly."

"I haven't been to Inazuma for a while, and I haven't contacted Xinhai and the others yet." Beidou said, "But... forget it, they seem to have found them on their own."

Halfway through Beidou's words, he saw a group of people in front of them approaching them and directly surrounding their ship. And Beidou obviously recognized this group of people as the rebels Linton planned to find.

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