I really can't control myself

Chapter 2531 Greeting

"Did you see that? The man on the bow caught the general's lightning!" The scene just now caused a huge shock among everyone present.

In Inazuma's eyes, General Thunder and Lightning is synonymous with invincibility. She is as powerful as Orobus, the serpent demon, and was killed by General Thunder and Lightning with one strike. Her thunder and lightning is synonymous with judgment, which is called heavenly punishment.

However, the man on the boat just caught the thunder and lightning from General Thunder and Lightning. Not only that, he also directly threw it back and hit General Thunder and Lightning. For a moment, everyone present felt that their faith was about to collapse.

But soon, the smoke and dust on the high platform gradually dispersed. The damage to the high platform here was quite large, and the entire wooden frame was shattered. But in the smoke and dust, the figure of General Thunder and Lightning soon appeared. The other party was still standing there, and there were no obvious injuries on his body.

General Thunder and Lightning did not suffer any damage, which everyone had no doubt about. However, although the attack just now did not hurt General Thunder, it was a bit too treacherous to attack God. Judging from the expression on General Raiden's face, it was clear that the general was going to be angry.

The cold momentum was released directly from the body of General Thunder. The surrounding sky seemed to feel this anger, and the thunder in the sky became more violent.

Soon the Raiden General here waved his hand, and the purple thunder and lightning gathered into a naginata, which appeared in the Raiden General's hand. It was obvious that she was preparing to swing the knife at the spaceship in the sky. Although they were so far away, it was obviously not a big deal to General Thunder.

However, Linton on the ship obviously did not receive the anger specifically directed at him. He was still studying the direction.

"Hey, hey, we're about to pass, quickly turn around and hit him." Linton said to Beidou next to him.

"So I said it from the beginning, I don't know how to change direction in the air." Beidou shouted.

"She's about to draw her sword." At this moment, Maplehara Manyo suddenly stared down and said. He had been paying attention to the movements of General Raiden here. Since seeing him, Maplehara Manyo had not moved away. Look past.

"Drawing a sword? She has just made a move. Why is it my turn? Come and say hello!" Linton also turned his head after hearing this and looked at General Thunder and Lightning below who was indeed preparing to draw a sword. , while opening his hands, and then clasping his hands together in front of his chest.

"Heaven hinders the earthquake star."

The next moment, the huge meteorite directly penetrated the thunderclouds in the sky and appeared in everyone's sight. Yes, everyone present looked up at the spaceship in the sky, and they all saw the huge meteorite appearing behind the ship at the same time.

"Then...what is that?"

"Is it a meteorite?"

"How could something like this happen!"

An exaggeratedly huge meteorite suddenly appeared. Can everyone present not panic? While they were talking, the meteorite had already hit their heads. Obviously, there was no doubt that this meteorite would hit Inazuma City where they were.

Not to mention the people who were going to be hit below, everyone on the ship who was not in any danger at this time was dumbfounded. Why did such a huge meteorite suddenly appear? It was obviously not an accidental encounter with such a thing. It was too coincidental. .

Everyone subconsciously looked in Linton's direction. His actions just now, coupled with the lines he shouted that were probably the names of moves, suggested that he must have summoned this meteorite.

Suddenly, several people still had the strange feeling that he had left his hand behind when he bombed Liyue Port yesterday. If this huge meteorite had fallen on Liyue Port, then the entire Liyue Port would have been completely flattened.

And now Inazuma Castle is also facing the danger of being razed. If such a large meteorite hits the ground, it is estimated that the entire Narukami Island will be scuttled. (Inazuma is composed of several islands, among which the island where Inazuma Castle is located is called Narukami Island.)

While everyone was still surprised, the meteorite here was already close to the ground. The strong wind blew up the bangs of General Thunder and Lightning below. It must be said that even General Thunder and Lightning showed some surprise when faced with such a huge meteorite.

To be honest, when she saw such a move, the first person she thought of was actually Morax. She had seen Morax use similar tricks before, but the meteorite summoned was not that big. And obviously the person she just saw on the bow of the ship was not Morax. When the other party used such a trick, she couldn't even feel any fluctuations in elemental power.

But there is no time to worry about the weird situation here. The first thing to solve is the meteorite that is about to fall. Fortunately, before Linton made his move, General Thunder was already preparing for his move. At this time, her aura and elemental power had been concentrated on the tip of her naginata. Facing the incoming meteorite, the lightning general here swung the sword directly in the air.

The purple sword energy soared into the sky and rushed directly towards the falling meteorite. The two people's moves directly collided head-on.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and soon the sword energy here hit the meteorite. With a huge explosion, the power of thunder and lightning swam directly in the meteorite. In an instant, a large number of cracks appeared on the meteorite. above, and revealed a purple light.

The next moment, the meteorite here began to shatter along the cracks. With the impact of the explosion, the huge meteorite suddenly broke into pieces of rubble and exploded in all directions.

There was a "boom", which was the sound made by the castle tower behind being hit by fragments of the meteorite. Yes, although the broken meteorite split into a pile of stones, it still hit the direction of Inazuma Castle. Among them, the castle tower was hit by a medium-sized stone. Fortunately, the hit was relatively close to the roof. The location did not directly destroy the entire castle tower.

More broken stones flew to the nearby castle town, and soon a large number of explosions came from all around. It was obvious that the broken meteorites also caused a lot of damage.

Hearing the explosions coming from around him, General Thunder frowned slightly. Protecting this country was his duty and the purpose for which he was created. Whoever the man on the ship was, he had touched General Raiden's reverse scale.

"What the hell? This is actually blocked?" Linton also looked at General Thunder below with some surprise. Tianzhenxing himself had specially summoned a big one, and it actually blocked it. The performance of these seven gods is better than I thought.

"You can block one, right? I want to see how many you can block and see how I shoot..." Linton was getting excited, but just as he was about to clap, Beidou's voice came from beside him. sound.

"Hey, hey, we're going to hit a mountain ahead!" Beidou shouted anxiously.

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