I really can't control myself

Chapter 2503 Making Friends

At this time, there were a large group of people walking into Wanmin Hall. The leader who just spoke was a tall woman wearing something like a cheongsam. The most obvious feature of the person was that she was wearing an eye patch, which made it look as if she had lost an eye.

Although Linton didn't know the other party, judging from the tone and momentum of the other party's words, he must be a heroic person.

At this time, Xiang Ling, who was having a headache next to her, saw the person coming in, and she was quite happy and called out the person's name: "Sister Beidou! You are back from the sea!"

"Ah, but I can't stay long this time." Beidou here responded casually, because her eyes were naturally on Linton at this time, "What's the situation here?"

"Uh... well... these two guests should be from other places and want to use their currency to pay for the meal..." Xiang Ling thought for a while and explained briefly.

However, these words naturally aroused Beidou's vigilance. I had never heard of their currency. As I said before, the currency in this world is unified and is called Mora. Unless the King of Rocks created Mora, there were no other currencies, but that was thousands of years ago. From here Beidou could tell that this matter was a bit complicated.

While Beidou was understanding the situation with Xiang Ling, Linton was also understanding the situation with Asuna.

"... Liyue has a maritime caravan called the Southern Cross Caravan, which is mainly responsible for foreign trade and freight at sea. The captain of this Southern Cross Caravan is the Beidou in front of you." Asuna briefly introduced Beidou situation.

"Isn't this a coincidence? She is a captain, and I am also a captain. I don't know if the reward amount is as high as mine." Linton said.

"They are an official caravan and an official army. You are the leader of the pirate group. It's different." Asuna said.

"They are all captains, what's the difference?" Linton waved.

"Oh? Are you the captain too?" Beidou here just turned his head and asked after hearing Linton's last words.

"Yes, I also have a fleet here. It used to be called the Whitebeard Pirates, but now I have incorporated it, but the name has never been changed," Linton said.

"Pirate group?" Beidou's eyes narrowed. She had dealt with many pirate groups. Although it was a merchant group, the Southern Cross fleet also had a hidden mission, which was to protect the shipping near Liyue. Route safety. Whether they were sea monsters or sea monsters, or bandits and pirates, their fleet had dealt with many of them.

Hearing what Linton said, Beidou felt that he had touched a little bit of the other party's background. First of all, I have never heard of the Whitebeard Pirates. It is obviously not a big pirate group. The other party said that he had incorporated the pirate group, so what is the other party going to do next? Either build your own pirate group, or try another route, such as shipping.

No matter which one it was, Beidou felt that it had something to do with her. He happened to think that Linton was mysterious, so Beidou decided to continue to explore the other party's background.

"Are you here to eat?" Beidou continued to ask.

"Yes, the aroma of the food in this restaurant has the taste of our hometown. I specially wanted to try it, but the boss here actually refused to let the dishes be washed. You are going too far. In any restaurant, there are people who wash the dishes and pay the bill. Is the model good? What will you do to those people who eat the King's meal? I advise you to learn from Mond, who even has a payment model for washing dishes in bars." Linton yelled directly.

"Well..." Because the opponent was so fierce, Xiang Ling was so frightened that she immediately shrank back behind Beidou.

"Hahahaha..." Beidou here suddenly laughed, "Well, as the saying goes, meeting is destined..."

"That's a good thing to say!" Before Beidou could finish speaking, Linton suddenly became excited, "Listen, listen, who keeps saying that all my maxims are made up, I'll just say There is such a motto, do you hear it?"

"I said, what's the use of talking to me? My master is also Chinese. I know the situation. You have to find someone else to talk about it." Asuna said here.

"Gan... you are the only one around you at this time." Linton said unhappily, "We should really let Garsain and the others come over and take a look."

"Huh?" This sudden incident made Beidou here a little confused and looked at Linton strangely.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I suddenly encountered something that made me excited. Meeting means we are destined. I like this sentence so much. If you think about it carefully, Captain Beidou and I are really destined. You see, we are both captains. I just happened to meet him here again." Linton said with a smile.

"Yes... indeed." Beidou nodded, "If you are so destined, then let me treat you to a meal."

"Huh?" This time it was Linton's turn to be stunned for a moment, "You want to treat me to dinner?"

"Yes." Beidou nodded.

"Oh..." Linton looked Beidou up and down, "You are really a good woman."

"But... there are conditions." Beidou here continued.

"Uh... there are conditions?" Linton was stunned again, "What conditions."

Beidou looked to the side, and then said to the two people on the table next to him: "Get out of the way."

The two people at the table next to him immediately gave up the table. Since the food they had ordered hadn't been served yet, they naturally had no objection to giving up a table to Beidou.

Beidou here sat directly next to him, put his right hand directly on the table, and said to Linton: "Come, compete with me in arm wrestling. If you win, I will treat you to dinner."

"Huh? Is this kind of duel still popular in this city?" Linton asked in surprise.

"I've never heard of that." Asuna shook her head.

"Okay, as long as someone's treating me, that's fine." Linton said and wanted to sit down.

"It's not over yet." Beidou here continued, "If you lose, you and your Whitebeard Pirates will join my fleet."

"No problem!" As soon as Beidou finished speaking, Linton responded readily.

This made Beidou stunned for a moment. To be honest, the stakes between the two sides were very unbalanced. After all, her side was just a meal. She didn't think Linton would agree immediately, but she didn't expect Linton to actually agree like this.

So either the previous incident about the pirate group was just random talk and there was no such thing, or else...Linton was very confident in his own strength and felt that he would not lose at all.

This actually made Beidou become a little more serious.

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