Obviously, if there is a member of the chicken farm guild leader in the city, he has naturally received the news of the invasion war, and will naturally notify the people in the city to prepare for the war.

The people on Mondstadt's side didn't know the tragic situation they were going to face, but if they were members of the team, they obviously knew that the invasion was serious and that they would definitely fight until they were completely conquered.

Now the city below does not look like it is preparing for war. There is a high probability that there should be no enemy team members in this city. Linton still has a headache if he can't catch anyone, because from the previous situation in the God of War world, the enemy team members can provide a lot of control points. And if these team members are not cleaned up, they may pull back the control point when they leave the opponent, which will be even more troublesome.

"Sky City branch?" Linton pointed to a floating city floating above Liyue Port and asked Asuna next to him.

Yes, another floating city appeared in front of Linton at this time. Linton didn't know if the technology of floating cities was very common in this world. Although he had not seen anything similar above Mondstadt before, he wanted to do it just now. I missed one, and now I saw a similar one in another place.

However, the floating city in front of me looks much smaller than the one I wanted to shoot down before. Although the previous Sky City was a bit far away, Linton could still roughly judge the size of the opponent. The floating city in front of us looks more like a floating castle with only one building on it, and this building looks a bit like... a Chinese temple?

However, looking at Liyue Port below, the architectural style of the entire city sounds more Chinese-style. The architectural style I saw in Mondstadt before is more European-style.

Looking at the differences in architectural styles, Linton also remembered that each country in Genshin Impact seems to have a realistic prototype. This Liyue should be Chinese-style. If he remembers correctly, the rice wife he is responsible for should have a Japanese-style background.

"That's the Jade Pavilion, and it shouldn't have anything to do with the Sky City just now." Asuna said here, "This Jade Pavilion is the palace built by Tianquan Ningguang, the current ruler of Liyue. It's also a critical moment. Can be used as a weapon."

"Oh, so, did you make it yourself? I thought it was a tool used by the gods in Sky City to monitor various countries." Linton nodded, "So it is better to bring a tour guide. You just said Liyue Is the current person in power called Tianquan Ningguang? She is the patron saint of this country?"

"No, the organization in power in Liyue is a discussion committee called the Seven Stars. It consists of seven members in total, and Tianquan is one of them. This Tianquan is a title, similar to an official position. The person who currently holds this title It's called Condensing Light," Asuna explained.

"Oh, Liyue has a cabinet-parliamentary system. This Ningguang position is similar to that of prime minister, right?" Linton nodded to express his understanding, "What about their god, is it similar to a constitutional monarchy and acts as a mascot to do nothing? Has all the power been given to the people below?"

"Not only did he not take care of things, he even faked his own death in order to retire," Asuna said.

"Uh... just lying down, right?" Linton held his forehead, "Just now you said that Barbatos over there in Mondstadt was singing and drinking all day long, and now there's another one lying flat on his back. He's not the guardian he promised to be. God? Can this be worse than bad?"

"There is a saying in this world called 'wear and tear'. Although gods have infinite lifespans, the spiritual level often undergoes some changes as time passes, and most of these changes are not a good thing." Asuna said.

"In other words, these gods became salty because of wear and tear, right?" Linton nodded, "I have heard similar sayings, because everything is easy to get, and they have unlimited lifespan. In the end, I lost interest in everything. Then there are legends about gods who sleep, sleep, and sleep until they die and never wake up again..."

"Then where should we go now?" Asuna asked.

"The retired god and the chief minister of the cabinet who is seemingly in power?" Linton touched his chin, "If there is a disagreement between the two, who will listen?"

"Currently, all the rules in Liyue are made by the patron saint here. Even Tianquan only dares to tinker with these rules, and is also known as Liyue's tailor. From the current point of view, the entire Liyue has no respect for them. The reverence for the patron saint is extraordinary, and as long as he enacts his will, no one will violate it, including the Seven Stars, of course." Asuna said.

"So he is just too lazy to work, right? The power is still concentrated on him." Linton nodded, "Then why are you looking for these Seven Stars? Why don't you just go to him directly? Does anyone know where he is? ?”

"The current patron saint's pseudonym is Zhongli, and his current identity is the guest minister of the Hall of Rebirth." Asuna said.

"Oh, then you can find people by going to this Rebirth Hall, right?" Linton nodded, "The Rebirth Hall? It sounds like it's just for free."

"It's true that he's just doing nothing." Asuna nodded.

"Huh? Is it really true? It seems that this place is so friendly. You can tell what it is for as soon as you hear the name. Look at the store called Angel's Gift before. What the hell is the name? Why don't you just go and listen to others? Who knew it was a bar?" Linton said and jumped forward directly, because Liyue Port was just below, and he entered the city directly this time.

"Oh oh oh, it feels like an ancient scenic town." Linton looked around and found that the city had a stronger Chinese flavor. Although it was a bit exaggerated, it was quite friendly.

"It should be this way." Asuna pointed in a direction and said.

"I seem to smell Mapo Tofu." Linton found a store on the other side, stood at the door of the store and pointed at the plaque and said, "Wanmintang, it should be a restaurant, right."

"Yes." Asuna nodded.

"Come, let's eat first." Linton said and walked in directly.

"Hey! Didn't you just finish eating?" Asuna here couldn't help shouting.

"It's rare to encounter the taste of my hometown, why don't you try it quickly? The last time I ate it was in Shaman King. Although my niece is good at cooking, her Chinese food is not authentic. The level of cooking in this world is good, I guess it should be good. Food." Linton said. Of course, his judgment was mainly based on smelling the smell coming from the other party's store and thinking it should be authentic Chinese food.

At this time, Linton had already entered the store while talking, and Asuna also caught up and said: "But you don't have any money at all."

After saying this, the store, which was still a bit lively, suddenly became quiet. Yes, there were a lot of people in Wanmintang store at this time. Everyone was eating, drinking and chatting. Suddenly, I heard people coming into the store over there saying that they had no money. Everyone's eyes were attracted. This didn't happen. It's quite novel to put money into a restaurant. I'm afraid I'm not here to cause trouble.

"Hey, you're going a little too far. Do you know the tradition of our team? Our team has so much to eat, have you ever given me money to eat?" Linton said.

The diners listening to the conversation between the two were once again stunned. They really came to eat the Overlord meal, and they felt confident about it.

"Indeed... but there is no nephew in this world to pay the bill." Asuna said, because the last time the team was dispatched, Linton called Tony to pay the bill.

"At worst, I'll leave you here washing dishes." Linton waved his hand.

Asuna looked at Linton and didn't know how to answer this.

"Um... we don't need to wash the dishes in the store for the time being." A voice came from the side. Linton turned around and saw that it was a little girl with short hair, and the back of her head was tied with two braids. It can be heard from the other party's words that this little girl is probably the owner of this store...or the owner's wife.

"..." This is quite embarrassing. The owner of this restaurant heard that he was going to have a meal, and he refused to wash the dishes and pay off the debt. Linton thought for a while, and then took out a gold coin directly, "Can I use this thing to pay the bill?"

"Huh?" Xiangling here took the gold coin from Linton's hand and looked at it smoothly, and then said a little strangely: "Is this...currency? Where is this currency? Sorry, it can't be used here. Such currency."

"No, this is gold." Linton said.

"But..." Xiang Ling here wanted to say something else, but Asuna next to her took the initiative to explain.

"The currency of this world is called Mora. It has some special properties and should not be replaced by other currencies." Asuna said.

"Special attributes?" Linton asked.

"Because the currency of this world itself has some magical properties, and more importantly, this currency happened to be created and issued by the patron saint of Liyue." Asuna said.

"A currency issued by God?" Linton was stunned.

"Well, I said before that the patron saint has a lofty status here, so the currency he issues has very high credibility, especially in Liyue. People here will definitely not recognize other currencies. "Asuna said.

"That's right, Mora is the universal currency recognized throughout the continent. You definitely can't use it." After Asuna finished speaking, a guest at the table next to her also said directly.

"It happens to be a world where gold is not universal?" Linton held up his forehead, "By the way, you said this is the currency invented by that god, right? That's fine, I'll eat here first, and you go call that god. Come pay the bill."

"That might not work," Asuna said, "because this guy never buys anything..."

Asuna here originally wanted to explain, but before she could finish her words, a particularly heroic female voice suddenly came from the door: "Xiang Ling! I'm back! Get the food and drinks ready... huh? Is someone making trouble? "

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