I really can't control myself

Chapter 2498 Surveillance

The person who walked into the bar at this time was Diluc, the owner of Chenxi Winery, whom Linton and Asuna had discussed before. Of course, it is not a coincidence that he appears here at this time.

The person who informed him was naturally the bartender Charles. When Charles went to the back kitchen to prepare things, he sent someone to notify Diluc. Of course, this was also arranged by Diluc.

It was obvious that Sun Wukong was assigned to work here, which was a bit too smooth in itself. Even if you really want to eat a king's meal, isn't it weird to arrange for someone who doesn't know any details to work in your own obvious industry?

The weirdo Sun Wukong has been targeted for a long time. Of course it wasn't just Diluc who was eyeing him.

Diluc, who entered the door at this time, also saw the man sitting in the corner next to him, and said directly: "You are here too, Kaia."

"After all, we have to keep an eye on some of them. These are the prisoners who are eating the Overlord's meal. They are also within the jurisdiction of our knights." The person named Kaia said with his hands spread.

"From the Knights?" Linton also looked at the person named Kaia and asked. Apparently he had already noticed the other party staring at their table.

"Sorry to introduce myself a little late, Cavalry Captain of the Knights of the West Wind, Kaia." Kaia here stood up and took the initiative to say hello.

"Oh... Dawn Winery, Knights... That woman over there should be from the church, right?" Linton pointed to the woman lying on the bar next to him.

"Uh...she is indeed from the church." Kaia here looked at the woman lying next to her and said, "But she probably just happened to sleep here."

"It's really... troublesome." Just as he was saying this, the woman who had been lying on the bar sat up. "You are right, I am indeed a nun of the church, but I only stay here because of those guys. If you are caught, you will be dragged to pray or go to the choir, which is really boring.”

"This is Rosalia." Kaia next to her helped introduce.

"I see, are you really being targeted?" Asuna said here.

"Oh, do you all know them?" Linton asked.

"Yes." Asuna nodded, "These three people seem to like to protect the country secretly. For example, this Diluc has the title of 'Hero of the Night'. And this Rosalia usually looks like A nun from the church, but she goes out every night to secretly clean up people she feels are a threat to Mondstadt.”

"Haha, is that right? Miss Rosalia, you seem to have been seen through." Kaia here touched her head and looked at Rosalia next to her.

"Trouble..." Rosalia curled her lips and said.

"Anyway, could you please explain in detail what you just said?" Diluc here said again.

"Well...I understand, police officers, I'll report it!" Linton stood up, then pointed directly at Sun Wukong and said: "It's him, this guy, just said he wanted to talk to your gods, but we couldn't reach an agreement. The person who just bulldozed this country is this bad guy, so arrest him quickly!”

"Huh?" Sun Wukong here was still eating meat. Hearing Linton say this, he was stunned, "I'm not, I didn't!"

"You still don't admit it? What did I just tell you? Is that what I said? Did you also agree?" Linton said.

"Uh... um..." Sun Wukong didn't know how to answer for a while. He said that was indeed what he said, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"You all heard it, catch him quickly!" Linton waved his hand and said.

"Uh... so isn't this what you just told him?" Kaiya looked at Linton and said.

"But he is responsible for everything here. If you want to find something to do, go to him. I have other things to do here and I don't have time to take care of things here." Linton said, "I'll take care of it after dinner." Now that he's gone, you can just kill him or cut him into pieces and say hello to him."

"You... are too clean. Are you really not worried about what I will do to your friends?" Kaiya said.

"Then don't worry. If you can, just kill him. Anyway, it will take me a long time to kill him." Linton said, patting Sun Wukong here, "You think so, they are looking for you to compete. .”

"Really?" Sun Wukong looked at Diluc and the others here. He was still a little interested in the martial arts competition, but after looking at a few people, he probably judged the opponent's aura, "Uh... but there are a few of them. if……"

"Totally underestimated." Kaia said here.

"So who are you, and why do you want to take advantage of this city-state?" Diluc here continued to ask.

"It's not just Mondstadt. It seems like you want to plot more, right?" Diluc here had just arrived, so Linton didn't hear all of the conversation between them. But Kaia had been listening by the side just now, so of course she heard everything.

"Uh... damn it, you actually eavesdropped on our plan." Linton said through gritted teeth.

"This is not eavesdropping at all, okay? Are there any people who are conspiring loudly like you?" Kaiya couldn't help but say.

"Now that you guys know about it, there's nothing we can do about it." Linton said, "By the way, you all have been staring at this guy before, and now you know what we are going to do, right?"

"What do you mean?" Kaia asked.

"That means you didn't know our purpose before this, right?" Linton asked again.

"That's... really unexpected." Kaiya said.

"Well...Have you ever heard anyone say anything about us coming before this? People from other countries too." Linton asked again.

"Of course...Hey, since when did you ask us?" Kaiya suddenly realized that they were actually starting to answer Linton's questions in turn, mainly because Linton suddenly took the initiative.

"It's okay, I'm just asking. It seems that Mondstadt doesn't have one." Linton nodded. Although he said that one person is responsible for a country, in fact, he has more things to do here. For example, you need to find the enemy team members in this world, or you need to deal with the protagonist's affairs, otherwise 99% of the progress will be blocked.

"What do you mean?" Kaia asked directly.

"In this way, you first drag this guy out to fight. If you win, this guy will tell you the situation." Linton pointed to Sun Wukong next to him and said, "Now he is in charge of this area. If you have any questions, If so, kill him to death. If there’s really no way I can take charge of this again, do you think that’s okay?”

"No, you..." Kaia here wanted to say something more, but was suddenly stopped by Diluc next to him.

"If you want to compete, you can." Diluc said, "In order to achieve the goal, strength is necessary, I can understand. I hope you can abide by the agreement."

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