I really can't control myself

Chapter 2497 Discussion

"Is this drawing of lots really meaningful?" Asuna quickly understood one thing, that is, the drawing of lots that Linton casually said was really meaningful, although he said it himself I chose a piece of land, but some were too lazy to choose.

Because the next two people Asuna asked, Saitama and Aizen gave casual answers. Don't you think this lottery will come in handy?

"Then what about your side? Choose by yourself or draw lots?" Asuna asked Sun Wukong. She could only say that the current situation is that those who like to choose choose by themselves, and those who are too lazy to choose will draw lots. Asuna said whether the team can still get better and why it is so chaotic. The main reason is that the captain who sets the rules takes the lead in causing trouble.

"Huh? By the way, why did you choose this?" Sun Wukong here still didn't understand what was going on.

"Anyway... choose a place first, within these seven countries." Asuna pointed at the simple map next to her.

"Then can I choose here?" Sun Wukong said directly pointing to his feet without looking at the map.

"Understood." Asuna said nothing and directly registered Sun Wukong. The remaining people all expressed their casualness and drew lots directly.

The final distribution results are as follows: Linton is responsible for Inazuma; Vegeta is responsible for Winter; Sun Wukong is responsible for Mondstadt; Aizen is responsible for Sumeru; Wanda is responsible for Fontaine; Saitama is responsible for Nata; and finally Asuna is responsible for Li. moon.

"OK, the distribution has been completed easily, so everyone understands the part they are responsible for, right?" Linton said.

"Isn't there too little information? The part I'm responsible for only says 'Stay tuned'. What does that mean?" Wanda said, pointing to the information under Fontaine that she was responsible for.

"That part seems to be a part that will be released in subsequent versions." Asuna said.

"You can figure out a way to solve the part you are responsible for. We are a pure elite team here. Everyone has the ability to handle things on their own..." Linton waved his hand and said, "Look at me, I am not completely indifferent. Smear it, don’t you know what this rice wife is like?”

"You don't bother to look at the information at all, okay? This part has already been published." Asuna said.

"The Great Merciful Tree King...the Little Lucky Grass King?" The only one who was reading the script seriously at this time was Aizen. It was obvious that he was seriously studying Xumi's situation, "Judging from the current situation, this title The one called Little Lucky Grass King..."

"No, no, no, no need to discuss. Everyone is responsible for their own affairs." Linton said quickly, "In short, we will set off after eating. Let's do this. Everyone here has 10 days. You can do whatever you want. Please come within ten days. The problem must be solved. We will meet again at this tavern in ten days, and those who failed to solve the problem will be treated to dinner, no problem."

"Then what specific method will be used?" Aizen asked, "Kill directly at the door?"

"Ahem, can you not be so grumpy? Have you never heard the motto of our family? Conquer others with virtue. We are here. Although the main goal is to fight an invasion war, it does not prevent us from spreading peace. Spread love, right?" Linton said, "If you look at this world, it is full of good people. When we are doing things, we must do more benevolence and justice, otherwise won't the reputation of our team be ruined?"

"Then what if they don't cooperate?" Vegeta asked next to him. It was obvious that from the beginning he had just wanted to go in and push straight, and he didn't expect Linton to suddenly say such a paragraph.

"There's nothing we can do about it. If we really don't cooperate, we can just bulldoze it." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Oh oh oh, I understand what to do." Vegeta here said immediately.

"So you only understood the last sentence, right?" Asuna said, holding her forehead.

"In short, everyone just needs to pay attention to the time and get it done within ten days." Linton said, "As for what to do specifically, everyone can do their best. There are only two results here, either surrender or die. It’s easy to understand, right?”

"Yeah, yeah." Vegeta nodded, "Don't worry, I'm very experienced in such occupation missions."

"Really? What should we do specifically?" Wanda next to her took it seriously. It was indeed her first time to do such a thing, and she asked very seriously.

"I think I took on many such missions back then, and they all occupied the entire planet..." Vegeta said.

"Oh, he was doing this when I first met him. I still remember the name of that unlucky guy, Nappa, right? He was the Saiyan who was with you at the time." Linton also followed Bege's lead. Ta said, "If I remember correctly, you two had nothing to do and just ate the people on that planet as snacks..."

"????" Wanda looked at Vegeta in surprise.

"Yeah, yeah, I really haven't eaten food from this side of the Earth back then..." Vegeta nodded a little nostalgically, "Nappa, that's indeed his name. I even forgot about this guy when I checked. .”

"What are you guys talking about? What about surrendering and occupying snacks?" As the two were talking, a voice came from next to them. It was the uncle who was the creditor who came out of the kitchen with several basins of food. He said, While putting the prepared food on the table. What came into view was a large bowl of meat, the bone-in kind, which looked quite delicious.

"I'm starting!" Although Sun Wukong here was confused now, when he saw the food being delivered, he didn't think too much and just picked up a big piece of meat and started to chew on it.

Vegeta next to him was not slow and also started to chew. Yes, the eating battle between the two started inexplicably again.

"Uh... um..." Wanda here looked at Vegeta who was eating heavily, and suddenly covered his mouth and felt a little nauseous.

"What's wrong, young lady?" The uncle here asked Wanda looking at this reaction.

"It's okay, it's just... I suddenly can't eat." Wanda said with a headache, "It's not directed at you, boss, it's just that I suddenly lost my appetite."

"It's okay, miss, and I'm not the boss." The uncle here said, "By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Charles, and I am the bartender of this Angel's Gift Bar. Like other employees, we They are all employed by Chenxi Winery, and our boss, Mr. Diluc, comes here occasionally."

"Hmm... Diluc, is his full name Diluc Legenfund?" Asuna asked next to him.

"Does this young lady know my master?" the bartender uncle Charles asked with a smile. It's not that strange. After all, people who don't know Diluc in Mondstadt are an exception. Even if they are not from the city, they have heard of Diluc. The master’s name is not surprising either.

"Important person?" Linton asked Asuna.

"This country called Mondstadt has three relatively important forces within its territory. They are the Church, the Knights, and the Dawn Winery," Asuna said.

"Why can a winery be listed alongside the Church and the Knights?" Linton asked a little strangely.

"Because this winery controls half of the entire wine business in Mondstadt, and the most important industry in Mondstadt is the wine industry." Asuna said.

"Oh, I understand, he is a representative of the big capitalists." Linton nodded, "Listening to the church, I thought it was a religious country, but it turns out, isn't it? This is quite surprising. Generally, in countries like this with churches, the church Their brainwashing abilities are much more powerful than others."

"Probably because the gods of this country are relatively Buddhist." Asuna said, "The god who protects this country is called Barbatos, the wind god. Some people also call him Barbatos. The daily work of this god is Drink and sing..."

"The weapon used was a hunting whistle, right?" Linton said.

"There's no record of this," Asuna said.

"Hey, hey, you should pick up my joke." Linton roared.

"Which part?" Asuna asked.

"Forget it...you go on, forget it, don't continue, it's not my responsibility anyway." Linton said, patting Sun Wukong who was eating a big meal next to him, and said, "Listen, this is all your job. .”

"Huh?" Sun Wukong was still confused.

"No, your unconcerned look makes me a little worried. You know how to work, right?" Linton couldn't help but say.

"Uh... how to do it?" Sun Wukong didn't understand what happened before, and he asked in confusion at this time.

"That is, you find the leaders of this country, who are either their gods or their governors, and then ask them to join us. If they don't agree, find a way to get them to agree. If it doesn't work, bulldoze it. Linton said simply.

"Huh? Bulldozed? Here?" Sun Wukong seemed to have realized the situation at this time, "Why?"

"Because this is the mission we took on, okay?" Linton shouted.

"Uh...but the people here are very nice." Sun Wukong said, touching his head.

"So doesn't this also give them a chance? If they are willing to cooperate, there is no need to bulldoze it." Linton said, "You are responsible for this. If you want to have a good talk with them, just have a good talk."

"Oh, that's it." Sun Wukong nodded, "Then I'll have a good talk with that god later."

Sun Wukong didn't seem to have much reaction to talking to gods. In his impression, gods are like Namekians. In Sun Wukong's eyes, they should all be easy to talk to. So he thought it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Uh... the one you said you were looking for..." Charles here was stunned for a moment while listening to the conversation between several people. Just when he was about to ask about the situation, a voice suddenly came from the door of the store next to him.

"Can you explain in detail what you said before?" The speaker was a man with long fiery red hair. He was neatly and gorgeously dressed and looked elegant, like a noble man.

"Sir, you are here." Charles here quickly named the other party's identity with a title.

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