I really can't control myself

Chapter 2363 Investigation

Because Gruto's troops were already very close to the imperial capital at this time, the news quickly spread to Yalan.

"You see, right? I said there must be a mole." Linton said after hearing the news.

Yalan's brows wrinkled slightly, Linton's previous words were confirmed. The reason is also very simple, that is, the news that the former Second Legion soldiers led by Gruto have returned to the city has not been made public.

Yalan's exoneration of the former Second Legion soldiers and their rewards were naturally made public. But the matter of letting them return to the main city obviously does not need to be made public. After all, this is a military secret. How can the mobilization of the legion be made public, right?

At this time, the troops of the Second Army can stay in place to help the Third Army in the encirclement and suppression, or other arrangements can be made. Now that Yalan has forgiven their sins, it is obvious that they do not need to come back to atone for their sins, and their families have also begun to be released.

So how did the assassinating troops accurately determine that the other party would definitely come back?

Among them, it can be temporarily judged that there are no spies on the side of the former Second Army. The reason is that they had just attacked the troops of the First Army. If there were spies, the First Army would not have been attacked, right? So who else knows the current whereabouts of the Second Army?

The answer is the palace. Yes, Yalan knows, Linton knows, and some ministers also know. Now it is basically certain that the whereabouts of the second legion were revealed from the palace.

Linton was not familiar with most of the ministers, and the only one he was familiar with was Prime Minister Tyrard. But of course Yalan is familiar with these people.

In her opinion, these ministers seemed to be very loyal, but she really couldn't tell which one had the feeling of being a spy. When Linton made a bet with her before, she also said that there shouldn't be one.

But the facts are right in front of us, and we must make a good judgment now.

"At times like this, just give these ministers a hard time and let them all go." When asked for Linton's opinion, Linton waved his hand and said.

"..." Yalan looked at Linton with an expression that said, "You really know how to govern the country." She thought carefully about Linton's attitude towards these ministers, which was to kill them when they could, and not when they couldn't.

So can it actually be done like that? If Linton's words are true, after all, if he is in charge, it will be really stable, and no minister will dare to think anything about it.

The current system of the empire is that only nobles can serve as officials, so although these ministers may be regarded as individuals, they actually represent the noble families behind them. So will Linton offend all the nobles and cause turmoil in the empire? The answer is no.

The reason is because the empire previously killed two other human empires and integrated the three major human empires into one empire. However, since one empire has annexed two other empires, what should we do with the nobles in these two empires? They used to be high officials in each other's empires, but now that their empires are gone, their status in the newly built empire based on the Holy Empire of Elan has naturally declined.

Suffering from the lack of position as an official, Linton appeared at this time. He was not worried at all about how he would be affected, because even if these nobles united, they would not be able to overthrow him. Linton, the guy who doesn't like him, does whatever he wants. But these ministers had no way to deal with him, and then they fell into competition among the nobles.

Once Linton kills someone, someone will naturally come up to take over. Linton doesn't have to worry about no one becoming an official. Even if he really offended all the nobles and no one wanted to be an official, Linton could still take the imperial examination, so he had no worries at all.

Although it was not his intention, the power of the empire's officialdom was now inexplicably maintained in balance. These officials inexplicably saw their own path to promotion. In other places, it might be based on performance, but here the path to promotion was for Linton to kill anyone who was unhappy, and the position would become vacant.

In short, only Linton can do this, and of course Yalan can't do it. Just when she was thinking about how to deal with it, Linton suddenly said: "Anyway, I'm going to see what's going on first."

Linton has also rested for more than ten days and is about to go out for a walk. It just so happened that I started to go out for a walk. After all, I had been a detective in the previous world. Isn't this the time to find a spy? It felt like a professional match.

Soon, a portal on Linton's side opened near the temporary base of the former Second Army led by Gruto. At this time, the Second Legion experienced an assassination incident and temporarily stopped marching, stationed on the spot to wait for the outcome of the incident in the imperial capital.

Although Linton had never been here before, the door opened quite accurately, right into the military camp. At this time, the military camp here had just been attacked and was obviously on high alert. Seeing the person who suddenly walked out of the orange gate, the soldiers patrolling around him were stunned, and then quickly surrounded him.

Soon Linton was surrounded by a large number of soldiers, all of whom looked at Linton warily. Of course, they did not attack immediately. Looking at Linton's clothes, he knew that the opponent must be very noble.

"Where's Gruto?" Linton also asked directly.

The soldiers looked at each other. As soon as the other party arrived, they looked for their acting army commander. It seemed that he was sent by the imperial capital? The soldiers here were all soldiers of the Second Army, and the Second Army was stationed on the northeastern border. In fact, no one here knew Linton.

Fortunately, Gruto had already heard the noise and came over at this time. Of course, he didn't recognize Linton either. Only some officers of the Second Army had seen Linton before, and of course most of the officers here were dead now.

But Gruto obviously had some guesses about Linton's identity. He was probably an envoy from the imperial capital? So Gruto here also saluted cautiously: "I am Gruto, may I ask who you are..."

"In Lower Linton." Linton only reported his name, and then went straight to the point, "Where is the dead Losos?"

Gruto was stunned for a moment. He had met several envoys sent by the imperial capital before, but when they introduced themselves, they would not only say their names, but also their family and official positions in the court. , will also produce tokens. I have never seen someone like Linton come up and just say his name without even giving his family name.

Because he had just been attacked, Gruto was now very cautious. Just as he was about to further ask about Linton's identity, his brother Joel, who was now serving as a military affairs officer, suddenly pulled Gruto and whispered. : "It's Lord Sword Master."

"Sword Master... Sir?" Before Gruto could react, Joel also knew that the other party probably didn't recognize him, so he quickly said again: "Great Lord Linton Mello."

Yes, Joel had met Linton. After all, their village was near the imperial capital. When the country was founded, and when the prince Lin Rui was born, there were banquets held for several days. Joel had attended several city-wide banquets at that time and had seen Linton from a distance. At first he didn't dare to recognize him, but when he heard the other party announced his home address, of course he confirmed it.

"Sir Linton?!" Gruto also reacted. Although he has never met Linton, he certainly knows who Linton is. As everyone knows, this is the actual ruler of the Holy Empire of Yilan. As for Yalan, everyone agrees that she helps Linton occupy his position. Yalan herself didn't mind either.

The sudden appearance of Linton made Gruto a little panicked. After all, he was just a commoner a few days ago. He had just become a noble, and after being promoted, he failed to do the first thing he was asked to do. Gruto, who was a little flustered, knelt down on one knee, leaned towards Linton and said, "The criminal will meet with the Sword Master, and the failure to successfully escort the prisoner is all my fault. Please punish me."

The acting army commander bowed, and the surrounding soldiers naturally knelt down as well. Linton is really famous for his evil reputation now. He didn't dare to show his face until he saw the emperor across from him.

"Okay, get up and do the work." Linton really didn't care that Gruto messed up the matter. After all, the news was leaked from them, but there was no need to explain this matter to Gruto. He said directly, "Then Luo Where is Soth’s body? It won’t be buried.”

"Of course not. Please come with me, sir." Gruto here immediately led the way.

Although I don’t know why Linton wanted to see Losos’ body first, maybe he wanted to verify whether the other party was really dead? Or do you think he lied? Although Gruto thought a lot, he still led Linton to a military tent. There were several corpses inside, because they were the ones who were attacked last night, and the people didn't stink yet.

Linton took a look and saw that the other party had been stabbed to death, and there seemed to be many injuries on his body. Although his face was not damaged, Linton didn't recognize him at first. I vaguely remembered that I had met him several times before. After all, when the country was founded, all the legion commanders returned to the imperial capital to report on their duties, and they were also asked to renew their oath of allegiance to the new empire and the new emperor. Of course, this oath can only be said to be heard. You see, he will go against it.

"Are there any assassins captured alive?" Linton asked.

"No, I caught a few, and they all committed suicide. The other party was a dead soldier, and they didn't have time to stop them." Gruto here replied.

"Are there any remaining officers of the Second Corps?" Linton asked.

"There are still a few, but their knowledge is limited and they have been tortured." Gruto said here.

"Pull any one over here." Linton waved his hand and said.

Although it was strange, Gruto still obeyed. So an officer of the Second Army was pulled here. When the officer saw Linton, he quickly begged for mercy, saying that he was temporarily confused. Linton didn't even listen to his nonsense. He just held him down and the dirt was reincarnated. After a while, under Gruto's surprised eyes, Losos' body on the ground "came to life" again.

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