I really can't control myself

Chapter 2362 Processing

Although Linton expressed his intention to capture and control him seven times, his incompetent rage was finally suppressed by Yalan.

News of the rebels' defeat soon spread throughout the empire. For most people, this is naturally a good thing. After all... this war has not started yet.

When I heard that there were 200,000 rebels, everyone was very nervous, thinking that a war would break out this time. Didn't expect this? Finished in one night? This makes it a bit ridiculous to worry so much before.

At this time, the people who moved from the north were also a little confused. Is this the end of the battle? They were mainly worried that the north would become a battlefield, so they decided to move to the south. Although the policies given by Linton were good, and the land they were allocated was doubled, they still needed to open up wasteland. If it weren't for the threat of war, at least half the number of people who decided to come here would be reduced.

But now that you have come, are you going back now? Once you've come, you'll be content, and the vast majority of people still choose to stay.

The victory came so quickly that these ministers were not prepared. Most of them felt that this war was likely to last for a long time. After all, the opponent had 200,000 soldiers, and they were all regular troops. It was obvious that this combat power could not be easily defeated. And the order here is also for defense, so this must be a stalemate for a long time.

So they just started their own work here, such as settling the people and measuring the land. The banks here are also fully cooperating with the new policy and issuing new currency. As a result, the work has just started to be implemented. Are you telling me that it is finished? Is the opposite side just gone? Will we continue to do this work after this...?

Winning was so fast that everyone couldn't adapt. In some ways, the rebels on the opposite side really caught them off guard.

At this time, Yalan came out to take charge of the overall situation. Just as Linton quit because he was sulky, he had previously given some heart-breaking reason for killing someone, saying that he wanted to break the other person's heart by letting him go, and torturing the other person a few more times, etc. Unfortunately, he still didn't deceive him. When he arrived at Yalan, he went away sulking.

Yalan quickly confirmed the authenticity of the battle report to everyone, saying that the rebels had indeed been defeated. At the same time, he stated that the three previous policies will continue to be implemented.

Although the troops of the First Army have been defeated, there are still many troops fleeing outside. If you leave them alone, they will most likely turn into bandits, which will lead to chaos in the north.

Yalan said that if you come back and surrender now, your family will still be alive. If you persist in your persistence, the Third Army will take the initiative to attack you and surround you. If you are caught then, it will be an unforgivable crime.

As for the second item, Yalan announced that this policy will be a long-term policy. From now on, if people from the north want to move to the south, they will give you twice the land for land reclamation, because the production efficiency in the south is indeed higher. This fertile land should be developed first.

As for the third item, it seems to be somewhat unnecessary now, but after all, the exchange for new coins has already begun, so naturally it is impossible to stop at this time.

It just so happened that many people were hoarding currency before. Yalan also used this reason to find out who was doing this kind of thing in the country. There is no need to rush to deal with them, just look at the situation and have an idea.

Of course, the Third Legion that won the battle here will naturally be rewarded. However, the current war is not over yet. Yalan said that after they have completely resolved the rebellion, they will return to the city to be granted the title. It is not easy to change military ranks casually now, but there are still many titles, lands, etc. that can be granted, which should still satisfy everyone.

As for the former Second Legion troops led by Gruto, it was exactly what they thought. Yalan said that even if the other party abandoned the secret and turned to the light, considering that these soldiers had been deceived before and did not know the specific situation, he pardoned everyone for their treason.

Their families were naturally freed, and not only that, several people who performed outstandingly in the battle also received awards. And this naturally includes Gruto.

Yes, Gruto's performance here has to be said to be outstanding. The other party was able to pull back this unit whose officer system had completely collapsed, and his performance throughout the entire war was outstanding. Gruto can be said to have been brave and resourceful during the process, and even Esdeath praised Gruto in the battle report.

Due to the opponent's astonishing performance, Yalan directly awarded him a title based on military merit, which directly brought the place into the aristocratic class.

Gruto himself was surprised at this time, although he had previously thought that if his plan succeeded this time, he would not only be exempted from guilt, but he might also be rewarded. But he didn't expect the reward to be so great, and he was actually knighted directly.

Although it is only a small title, it directly achieves a class leap. This is a qualitative change. Let's just say that I seem to be favored by God. Now I see that it is indeed the case.

At this time, Gruto was already on his way back to the imperial capital. The Third Army will continue its mission of encircling and suppressing the rebels, and the Second Army, which once rebelled, will naturally be brought back. The person responsible for bringing back the Second Legion at this time is Gruto, and now he is even enjoying the powers of acting legion commander.

Of course, he is also responsible for bringing back the rebel officials from the Second Legion. Although most of the officials were beaten to death by the angry soldiers before, Gruto deliberately left a few behind. Among them was Losos, the original commander of the Second Legion.

The order conveyed by Yalan, this Losos asked Gruto to be sent back alive. Because no one else said it, you, the legion commander, should know the specific situation of the rebellion.

Until now, Yalan and the others have not fully understood why this group of people rebelled. Although they heard that there is a claimant for the new throne, the problem is that the claimant has not shown up yet. Yalan has been thinking about it for a long time these days and still doesn't know who this so-called claimant is. The only person who knows this situation now is Losos, the commander of the second army, because although the first army over there was defeated , but the legion commander Tommen didn't catch it.

Yalan asked Gruto to send the people back just to find out what was going on here. However, what she didn't expect was that something unexpected would happen like this.

Yes, two days after Gruto set out, just when they were about to arrive at the Imperial Capital, they were attacked. The attacker's obvious target was the former legion commander Losos. With a large number of escorting troops, Losos was intercepted and killed.

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