I really can't control myself

Chapter 2346 Situation

"Yes, Lord Sword Master." Tyrad here continued, "Just the day before yesterday, almost the same thing happened to the Second Legion located in the northeastern part of the empire. They were also led by Legion Commander Losos. , headed to the nearby Tomiles City, wanting to take over the defense of Tomiles City."

"However, Mitem, the city lord of Tomiles City, was more cautious this time and insisted on asking the other party to produce documents. Losos, the commander of the Second Army, was obviously unable to produce documents, so Mitem blocked the other party's request to enter the city."

"However, unexpectedly, Losos immediately ordered an attack on Tomiles City. Although the city lord Mitem also resisted, the strength of the troops was very different. The city guards with less than 1,000 people were quickly annihilated and captured. The city lord Mitem was fighting Killed," Tyrard said.

"After that, Losos quickly dispersed its forces to attack some nearby small cities, because the number of city guards in these small cities was only dozens to hundreds, and they were unable to resist the attack of the Second Army. So far, probably Seven cities have been controlled by the opponent one after another, and the number continues to increase. The offensive nature of the second army is more aggressive than that of the first army."

"Uh... So the current situation is that the first and second legions have turned against each other?" Linton asked.

Tyrad nodded.

"Then the Second Legion didn't make any demands?" Linton asked.

"We are currently sending people to contact us, but no news has been sent back," Tyrard said. "After the rebellion of the First Legion, we originally wanted to find the Second Legion nearest to the station to resist, but we did not expect the order to be issued. The envoy disappeared immediately, and then this happened."

"This is really evil." Linton said, "This is the thing that is being discussed in the current meeting?"

"Yes, Lord Sword Master, the situation is extremely critical." Tyrad said.

"Then the Second Army, which was supposed to resist the First Army, also turned against them. Who is resisting them now?" Linton asked.

"I... don't know." Tyrad said, "Now we don't even know why they rebelled, and we don't know if other legions can still be trusted."

Linton understood what Tyrard and other ministers meant. The rebellion of the first legion still made them confused. The rebellion of the second legion also followed and they were completely in chaos. Just let other legions come over to counter the rebellion now. How do you know whether other legions will join in the rebellion? Now they don't even know what kind of soldiers they can use.

In fact, although it sounds very troublesome for the two legions to rebel, the current situation in the empire is not serious enough to destroy the country.

Counting those that have not yet been completed, the empire now has seven legions. In terms of military strength, the current rebels obviously cannot compare with this one. Even though the First Army and the Second Army were both elite soldiers and were considered to be the most powerful in the army, the gap in numbers was still very large, and the level of elites on both sides was not high enough to allow the other side to win in a one-on-one battle.

But now I don’t know if they can still use the remaining legions. The first legion and the second legion suddenly rebelled without warning. Even they can counterattack, why can’t the other legions? The crisis of trust caused by this strange situation is now the biggest problem, which is why Tyrard is so anxious.

"If I remember correctly, Esdeath should be the commander of the Third Army now, right?" Linton asked Yalan next to him.

"That's right." Yalan nodded. Esdeath was also a member of the First Legion before. Later, because of his repeated military exploits in the battle against the orcs, he almost wiped out the opponent's country. Relying on military merit, he was later promoted to the commander of the army and became the commander of the third army.

If I remember correctly, the other party is still fighting the orcs, and I don’t know where the orcs provoked her. Although the previous war was indeed initiated by the orcs, their envoys are now crying every day begging to see Yalan and asking for peace. The regular army of that country has now been beaten and wiped out, and the empire doesn't want their land, so there is really no need to kill them all.

However, there is really no way to stop Esdeath, this woman is simply crazy.

"Let Esdeath's third legion go north and block the first and second legions first." Linton said directly. Regardless of the other legion commanders, Esdeath Linton was still somewhat confident. This is still one of her own team members, can she still rebel?

"But the Third Army only has 100,000 troops." Yalan said. Each legion in the empire has a standard configuration of 100,000 troops. Of course, this does not mean a combat strength of 100,000 troops, but includes logistics and reserves of all troops. The military system here is still relatively chaotic in this regard. It is so chaotic that it is difficult to calculate, and Linton can only be counted as one hundred thousand.

"It's just defense. Find a place with better terrain to defend first." Linton said, "By the way, who is the commander of the newly established Seventh Army?"

"Master Sword Master, not yet." Tyrade here said, "The person who originally wanted to appoint was Master Semonto, but he himself refused, so the position of legion commander is currently vacant."

"That's good, let Garsain take over as the commander of the Seventh Army." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned.

"Anyway, he has also been a legion commander and knows how to do it." Linton said.

"But...but...but..." Linton's words were obviously something Tyrard didn't expect, and he was "but" here for a long time. Linton was right. Garsain had actually served as the commander of the army, and he was also the commander of the first army. Although it didn’t take long.

Why did he retreat after that? It wasn't because Garsain was promoted to the holy level. This holy level occupied the pit of the ordinary army, which was obviously inappropriate. In addition, Garsain himself also asked to withdraw, so he withdrew.

But now that Linton has asked Garsain to be the commander of the army, isn't this problem coming back again? Why would you, a Saint, get involved in such a thing? Are you really not afraid that the Saint-Level Association will cause trouble for you?

Hey, Linton really isn’t afraid.

The current Saint-Level Association is very well-behaved. After being fucked by Linton last time, they don't dare to cause trouble at all.

Linton was not worried at all about what this group of people would say. Even if the other party really wanted to start it, the worst possible outcome would be a holy war. Linton didn't care at all that this counter-insurgency war would escalate to a holy war, or it would be easier for him to end up in this way. As long as they dared to intervene, Linton would dare to make the thing called holy on this continent become history and disappear completely. .

Even Linton is too lazy to spend too much energy on the rebellion now. He just deliberately let Garsain go. Your Holy Association has to take care of it, right? You should help me ask those rebels what they want to do. Do you dare to deduct the ordinary envoys sent here? How dare you deduct the saint-level ones?

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