"System prompt: This exploration is over and the exploration progress is being calculated..."

"The exploration progress is 63.4%, and the points obtained are 415,000 points."

"System prompt: Obtain 617,500 combat points."

"System prompt: Return safely and get 50,000 points."

"System prompt: You have received a random reward, the Power of Viridian."

Linton quickly looked at the information prompted by the system. Of course, it was mainly about the progress of the exploration. Seeing the numbers displayed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, he had pushed forward the progress of the Pokemon world before, but the new Conan world was taken over from another place, and the progress itself was not very high. After the two worlds merged, the detection value was obviously recalculated, and now it seems that it should be more than 20%.

But now that I have advanced to 60%, I have naturally completed the task. Linton looked at the task list, and sure enough, it also showed that the task was completed, so of course he didn't have to rush for the task, which made Linton feel a lot more comfortable.

Looking at other things, the combat points are only over 600,000? This is a bit innovative. You might still see scores like this when you first started exploring without the job agency bonus. Not enough. There really wasn't any special battle this time. Things like gin, vodka, etc. obviously Linton didn't think they could provide many battle points, but it was about the same.

As for the random rewards, Linton just learned that there is only one random reward in the fusion world, not one in each world.

Linton also knew a little bit about this permanent power. If I remember correctly, it should be one of the superpowers in the Pokémon world. Its specific function is that it can heal Pokémon, and it can also read some of Pokémon's emotions or thoughts.

For other trainers, it is a very useful skill, but for Linton, he has no idea what it is used for. On the one hand, Linton's Pokémon are basically all mythical beasts. Most of them have telepathy, so there is no problem in communication. On the other hand, Linton didn't want to learn the healing ability at all.

As for this healing ability, can it only heal Pokémon, or can it also heal people? How effective is the treatment? Linton didn't bother to try at all. For things like milk man, he insisted on just finding a tool man.

After briefly looking at the situation, the first thing I did when I came back was naturally to visit the guild. After all, that was why I came back. Now Linton could go directly and confirmed that the invitation letter was indeed still in his package. But after thinking about it, since he was back, of course he would like to see his wife and children first. This task has been completed, and naturally I am not so anxious now.

Naturally, Asuna stayed in the laboratory. She didn't have any other plans for the time being. It was better to let her continue to study the purification of MEGA stone, so as to cultivate her research ability. Now she should be capable of conducting research, maybe she needs some training.

The next second, Linton also opened the door directly. Of course, Yalan, whose aura was directly locked, appeared next to Yalan.

"Ah..." Even Yalan found it difficult to get used to such elusiveness. When she saw Linton, she patted her chest slightly to show that she was scared.

Linton also paid attention to his surroundings. He was now in the meeting hall of the front hall. All the ministers below were there. It seemed like they were having a court meeting. Looking at Yalan next to her, she was indeed dressed in fine clothes. She obviously would not always wear such troublesome and uncomfortable clothes in the back hall.

Linton looked at the expressions of some of the ministers below and felt that something was amiss. So he waved slightly to the guard behind him, who quickly brought a chair and placed it under Yalan's seat.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Linton sat down and asked.

"..." A group of ministers did not answer, and they all looked at Linton with strange eyes.

Linton looked at himself subconsciously, and then realized that he was now wearing a modern casual suit, which indeed looked strange from here. I just came back and didn't have time to change my clothes. Besides, the clothes here, especially formal clothes, are really troublesome to wear.

Linton didn't mean to change. He waved his hand and said, "I'm asking you, are you okay?"

"Um, Lord Sword Master, do you know about the rebels?" Prime Minister Tyrard here took a step forward and asked Linton.

"What? Rebels?" Linton was naturally confused when he came back. He was surprised that there was still a rebellion in the empire under the current situation? Is this a joke? Or do you think you live too long?

As I said before, the current Holy Empire of Yilan is in its heyday, and its national power can be described as explosive. Although Linton didn't pay much attention to people's livelihood issues, the country was so rich and the people's lives were much better.

The three countries have merged internally, the political situation is stable, and external wars have also completely suppressed others. For the time being, there is no social contradiction at all. Who will rebel at this time? You need someone to start a rebellion. If the people want to rebel, most of them must be unable to survive. This is obviously not the case now. This made Linton confused for a moment.

"How long have I been out this time?" Linton asked Yalan in a low voice. He left in a hurry just now. Asuna had always been recording this, but she came here without asking. .

"Hmm...about a month." Yalan also replied in a low voice.

It seems that the time flow rate in the fusion world is not much different from that here. It feels like I have been there for more than a month. So how can such a big change happen in this country in just over a month?

"Master Sword Master, please allow me to explain the situation to you." Prime Minister Tyrad here was not too surprised that Linton didn't know about this at all, because he already knew about Linton from Yalan. Dun often goes out to fight against the Cthulhu invasion.

"You said it." Linton nodded.

"Ten days ago, Tommen, commander of the First Army Corps, suddenly left his station and occupied Manstem City, a large city in the north. The lord of Manstem City did not offer any resistance because he believed that the other party was performing military duties. . Later, the other party used the same method to take over the control of 11 cities in the north. It was not until we received the intelligence and issued an order, and the nearby city lords started to be alert, that the other party stopped the occupation activities," Tyrard said.

"The army rebelled?" Linton was indeed a little surprised. He really didn't expect this. Although the military system in the main world here is somewhat backward, generally speaking, there will be no rebellion. Never in the history of the empire had an entire army suddenly rebelled.

"Why did these people rebel? We didn't pay for the military?" Linton asked strangely. Now that the empire is really rich, it is obviously impossible to afford military expenses. Linton's idea was that the military funds had been embezzled, so he sent them there with only a few percent left, and then the other party got angry and turned against him. Otherwise, he really couldn't imagine why the First Legion rebelled inexplicably.

"Lord Sword Master, it is definitely not a matter of military expenses. Last month's military expenses were sufficient." Tyrad here said immediately.

"Then why did these people rebel?" Linton asked strangely.

"That... Lord Sword Master... I don't know yet." Tyrad here lowered his head and said.

"Don't know?" Linton looked confused.

"Yes, sir, we have also sent people to inquire, but all the people sent have never returned. Our spies are also collecting intelligence, but so far no accurate information has been conveyed back," Tyrard said.

"Uh... the other party didn't make any request?" Linton asked.

"Yes, the other party has not made any requests so far." Tyrad nodded.

"This..." Linton touched his chin. It seemed that it was indeed not a matter of military expenditures. Otherwise, the other party would have taken the initiative to bring it up. Talking about replenishing military expenditures and killing corrupt officials were all unnecessary. The other party will definitely make it clear that problems can only be solved by fighting.

Now that the other party didn't make any request, the matter became strange. Linton could feel at least two things.

First, the other party had obviously planned it for a long time, and it was not a temporary move. The immediate occupation of 12 cities in the north was obviously planned in advance. Someone had probably been planning this for a long time.

The second is that the other party's requirements may not be met through negotiation, so the other party has not yet raised its own requirements.

If you think about it, you will know that the other party's request must be quite excessive, and it is definitely not as simple as giving money.

No matter what, Linton always felt a little weird about this. As for the rebellion of the entire army, let's not talk about whether the generals in a large number of legions can work together and rebel with the legion commander. Why do these large numbers of soldiers also follow suit? This is a crime of rebellion and extermination of nine tribes. No matter how uneducated you are, it is impossible not to know this. These officers said they rebelled and wanted to seize power. Why did these soldiers dare to commit the crime of beheading?

Linton was so surprised that the fact that the other party did not make any request was not only strange to them, but also strange to his own soldiers. This request can be regarded as a form of shouting slogans. For example, when people rebelled in ancient times, they first proposed slogans like Qingjun side or something, telling the other party their demands, and then explaining their goals to the people on their side.

But now the other party didn't say anything. It was strange that he didn't say anything. Why didn't the group of soldiers who followed them in rebellion ask? That's why Linton feels weird, isn't it?

"Then... first..." Linton thought for a while, and was about to say how to deal with it, but mid-sentence, he was interrupted again by Tyradh.

"Master Sword Master, I haven't finished reporting the matter to you yet," Tyrad said.

"Is there anything else?" Linton asked with a frown.

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