I really can't control myself

Chapter 2309 Investigation

As he said this, everyone had already arrived in the room opposite. At this time, there was no one here. Of course, because there was no case, the scene was not closed or anything, and the JING police did not stay here to investigate.

As I heard before, this place is now the former ward that is being relocated. Currently, the rooms here are basically unused. It is quiet and feels like a hospital in a horror movie, if not for a few people. , it is estimated that no one dares to come here.

The door to the room was not locked. When I opened the door, I saw a very clean room. It was so clean that there was really nothing in the room. All the things had been moved out. Of course it wasn't JING Cha's fault, the things in this room had already been cleaned up.

Fortunately, the electricity was still on, and several people turned on the lights in the room, and then observed the situation in the room. Of course, the basic situation of this room can be seen at a glance, and indeed there is no abnormal feeling at all. There was no blood on the floor, and the room was very clean without any traces.

"This is indeed the room I saw." Mouri Kogoro also walked to the window and pointed at Conan's ward. It was indeed right across the way, and he could see it clearly now.

"So Mr. Mori, how long did it take you from discovering the situation to calling the police and coming here?" Kudo Yusaku here asked.

"I guess it's only five minutes at most, probably less than that." Mouri Kogoro said.

"Five minutes." Kudo Yusaku nodded and continued to observe the room as he spoke, looking for any place where the body could be hidden. There are no cabinets or anything like that, but what about ventilation ducts and the like? I didn't see anything obvious. It is obviously impossible to throw the body down. After all, the JING police must have looked for it. It took five minutes to move the body and clean up the scene. It is indeed a bit exaggerated. No wonder the police here also thought that Mouri Kogoro was wrong. He is now Have this idea.

"Oh, but I obviously saw it." Mouri Kogoro here also knew that he couldn't explain the current situation, and he himself was a little unsure.

"Hey, this is..." At this time, Kudo Yusaku suddenly seemed to find something on the ground, and he leaned down to observe carefully.

Linton was also curious and went up to take a look at the situation, and found that the carpet near the window seemed to be wrinkled.

"It seems to have been soaked in water, and it was just recently." Kudo Yusaku here looked at the condition of the carpet and said.

"Really? Is it caused by someone using water to clean up the blood stains here?" Mouri Kogoro here asked immediately.

"No...it's not such a new trace. It has dried now." Kudo Yusaku said, "And if you clean up the blood stain, it is obviously impossible to only have this trace. It looks more like it was wet by rain."

"Oh...really..." Mouri Kogoro was a little disappointed. Obviously, this discovery proved nothing at all.

But for Kudo Yusaku, this is no small discovery. After discovering this trace, he immediately felt that this matter was indeed not simple: "Just now the nurse seemed to have said that it has been two or three months since the ward was cleaned. If that is the case, this trace should obviously not appear. Yes. If you forget to close the window during cleaning, obviously the impact should not be on such a small area, then if it is after cleaning, who will come back here to open the window."

"Yes... yes, how did the rain come in?" Mouri Kogoro here also reacted immediately, "Yes... yes, when I came here, I remember that the window here was not open. It’s closed as it is now.”

"Anyway, someone deliberately opened the window... This room is obviously no longer in use... What is the purpose?" Kudo Yusaku said while opening the window himself. But it's midnight now, and it's really dark outside. Except for a few rooms opposite that still have lights on, basically nothing else can be seen.

Kudo Yusaku didn't find anything special here. Just as he was about to close the window, he suddenly seemed to find something else and suddenly looked at the window here carefully.

"Did you find anything? Mr. Kudo." Seeing that Kudo Yusaku seemed to have discovered something, Mouri Kogoro here immediately asked.

"I see... no wonder." Kudo Yusaku here seemed to have understood something, so he muttered to himself.

"Huh? What's going on?" Mouri Kogoro asked anxiously.

"This matter... I'm not sure yet. I have to do some verification." Kudo Yusaku did not directly explain the answer, but it was obvious from his face that he was very sure of his answer.

"Do all detectives like to play this trick? Aren't you afraid that the murderer will silence you before you can say anything?" Linton said speechlessly next to him.

"No, it's just for verification, and I don't know if someone has really committed a crime." Kudo Yusaku here said, "Let's go, we will understand the truth of the matter soon."

As he spoke, Kudo Yusaku had already walked out towards the door of the room. Mouri Kogoro was also stunned for a moment. He was really anxious now: "Mr. Kudo, where are you going? Have you finished reading?"

"Go to the room over there and look for clues." Kudo Yusaku pointed to the front of the corridor and said.

"The room over there?" Mouri Kogoro looked strange. The place Kudo Yusaku mentioned was no longer the room next to him. He was pointing to the end of the corridor.

On the left and right of this row of corridors are former wards, which are no longer in use. The location Kudo Yusaku pointed to was the corner at the end of the corridor. Because this hospital building is actually designed in the shape of a "ji", this side is facing the room where Conan is located, and it is connected in the middle. Kudo Yusaku should be talking about the connected place.

But the question is why are you looking there? Mouri Kogoro is a little confused. What he sees is this room. What does it have to do with the room over there? Could it be that the body was hidden in the room over there? The police had probably looked at the room on the same floor before, so it was obvious that there was no body.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Mori, I would like to ask you. You said before that you were sleeping well in the room, and suddenly you woke up for no reason. What happened?" Kudo Yusaku asked as he walked.

"Huh? This... I just woke up suddenly for some reason." Mouri Kogoro was obviously confused.

"But why did you suddenly wake up after sleeping so well?" Kudo Yusaku asked, "Did you encounter some situation, such as hearing a sound or something..."

"Ah..." As if being reminded by Kudo Yusaku, Mouri Kogoro suddenly remembered something, "Yes... yes, I did hear something vaguely, but as soon as I got up, I saw the situation on the other side. , I forgot about it all of a sudden.”

"What's the sound?" Kudo Yusaku asked.

"What's the sound... By the way, it seems to be the sound coming from the corridor, the sound of music... It seems to be the sound of music..." Mouri Kogoro said.

"That's right." Kudo Yusaku said, "It should be some kind of music alarm clock set, or a mobile phone that has been placed in advance."

"Alarm clock? What's going on?" Mouri Kogoro asked quickly.

"This incident is very strange," Kudo Yusaku said. "If someone is really witnessing someone killing someone, how does he know that he is being witnessed? If the other person is really in that room If you kill someone, you should obviously clean up the scene carefully after killing someone. There is no need to rush to hide the body and tidy up the room in five minutes. It seems that he knew from the beginning that he would be discovered, and that someone would soon. It's like being there. But at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, who would notice the situation in the old ward..."

"Yes, the other party moved too fast." Mouri Kogoro said.

"So all this looks more like it was prepared for others to see. And Mr. Mori, you are the chosen one." Kudo Yusaku said.

"I see, that's why the murderer prepared something similar to an alarm clock to wake up Mr. Mouri specifically." Miyano Shiho next to him nodded, "But is this safe? What if Mr. Mouri doesn't wake up?"

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't work. After all...there hasn't been a murder case yet, there are no bodies yet." Kudo Yusaku said.

Kudo Yusaku also opened the door of a room as he spoke, and everyone followed in and found that the room seemed to be a warehouse.

There are some debris piled up in the room, most of which are medical equipment, such as racks, stretchers, and more obviously, a mannequin placed in the corner next to it.

This mannequin should be used for first aid and other training purposes, and is about the same size as a real person. Seeing this, Kudo Yusaku here also smiled slightly, probably he had seen what he was looking for.

"There are no corpses here." Mouri Kogoro here also looked in the room, but obviously there was no corpse he was looking for in the room, and the room was also quite clean, with no special traces.

"The corpse is in this room." Kudo Yusaku here said with a smile.

"What? Really? Where?" Mouri Kogoro asked immediately. I looked around the room again. Although there were a lot of clutter, there seemed to be no place to hide the body.

"That's it..." Kudo Yusaku pointed at the mannequin and said.

"Ah? This...can't be a corpse hidden in a mannequin." Mouri Kogoro here was suddenly a little frightened and took a few steps back.

"No, what I mean is that the 'person' you saw being killed before, Mr. Mori, was it, so there is really no problem in saying it is a 'corpse.'" Kudo Yusaku said.

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