"Well, Mr. Kudo, to be honest, now even I am a little doubtful whether I have really seen it clearly." Mouri Kogoro here said while leading a few people to the opposite room, "Maybe it is There have been a lot of cases recently..."

"No matter how much, it has nothing to do with you." Linton suddenly interrupted.

"Huh?" Maori Kogoro looked at Linton strangely.

"Didn't I hear that Kogoro Mouri is quite special when solving crimes? He usually solves crimes with his neck." Linton said.

"No, Mr. Edogawa. Every time my father solves a case, he always says that he seems to be asleep when reasoning, so he is also called 'Sleeping Kogoro'. It has nothing to do with his neck, it should be Mr. Edogawa, you are quite confused." Mao Lilan obviously didn't think too much and really thought that Linton didn't know the situation, so she explained to Linton.

Of course, Linton's meaning was immediately understood by Kudo Yusaku and Miyano Shiho next to him. Yes, the case was solved by Kudo Shinichi, and Mouri Kogoro was exhausted mentally and mentally because of the case... It seems that he really said no. It’s too old.

"I heard that Dr. Ari recently invented a drug that can make people sleep. Has the drug been subjected to sufficient human experiments?" Linton suddenly said something else, of course to Kudo Yusaku here. Said. Because of their relationship with Conan, Maori Kogoro and Maori Lan felt that it was not surprising that Linton knew Dr. Agasa, and they probably had a pretty good relationship. I just don’t know why he suddenly started discussing his invention at this time.

"Huh?" Kudo Yusaku was also stunned for a moment.

"That is to say, if people take the medicine for a long time, will there be any sequelae such as mental weakness if they take too much? I think such a fast-acting medicine may really have some impact on people's nervous system. Isn't that right? I heard that someone has already gone to the doctor for a checkup, and the doctor seemed to have said that the person had mental weakness and prescribed medicine." Linton said.

Obviously the person Linton was talking about was Maori Kogoro next to him. Of course, Maori Kogoro did not take him inside. What does the potion invented by Dr. Ali have to do with him? He had never drank such a potion, and Linton Speaking of long-term use, I don’t have any medicine for long-term use.

Kudo Yusaku obviously understood, but he was also a little panicked. He really didn't know what happened to Dr. A Li's potion. After all, he didn't develop it. If this thing is used too much, it will really have any effect on people. Kudo Yusaku is not sure.

If that really has an impact, it seems that not only Dr. Ali, but also his own son will be implicated. If you inexplicably inject people with the medicine you invented for a long time, what if they really suffer from neurasthenia or something like that? If you think about it carefully, this is really a crime.

"I think this neurasthenia problem is serious or not, but it cannot be said that it is not serious." Linton said and directly turned the topic to Mouri Kogoro, "Mr. Mouri, I I think you should also pay more attention to this problem. This problem cannot be underestimated. Since the doctor also said that you have a problem, I think you should officially register and take a good look at this problem. "

"Uh... do you really need it?" Mouri Kogoro still didn't want to read it because it was too troublesome.

"Don't underestimate this problem. You must know that serious illnesses are all derived from minor illnesses. Although it is just neurasthenia now, if this continues, I think the problem may become more serious. After all, the cause of your illness is still there. You haven't found it, right? I think it's better to ask the doctor to take a good look at you and find out the cause of the disease. Otherwise, what if the disease becomes more serious?" Linton said, "And you have seen the doctor, and it will be left on your medical record. After recording it, if this problem becomes more serious in the future, the doctor can also find the origin of your disease, right? This way, if you have any problems in the future, you can quickly find the cause."

"Well, that's right..." Miyano Shiho next to her already understood what Linton meant, so she started to help, "If there is any criminal case involved, this medical record can also be submitted as evidence..."

Linton looked at Miyano Shiho here in surprise, this god-level cooperation, when has Xiao Ai been able to achieve such a heaven-defying cooperation?

"Case?" Mouri Kogoro was a little surprised, "What does this have to do with the case?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, actually I am engaged in work related to criminal cases." Miyano Shiho here said, "It may be an occupational disease, so when I heard this, my first reaction was that Mr. Mouri Kogoro might be a long-term drug addict. Poison or something like that, sorry, sorry..."

"Long-term poisoning? Haha... How is this possible?" Mouri Kogoro here was really very nervous, so he just laughed and didn't care, "Where did someone poison me for a long time? Do you think so, Kudo? gentlemen."

Mouri Kogoro casually asked Kudo Yusaku next to him, but he saw that Kudo Yusaku here was suddenly sweating profusely.

"What's wrong with you, Mr. Kudo?" Mouri Kogoro asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something else." Kudo Yusaku said quickly, "Um...does Mr. Mori want to see a doctor?"

"Do you think you should watch it, Mr. Kudo?" Before Kogoro Mouri could say anything, Linton asked first, "Do you think Mr. Mouri's health is a big deal? Compared to Conan... "

"Conan?" Mao Lilan asked next to him, "What does this have to do with Conan?"

"What I mean is that if Mr. Maori really gets sick, then he won't be able to continue to take care of Conan." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Huh? Continue to take care of Conan?" Mao Lilan asked a little strangely, "Isn't Mr. Edogawa going to take Conan away?"

"But I'm very busy. Besides, haven't I already given you the money? If you take it now and refund it..."

"Please don't worry, Mr. Edogawa, I will help you keep an eye on that kid. There won't be any problems this time. Please rest assured." Mouri Kogoro here said immediately. If you want to refund this money, Mouri Kogoro may not be able to refund it. The corner of Mao Lilan's mouth twitched when she saw this.

"So Mr. Kudo thinks that Mr. Mori should check for this disease?" Linton continued to ask.

"This... I think it still needs to be checked." Although Kudo Yusaku hesitated, he still said so.

"Look, Mr. Kudo also advised you to have a good check-up, didn't he?" Linton said to Kogoro Mori, "Everyone is advising you, so Mr. Mori should also listen to the advice."

"Yes, Dad, I also think it should be carefully checked." Mao Lilan also said.

"Then... ok, ok, let's check." Mouri Kogoro was a little annoyed, but he still nodded.

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