"So you can only provide this kind of information?" Linton sighed and said, "You don't even know how she disappeared, so you can't provide any useful clues at all."

"What are useful clues?" Copalluon here asked.

"There are clues about where she might go. Haven't you heard any relevant news from her?" Linton asked.

"I may know about this." Gopalluon here suddenly said after hearing this.

"What? You know?" Linton just said it casually. He really didn't think Copalluon could know this. However, Copalluong actually gave him an unexpected answer, which made him stunned for a moment. , "Then where do you think she might have gone?"

"Go save the world." Gopalluon here said.

"I..." Linton said a little speechlessly, but before he could be disappointed, Copalluon here continued to speak.

"She mentioned that she was going to the guild headquarters to find a few people to complete the task of saving the world, so she probably went to the guild to find people, but I don't know where this guild is."

"Wait... Guild?" Linton was stunned for a moment when he heard this. He knew about the team. Investigators can form teams. He also knew this, but the question was what happened to the guild. ?

According to my understanding of online games, this guild is not that unfamiliar. In general online games, a group of players form a guild together, and everyone downloads a copy and completes tasks together, right? But so far, Linton has not come into contact with anything related to the guild. Is it because he is not at a high level?

"System Ji, can I ask a question about the guild?" Linton tried to communicate with System Ji. Although System Ji didn't like dealing with people, she would sometimes answer system-related content. This guild-related problem should be a system problem.

Not to mention, System Ji here actually responded and directly told Linton about the guild-related matters. Linton quickly understood what System Ji told him.

The reason why he has not been exposed to guild content so far is simple, it is really not enough level. Because there are two ways to enter a guild. The first is to establish a guild yourself, which requires a captain level three or above. Now that I am a captain level two, this is really not enough.

The second natural step is to join other people's guilds, but the problem is that Linton can't meet other investigators at all, not to mention meeting people from other guilds. How can this possibly trigger things in the guild? Obviously, Linton couldn't trigger both paths, so he didn't encounter anything related to the guild at all.

In short, we already know about the guild, which means that Wang Lanhua here has joined a guild of explorers, and then she may have received a guild-level mission that requires a lot of investigators to work together, so she has to summon other investigators. Members work together?

After mentioning it to Gopalu Weng here, the other party thought that Wang Lanhua was going to a place called the guild headquarters. But what is this guild headquarters?

I asked System Ji again, and System Ji answered this time. After all, it was also a system-related question.

Naturally, the guild headquarters can only be used by guild members, and Linton is obviously inaccessible now. The guild headquarters is initially a space given by the system after the president establishes the guild. The guild president needs to build it. Of course, administrators can also be set up to help with construction and management.

As for how to build a guild, System Ji could really ask, but Linton didn't listen for the time being. After all, it had nothing to do with him now, and he didn't have a guild himself. What he wanted to ask was if he could enter the guild's headquarters if he didn't have a guild.

System Ji's answer made Linton's eyes light up. It was possible, and there were two ways. Linton thought he could go, but the problem was that after hearing these two ways, Linton frowned.

The first way is to submit an application, and then the president or administrator there can directly pass it and then you can enter the headquarters of other guilds. The second way is to receive an invitation from the guild and directly enter the other party's guild for a visit. Obviously both methods need to be approved by people within the guild, because invitations can only be issued by administrator-level people.

But the problem is that there is no one there now. How to get to Linton? Linton really wanted to visit the Explorer's Guild Headquarters now. There should be many more clues there than searching blindly.

However, System Ji also provided a method that Linton could reasonably achieve, that is, by directly attacking other guilds, he would naturally be able to invade the headquarters of other guilds. However, this method requires that you at least have a guild, that is, after you have established a guild. Then propose a guild war and wait for the other party's consent, or wait up to fifteen days, and then you can directly invade the other party's guild, and then you will be considered in.

It's just that it's still some time before I can establish my own guild, and it's too difficult to obtain these contribution points. It wasn't because he couldn't participate in team battle-type tasks, otherwise Linton felt that he would have reached level 3 or above as captain.

Although the accidental news really helped Linton open up his mind a little, it would only make Linton more headache for the time being. Linton sighed, and said to Copalu Weng: "The guild headquarters, we can't go to this place for the time being. After all, I'm not from that guild."

"Don't you know the address?" Gopalu Weng asked here.

"I don't know the address... I guess." Linton thought for a while, but he couldn't explain that much. This is obviously not a matter of address, because according to System Ji, the guilds, like the previous black shops, are in another space. Each guild is an independent space and will only be connected to each other during guild wars. Together.

"If you don't know the address, I have a solution here." Gopalu Weng suddenly said.

"What can you do?" Linton was really surprised. This Coupaluong was so capable. Not only did he provide a lot of information, but he could always find a way one after another when Linton had a headache. "What way can I do?" ?”

"Look at this..." Gopalu Weng took out a small bag from somewhere, opened it with his mouth, and took out a letter, "There is a letter in it, it seems to be an invitation letter from some guild. If it is an invitation letter If so, it should have the guild’s address in it.”

"What, a guild invitation?" Linton took the letter in shock and saw that it was indeed a guild invitation.

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