Just like the world in Conan, the world of Pokemon was not created by Linton himself, but was taken over from the hands of others. And the first investigator in this world was Wang Lanhua.

Of course, Linton didn't guess Wang Lanhua randomly. The situation here is quite different from the original work as understood by Linton, so such situations are usually caused by the investigators. Since he didn't do it himself, it was obviously the previous investigator, Wang Lanhua.

Obviously Linton's guess should be correct, and Gopalluon's reaction here already told him the answer. Although Linton guessed it himself, the answer surprised Linton himself.

"Wang Lanhua?" Xiao Mao turned his head in surprise, "Is it the name of your fellow countryman you were looking for before?"

"Do you know her?" There was someone more anxious here than him. After reacting, Gopalluon came directly to Linton and asked Linton in a way similar to telepathy. Obviously most legendary level Pokémon have this ability.

"Wang Lanhua..." This question really stumped Linton. He wondered if he recognized her. Although she knew the identity of the other party, to a certain extent, she and Linton were really from the same hometown, but the problem was that Linton didn't even know what the other party looked like, not even as good as Xiaomao and the others. After all, they were also related to Wang Have you seen Lanhua, right? Xiaomao once lost to Wang Lanhua.

"Anyway, this Wang Lanhua is missing, right." Linton said directly.

"Do you know where she went?" Gopalluong here was obviously looking for Wang Lanhua. Hearing what Linton said, he asked even more anxiously.

"I want to know too..." Linton spread his hands, "I'm also looking for Wang Lanhua here, but unfortunately I just don't know where he went."

"Really..." Hearing that Linton didn't know Wang Lanhua's whereabouts, Gopalu Weng was obviously a little disappointed. Although he was a mythical beast, he seemed to be quite innocent emotionally.

"Since we are all looking for Wang Lanhua, why not exchange a little information?" After Linton finished speaking, he looked at Gopalu Weng's reaction here, as if he didn't understand what Linton meant, and then said, "Simple Just tell me what you know about Wang Lanhua, maybe I can know where she went."

I have to say that although Gopalluon is a mythical beast, he is indeed quite simple. He didn't doubt Linton's words, maybe because Linton promised to help him find Wang Lanhua, he immediately became trusting and directly told Linton about Wang Lanhua and it.

The incident obviously happened when Wang Lanhua went to the Hezhong area. Linton had also known that Wang Lanhua had gone to the Hezhong area before. Wasn't this just to find her? Linton also went to the Hezhong area, that is, over there. Zekrom and Mewtwo encountered.

In short, when Wang Lanhua was in the Hezhong area, she went to explore a place called Fukiyose Cave. This Fukiyose Cave is actually the cave where Linton and the others are now, but now it has become this after the world merged. look.

This guidance room is the deepest part of Fukiyose Cave. Gopalluon slept here until Wang Lanhua found this place and discovered its existence.

Of course, it's not surprising that Wang Lanhua found this place. She must be familiar with the original work, at least more familiar than Linton, because Linton couldn't remember anything about the Fukiyori Cave.

Afterwards, according to Gopalu Weng, the two sides fought a fierce battle, and Wang Lanhua won the final victory, but she did not forcibly subdue Gopalu Weng. However, Gopallu Weng here was impressed by Wang Lanhua, so he took the initiative to ask to follow her.

Linton was a little skeptical about this statement. Although I don't know Wang Lanhua very well, Fang Fang's work style should be quite similar to mine. At the beginning, he went directly to the protagonist Xiaozhi, and then directly asked for information about the mythical beast Mewtwo through Xiaozhi, and then went directly to capture Mewtwo, but it seemed to have failed.

It seems that the other party is at least not from the good and lawful camp, right? So after defeating the divine beast, you don't want to subdue it? Linton thought it was unlikely. What is even more likely is that, like myself, I have discovered that the Copaloog here is quite innocent, and he can just fool him. Judging from the reaction of this Copalluon, he probably doesn't know what happened after he was sold.

Sure enough, very quickly, Linton felt that the plot was going in the direction he had guessed. After conquering Gopalu Weng, Wang Lanhua and Gopalu Weng said that they were shouldering a difficult mission, to save the world or something, and then they needed more powerful power. You see, this opening statement is like deceiving the opponent. Well, what mission do the investigators have? They can only complete the investigation mission. What does saving the world have to do with you?

Gopalu Weng immediately said that he would work hard to practice and become stronger. But Wang Lanhua said that its power alone was not enough. According to Wang Lanhua's intention, she wanted Copalion to persuade the other two holy swordsmen, Delakion and Biligion to join them.

It was obvious that Wang Lanhua wanted to kill the three holy swordsmen in one pot, but she probably didn't know the positions of Delakion and Biligion, so she asked Gopalon to think of a way. And Gopalluon really believed it, but he said that although he was very familiar with Delakion and Biligion, there was no guarantee whether the other party would join, but he could bring them both over to meet Wang Lanhua. Meet.

Wang Lanhua naturally agreed, so she asked Copalion to go find Delakion and Biligion, while she waited for him here.

Copalluon naturally went there, and found Delakion and Biligion very smoothly. These two were naturally quite confused. Gopalluon actually followed the human trainer. He also said that he encountered a world-destroying crisis and asked them to help. But what kind of crisis was it specifically? Wang Lanhua here also No details.

Linton wondered if Wang Lanhua hadn't made it up yet, and was planning to trick Gopalu Weng out first and then think about it slowly and make it up slowly.

But these three holy swordsmen are probably not much different in mind. Delakion and Biligion don't have much doubts about Copalion. Naturally, if the other party wants to meet, then they should meet. So Gopalluon took these two and returned directly to Fukiyose Cave.

However, when Gopalu Weng came back, he did not see Wang Lanhua. Yes, Wang Lanhua disappeared just like that. This was also the last time Gopalu Weng saw Wang Lanhua.

At first, Gopalluon just felt that Wang Lanhua had something to do and left, and asked Delakion and Biligion to wait for a while. But after waiting for several days, Wang Lanhua was not seen at all.

Terrakion and Biligion still couldn't wait any longer and went back first. Gopalluong became anxious and started looking for people nearby. It felt that Wang Lanhua had encountered some danger. After all, Wang Lanhua had said before that there was a world-destroying crisis. Was this a crisis?

However, the search naturally yielded no results. A month had passed since the search, and there was no news of Wang Lanhua anywhere. Faced with the sudden disappearance of his trainer, Gopalluon obviously had nothing to do. After all, he was just a child that had lived for thousands of years. He squatted at home all the time and slept all the time. He had no social experience at all. Let him find someone. It’s really a bit difficult for it.

So the only choice for Gopalluon, who had no choice but to do so, was to wait at home. Didn't Wang Lanhua ask him to bring the two here and then meet up here, so Gopalluon could only stay here? He continued to sleep until the Rockets guys arrived.

Gopalluon saw that these people were not his trainers and were obviously not good people, so he hid directly. I didn't want to show up at first, but wasn't Rum here about to blow a hole? This hole cannot be blown up. If it is blown up, what if your trainer cannot find the hole and cannot get in? That's why Gopalluon appeared to stop Rum at this time, not to stop the explosion as Linton thought.

"So Wang Lanhua suddenly disappeared when you were looking for the other two holy swordsmen? It sounds a bit similar to Kaneki Ken. Logically speaking, he shouldn't suddenly go back at this time... Logically speaking..." Linton said.

"Of course, can you suddenly forget about this?" Xiao Mao next to him said, "Something must have happened."

"It's also possible to forget suddenly. Isn't it normal to assign a task and suddenly forget about it?" Linton said here.

"My master will never forget me, something must have happened." Gopalluong here immediately said unconvinced.

"Yes, you usually wouldn't forget such an important agreement," Xiao Mao also said.

"So this is your idea. Generally speaking, for people from our world, it is normal to forget unimportant things. Sometimes they will suddenly think of it when it is mentioned." Linton said, "Just For example, talking about this now, I suddenly remembered something."

"What?" Xiao Mao asked.

"Before, I seemed to have asked Kyogre to catch the ancient coelacanth, but now I have completely forgotten about it. Now this guy may still be looking for fish in the sea. We don't even have an agreed meeting point. I didn’t even say that if I went back at this time, Kyogre would also be here.

"Are you doing human affairs?" Xiao Mao shouted directly, "Why don't you get it back quickly? The treasure mission here has been completed."

"So you see, it's really possible to forget this." Linton said, spreading his hands.

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