I really can't control myself

Chapter 2257 Interpretation

"Ancient Elf Braille?" Apparently, only Xiao Mao among the people here knew this thing. The other three people, including Linton, had never heard of it at all.

"It is said to be a type of writing used by people in the Middle Ages. Because it is somewhat similar to the braille used today, it is called ancient elven braille. Of course, it may not have been specifically for the blind at that time." Xiao Mao here explained.

Yes, he can recognize this as a professional counterpart. I was originally an elf researcher, and I happened to be doing research in this area recently. I also found something similar in an ancient ruins before. It can be said to be quite a coincidence.

But this gave Linton a headache. Although the purpose of asking my nephew to come here is to let him give advice, but now this... is a bit too reliable. It was agreed that I would be responsible for showing off?

Obviously others did not notice Linton's thoughts. After all, they were really looking for the treasure. Qiao Yungang here heard Xiao Mao say this and asked directly: "In this case, can you decipher these text codes?"

"It should be possible to interpret part of it." Xiao Mao here has indeed studied it and nodded. The previously discovered characters have basically been deciphered. Unless new characters appear, they should be decipherable.

So Chiba Ellie here was responsible for drawing the original text, while Xiao Mao began to interpret it beside him.

"We live in this area and survived, all because of the blessing of that Pokémon."

"Yet we sealed those Pokémon away because they were just too scary."

"You who have courage, you who are full of hope, open the door. Inside lies eternal hope."

"The light that shines in the south under the moonlight is first the Howler Whale King and lastly the Ancient Skycanthus."

It took a while, but both the original text and Xiao Mao's deciphered text were ready. Since they can be combined to form a sentence, there should be no problem with this translation. It's just that the translation is still unclear, but this time it feels like it's a real puzzle.

"In short, it seems that what is recorded here should be that people in ancient times were protected by a Pokémon and were able to survive in this place. But then they betrayed this Pokémon who was like a 'protecting god'. Instead, Seal it." Qianye Allie said here.

"Yeah, yeah, this is really like what humans can do." Linton nodded and said.

"But it's a little strange. The word used to call this patron saint at the beginning is 'that one', which means that the number of patron saints should be one pair, but look at the second sentence, it uses 'those', And 'they', this is obviously plural again, what's going on?" Qiao Yungang naturally knows how to analyze, otherwise how could he get to where he is now. He also has strong intelligence analysis skills.

"So it's obvious that this Pokémon called the Patron has increased in value, probably becoming a race." Chiba Ellie here said.

"It's a pity that mythical beasts can't lay eggs." As soon as Chiba Ellie finished speaking, Linton said directly. He was very familiar with the matter of raising Pokémon, "Speaking of these mythical beasts, they are really pitiful. It's TJ, but think about it. If they could reproduce, the Pokémon world would have turned into a world of monsters and monsters. It would be impossible for humans to survive. In other words, the humans who survived should also be at the monster level. Whatever the hell. The kind that goes into the sea.”

"Is there such a saying?" Xiao Mao here looked at Linton a little strangely. He didn't know that mythical beasts can't have children, because even in the world of Pokemon, most of the mythical beasts are still very unknown. Most of the mythical beasts have words like "mysterious" and "hidden" attached to them.

"Oh... except for one..." Linton suddenly remembered something, "There is indeed a mythical beast that can lay eggs. If I remember correctly, its name should be... Mana Fei. But the eggs it lays do not hatch. Not the same Manaphy, but another fantasy beast called Fiona."

"So the patron saint here is the beast called Mana Fei?" Qiao Yungang asked.

"Most likely... no." Linton thought for a while and said, "Although I have never seen it, Manaphy's appearance is really not what can be called 'terrible'. It's almost too cute."

"I have heard about Manaphy before." Xiao Mao here said, "I heard that a circus called the People of Water once obtained Manaphy's eggs, and even hatched Manaphy. Naphia. I also heard that it is indeed not a vicious Pokémon. It is said that it can establish a spiritual link with anyone and Pokémon, and it is a very kind Pokémon."

"You heard about it from Xiaozhi, right?" Linton recalled that it seemed that it was Manaphy whom Xiaozhi met in the original work. Of course, he didn't know the specific situation.

"It's from grandpa." Xiao Mao said.

"Then except for this Pokémon called Manaphy, if other mythical beasts cannot reproduce by laying eggs, what is this Pokémon?" Chiba Ellie here said.

"Hmm..." Although the topic was brought back by Chiba Ally, she is indeed a little clueless now.

"Speaking of which..." Qiao Yungang suddenly raised his hand and said, "We came here to find treasures, right? Now we know that the things buried on this island are not so-called treasures. , but a sealed Pokémon, and there is a high probability that it is a very scary Pokémon, so we don’t actually need to continue looking for it.”

"Huh?" As soon as Qiao Yungang finished speaking, the other three people suddenly looked at him in surprise. Yes, what Qiao Yungang said... seems to make sense. Since what is buried is not a treasure, they don't have to look for it. Why bother themselves when they have nothing to do, and have to release something that sounds dangerous?

"Uh... It seems to be true." Xiaomao here also nodded, "Since people in ancient times also thought that this Pokémon was very dangerous, then let it continue to be sealed, right. "

As he spoke, Xiao Mao also looked at Linton next to him. After all, Linton organized this adventure team, so of course it was Linton who made the decision. Obviously, he also asked Linton what to do now.

"It's not easy to come here and go back without doing anything?" Linton said unhappily. It may be useless to others, but it may not be useful to him. Although there may be no treasures, that is, there are no valuables, it is still possible to push the progress of the exploration. Linton does not want to waste time running around. Since he is here, he must do something.

"I don't think so." Chiba Allie suddenly said at this time, "You guys also saw that the next sentence of the secret text is, 'There is eternal hope in it.' This hope should not be a bad thing, right? . Otherwise, just say that there is eternal darkness or disaster inside."

Chiba Ellie stood up and continued: "So I speculate that this Pokémon should still have some uses, such as what kind of special energy it can provide, such as what special functions it has. In short, it is useful. But these also gave people at the time People bring disasters. This is normal. For example, nuclear energy can generate electricity, can it also bring disasters? People at that time may not be able to use it, but considering the people after that, we sealed this thing first and then left it. The slate reminds those who come after you to look for it, otherwise why would you leave the slate and just say nothing, who would know about the seal?"

"It seems to make some sense." Xiao Mao nodded after hearing this. Of course, what Chiba Aili said may be true. Indeed, there are some contradictions in the secret text. If it is just to seal the broken things, preventing others from finding them is the first choice, then why should others open the 'door'?

"Anyway, no matter what it is, let's dig it out and talk about it." Linton waved his hand and said, settling the matter first, "Besides, what kind of bullshit is a disaster? No matter how bad the disaster is, can it be more disaster than me? I am still a humanoid natural disaster. The world is going everywhere, why don’t we have to line up to destroy the world?”

"You really have a clear understanding of yourself." Xiao Mao here said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

"So, where is this thing buried?" Linton ignored Xiaomao's complaints and continued to ask.

"The location of this thing should be in the last sentence." Chiba Ellie here said, "The sentence 'the light shining in the south under the moonlight' should refer to the time and place, and the moonlight should refer to the night. That's right. , the south side should be the location of the island, and the glowing thing should be the marked location."

"That should be true." Qiao Yungang here also nodded, and he also analyzed it this way, "But the question is the last sentence, first it is the roaring whale king, and the last is the ancient sky stickleback. What does this mean?"

"I don't know either..." Chiba Ellie here also doesn't know what this sentence means, "What are the Roaring Whale King and the Ancient Sky Spiny Fish?"

"The Roaring Whale King and the Ancient Skycanthus are two very familiar Pokémon." Xiao Mao said next to him.

"What? Are Roaring Whale King and Ancient Sky Spinach originally the names of Pokémon? I thought they were some special codes." Chiba Ellie said in surprise, "Then is there anything special about these two Pokémon? "

"In terms of special things, I don't think there's anything special about it. They are all water-type Pokémon. The Ancient Skycanthus is a relatively rare Pokémon. Other than that..." Of course Xiao Mao couldn't think of this at the moment. What is so special about these two Pokémon? If they have anything in common, they seem to be water-type.

"Ah... speaking of these two..." Linton suddenly seemed to remember something, "I see, is it time for me to perform?"

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