I really can't control myself

Chapter 2256 Password

"Huh...huh...finally...coming up." In a small forest on the island, several people fell to the ground to rest out of breath.

Yes, after a lot of effort, they finally successfully landed on the island. Previously, I had received a "warm welcome" from the Primitive Big Bird and the Rib Turtle, and it was not easy to get rid of these Pokémon and get ashore.

When they landed, the rib turtles behind them actually wanted to catch up to the shore. Fortunately, their movement speed on the shore was not as exaggerated as in the water. After several people escaped into the nearby woods, they finally got rid of them.

Xiaomao's side was pretty good, but Chiba Aili and Qiao Yungang, two people next to him who had practiced before, were really tired and a little exhausted.

Yes, people in the Pokemon world have a huge advantage over people in this world in terms of physical fitness. Even a person like Xiao Mao, who looks quite thin, is considered to be above the level of special forces here. Of course, the people here are not incomparable. If you catch a few more Pokémon, with their attribute bonuses, your physique can still catch up. In terms of growth, it is even higher.

It's just that Qianye Aili and Qiao Yungang are really not good at this. Chiba Ellie is not a trainer yet and does not have her own Pokémon. Although the Poké Balls in China have been put on public sale, there are currently too many people buying them, and there are still queues for limited editions. Japan’s side is definitely buying them. less than.

Although Qiao Yungang already has his own Pokémon, he only has one Katy dog, and because the level is too low, the bonuses are not much. In general, it just helps him gain some strength.

"What should I do about Mr. Lin?" Qiao Yungang here was the first to worry about Linton. In fact, the tasks given to him were mainly on Linton's side. Lu Ping actually didn't care that much about treasures. Compared to treasures, Linton was obviously more important. Although he knew Linton's strength and probably nothing would happen, he still told Qiao Yungang to protect Linton.

"Nothing will happen to a monster like that." Xiao Mao here said immediately. Compared to Linton, Xiao Mao is more worried about the group of Rib Turtles. Although he still doesn't know why the group of Rib Turtles attacked them, he has always believed that Pokémon are friends of humans, even if the Pokémon attacks them. , he also felt that the other party should have some reason.

He was now worried that Linton would get so angry that he would roast all the turtles with ribs. This guy could really do this.

I have to say that Xiao Mao knows Linton better, and he has really thought about this. But in the end, he didn't waste any time and opened the door directly to the three of them. I just happened to hear Xiao Mao talking about him.

"No, why are we running? Let's go back and fight them. This time I got a usable Pokémon." Linton raised the Poke Ball in his hand and said.

"So what are we here for?" Xiao Mao asked directly.

"Uh..." Linton hesitated.

"Have you even forgotten what you came for? Aren't we here to find the treasure? We're not here to occupy this island." Xiao Mao shouted.

"That's okay." Linton nodded, put away the elf ball, and also directly put back Zekrom who was following him in the air.

In short, no matter what, a few people successfully logged in. Although the helicopter exploded, most teams would still worry about being trapped on an isolated island in such a situation, but Linton and the others obviously wouldn't. They have someone who can open the portal, so they can still worry about it. I can't go back.

It is precisely because of this that no one even mentioned the fact that Linton blew up the helicopter due to his nonsense. Because of his presence, this team's fault tolerance is astonishingly high. As long as Linton doesn't blow up the island and the treasure together with one shot, there will basically be no situation where the mission cannot be completed, so he is a little unrestrained in the process. Nothing wrong at all.

"This island is not very big. The location of the treasure..." Now that we have successfully landed, it is time to find the location of the treasure. Xiaomao said, and also looked at Qianba Ellie next to her. After all, she had seen the slate. The numbers on it were the location of the island. The remaining content should be where the treasure is on the island, or clues.

But Chiba Ellie hasn't fully revealed it yet, after all, she is afraid of leaving her alone. But now that they have arrived on the island, it should be announced.

"The other records on the slate should be a password." Chiba Ellie here did not want to continue to hide it, but picked up a small branch from the side, and then took out a red card from her arms. The card was placed in front of him.

Just when everyone was wondering what the red card was, Qianye Allie took the initiative and said: "Oh, this card is nothing special, it's just a prop I use to manage memory. This is a memory device I invented myself. As a method, some things that need to be remembered are put into different categories in cards of specific colors, and when I want to recall them, I can take them out to hint to myself."

"I see, is this a memory method similar to the Memory Palace?" Qiao Yungang nodded. He had heard of similar memory methods. This kind of card is a kind of suggestion. For example, the memory palace is to imagine placing memories into categories in an imaginary room in your mind. When you want to recall them, go directly to the corresponding room to retrieve them. And this card obviously has the effect of this room, it is just a hint and reminder to deepen the memory. "

"That's it." Qianye Ellie said while staring at the red card and starting to draw with branches on the ground. "The pattern is like this. It is mainly composed of some dots. These dots are about six dots each. Group, three dots arranged vertically, two dots arranged horizontally. Some of these dots are concave and some are protruding. In short, the six dots should represent a word, maybe a number, or something else, but not yet. Know what these specific meanings are."

"I see, is this a code?" Linton looked at Chiba Ellie's drawing. She also drew a code of six dots. The solid dots represent protruding dots, and the hollow ones represent concave dots. Of course, at first glance, Linton definitely didn't know what it meant, but... for some reason it felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"This thing..." Linton thought about it for a while, but still didn't remember it. Linton looked at Chiba Ellie next to him, wondering if if he knocked her down, her memory skills would appear in the store.

"Forget it, no matter what, since it is a password, let me be a detective..."

"Is this...ancient Elf Braille?" Before Linton could finish his words, Xiao Mao suddenly spoke.

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