The sudden sound drew everyone's attention back to the stage. However, the stage was a little dark at this time, and no one could see clearly what was going on on the stage.

I don’t know when the spotlight on the stage was turned off. It was probably when everyone was looking at the screen next to them. At this time, everyone was not sure who was standing on the stage. They just saw a black shadow, but the voice they heard just now was coming from the stage, and it was not Tokiwa Mio's voice, but a male voice.

"Turn on the lights and open the curtain." At this time, the man's voice came from the stage again.

The next moment, the surrounding lights suddenly turned on, causing the eyes of everyone present to flash. Then the curtain on the stage began to slowly open.

At this time, everyone looked at the stage and found that the person standing in the middle was Linton. However, many of the guests did not know Linton. Just when everyone wanted to ask Linton what was going on, everyone was shocked as the curtain behind them opened.

Just under the curtain behind, a figure was struggling crazily in mid-air. When this person was trying out a huge painting, it was a painting of Mount Fuji. And this person is now suspended in the air by something, as if his neck is hung. The opponent's two hands are holding his neck, and his feet are shaking.

What is surprising is that the person struggling in the air is Tokiwa Mio. And looking at her, it clearly didn't look like a party surprise trick. Looking at her twisted face and struggling movements, it seemed like she was really being hung up.


"President Tokiwa!" Everyone screamed instantly. Most people froze there, not knowing what was going on. Some people took action and subconsciously wanted to come up to save people. However, someone was faster than them at this time, and several people immediately ran out from the backstage, it was Officer Megure and others.

"Takagi, put the person down quickly!" Officer Megure here quickly said to Takagi who was operating the stage next to him. Whether it was turning on the lights or opening the curtain just now, it was actually Takagi Wataru who was operating next to him, but even Takagi Wataru didn't I knew there was another person hanging above.

"As you can see, you have witnessed a murder together." Linton on the stage continued, "And I am the detective who uncovers the truth of this murder."

"Can you at least save the person first and then talk about it?" Miyano Shiho, who followed him on stage next to him, couldn't help but said.

"It's okay, it's okay, you can't die." Linton waved his hand and said, "Look at her running around, isn't she very energetic?"

"Is now the time to talk about this?" Miyano Shiho said.

Yes, Mio Tokiwa was still hanging on top at this time. Several police officers below wanted to save people, but they were hanging too high and couldn't be reached. The only way was to put the person down quickly, but the problem was that Officer Takagi, who was operating the console next to him, didn't know which button was to control this.

There are a lot of buttons on the stage controller. Officer Takagi just listened to Linton and asked about the buttons for turning on the lights and opening the curtain. Who knows which button pulls people up.

Fortunately, at this moment, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound, and an unknown object flew right over the head of Mio Tokiwa who was hanging up. No one could see clearly what it was, but it flew by Something scraped off the thread hanging Mio Tokiwa, and Mio Tokiwa fell directly from the air. Fortunately, there were a lot of people below. Mio Tokiwa happened to fall on Officer Megure below, and several people made cushions to cushion Mio Tokiwa's whereabouts.

"Are you okay, President..." The secretary next to him, Chi Nami Sawaguchi, hurriedly came up and asked.

"Cough cough cough..." Tokiwa Mio didn't wait to say anything for a moment, but coughing a few times showed that she was still alive. At this time, everyone looked at her neck, and found that what was hanging her was the pearl necklace around her neck, and there was a thread hooked behind the necklace, which had just hung her up.

At this time, Tokiwa Mio was holding her neck, her expression was still very painful, but she looked okay, at least nothing serious happened.

"Ms. Tokiwa, what happened? Who hung you up?" Officer Megure here happened to get up and asked.

Mio Tokiwa herself was also confused. She was standing on the stage giving a speech before, and when everyone was looking at the big screen next to her, she suddenly felt something pulling on the back of her neck. Tokiwa Mio was pulled directly behind the curtain. By the time she felt something was wrong, she had already been pulled off the ground.

She wanted to shout right away, but she couldn't make a sound with her neck hanging, so she could only keep struggling. It felt so terrible.

As for who hung her up, Mio Tokiwa didn't know it at first. She was hung up out of nowhere. But when she saw the necklace that everyone took off from her neck, she seemed to remember something and looked directly at her teacher next to her, Ruyue Fengshui.

Although Mio Tokiwa was speechless for a while, everyone followed her eyes and looked at Kisaragi Hosui. Obviously Mio Tokiwa meant that the murderer was Kisaragi Hosui, so he really caught someone.

"Why are you looking at me? I've never done anything." Unexpectedly, Ruyue Fengshui here was quite calm and actually directly denied the victim's identification.

"Ms. Tokiwa, do you mean that the person who hung you up was Kisaragi Hosui?" Officer Megure confirmed to Mio Tokiwa again.

"Ahem... Just when I was about to go on stage, ahem... my necklace suddenly fell off. Teacher Kisaragi put it back on for me." Although Mio Tokiwa's voice was a little hoarse, she still spoke very well. clearly.

"Teacher Kisaragi, can you explain?" Officer Megure here immediately asked.

"Yes, her necklace fell off and fell at my feet. I picked it up and put it back on for her. Is there any problem?" Ruyue Fengshui said.

"But this necklace is the murder weapon." Officer Megure said immediately.

"It's just a coincidence. It's not me who tied the string to this necklace." Ruyue Fengshui said, "Others may have come into contact with this necklace. I just encountered it by chance."

"But when Ms. Tokiwa is on stage, you are the only one approaching her." Officer Megure said.

"Ah...that's not..." However, I didn't expect that the person who denied Officer Megure's words was none other than Tokiwa Mio herself. "Apart from her, Chinami also walked up to me just now..."

"Ah..." The secretary here, Chi Nami Sawaguchi, was startled, "But president, didn't I just report to you about the speech?"

"It's indeed about the speech." Tokiwa Mio also nodded.

"But in this case, it is really impossible to determine who tied the rope to the necklace..." Officer Megure also had a headache.

"Let's not talk about Miss Sawaguchi. It's so dark on the stage. In fact, not many people can see even one person." Kisaragi Fengshui snorted and said, "Look at this kid who calls himself a detective, what is he? When I go on stage, how many people pay attention?"

Of course he was talking about Linton, but when he said this, everyone seemed to think it made sense, because indeed not many people noticed when Linton came to the stage before. Ruyue Fengshui certainly didn't say this to specifically choke Linton, it just meant that anyone could touch it.

"This..." I thought I was sure of it, but then Ruyue Fengshui said a few words casually, and Officer Mumu was a little dumbfounded again. Indeed, it is impossible to determine who the murderer is.

"Hmm... Not bad, finally a murderer who can fight is here." However, Linton nodded with satisfaction at this time. The first few murderers told the truth about Wan. They didn't even have time to produce evidence, and the other party surrendered directly. Look at the murderer who tried his best to make excuses. This is what a murderer should look like. Linton is very satisfy.

"Brother Linton, what should we do?" Officer Memu asked quickly when he saw Linton speaking.

"First of all, no matter who is on stage, there is only one thing that is clear. The murderer is among the people in the banquet hall. There is no doubt about this." Linton said.

No one really doubts this, everyone understands this.

"So, you might be the murderer?" Ruyue Fengshui asked.

"Unfortunately, I already know all the truth." Linton waved his hand directly, "The prisoner hidden among us is... you!"

As he spoke, Linton pointed forward: "Ruyue Peak Water!"

"What?" Everyone was very surprised. They didn't expect Linton to really identify Ruyue Fengshui. Although they also felt that Ruyue Fengshui was quite suspicious, looking at Linton's attitude, it seemed that he had understood everything.

"You actually identified me?" Ruyue Fengshui narrowed his eyes, "Then... you have to tell me properly, otherwise, I won't let you go easily."

Ruyue Fengshui is indeed very important in the world of Japanese calligraphy and painting. Although he is not a politician and does not own a company, he is not easy to mess with. He has a wide network of contacts, and many people are asking him for paintings after all.

"In the first case, you entered Omu Isomatsu's room under the guise of delivering paintings. While he was admiring the paintings, you directly attacked and killed him. The partially covered blood stains left on the wall illustrate this. Linton said directly.

"What kind of evidence is this? Many people can enter his room, and how do you know that the covered blood stains you mentioned must have been covered by the painting." Ruyue Fengshui said, "As for evidence, the second case In the case, I was not present to prove it, so that is the evidence."

"The murderer in the second case was indeed not you, because when you arrived at the scene, the victim was already dead. What I said was correct," Linton continued.

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