What came over was a group of children led by Dr. Ali. Of course, they were all members of the Young Detective Team, including Conan. A few of them also received an invitation from Tokiwa Mio, and a bunch of children had a lot of fun here.

When Tokiwa Mio saw Dr. Agas coming, she left quickly. She still had a lot of things to do, and she still had to go backstage to prepare a speech for a while. As for Linton, her goal had been achieved. After Linton put the car away, he already made contact. We can talk about the rest later.

After saying goodbye to Linton and Dr. Agasa, Mio Tokiwa quickly left. And Dr. Ali came here specifically to see Linton, and he actually wanted to ask for something.

"...Just...can you give me a Poké Ball for me to study...I have nothing to do with the Ministry of Science and Technology. I'm just curious about how this thing can accommodate a living thing. I promise that no matter what is researched, it will be I will not make any publications or provide the information to others. I am just curious about how this is done." Dr. A Li said here.

Linton really believed what Dr. A Li said. After all, after reading the original work, Linton naturally knew that Dr. Ali was a good person. Although there was once speculation about whether he was the leader of the organization, but now that the identity of the leader has been made public, it is clear that Dr. Ali is really just a good guy.

As a scientist, it’s normal to be curious. Linton guessed that he came here after chatting with Miyano Shiho before and heard about Linton's elf ball. The relationship between Miyano Shiho and Dr. Agasa here is quite good. After all, they both lived in Dr. Agasa's house before.

Linton definitely didn't care. From the beginning, Linton never said he wouldn't let go of things like Poké Balls. For example, the Magnesium Kingdom must have obtained a sample of the Poké Ball now. They were deliberately given to him by the Chinese side so that they could imitate them sooner and give up.

What matters is not the Poke Ball at all, but the manufacturing technology of the Poke Ball. But this manufacturing technology will definitely not be kept secret after the world merges, and after the world merges, Linton looked at his task progress bar and saw that he didn't have much time left. So when Dr. Ali asked for a Poké Ball, Linton must have given him one directly, since he had plenty of them anyway.

Dr. A Li was naturally very happy. He could work on it for a long time just by watching the ball get bigger and smaller. He wished he could be in the laboratory right now and start experimenting right away.

Looking at Dr. Ali's situation, Linton suddenly thought whether this guy would invent a Poké Ball belt in the future, which would eject a Poké Ball from the belt, and then kick it out with shoes that enhance foot strength. The elf's movements must have gone astray from here.

"Do you really know the murderer?" Compared with Dr. Ali, Conan here is obviously more concerned about the case. When they went to see Kisaragi Hosui, Conan and the others were not able to follow him, but when they met Miyano Shiho just now, they had obviously heard about the previous situation.

Conan obviously hasn't figured out the whole thing yet. Why would Linton focus on Ruyue Fengshui? Is Ruyue Fengshui really a prisoner? Why commit the crime? What is the evidence? What happened to the shot glass left at the scene? Now Conan is really a little confused.

"Humph, you know the difference." Linton said with a smile, "This is my serious strength. By the time you figure it out, everyone will be dead."

"So who is the murderer's next target you mentioned?" Conan here asked anxiously. He still hasn't figured out the murderer's motive, and obviously can't figure out who the other party's next target is. Linton said he wanted to catch the murderer, but he didn't say who the murderer was when he committed the crime. This made Conan very anxious.

Conan didn't really care about the question of whether he would win or not in reasoning. What he cared about was whether he could prevent the murderer from committing another crime. What he cared about was the life of the next victim. That's why he anxiously found Linton and asked about the situation.

"You are a detective after all. Shouldn't you do your own reasoning at this time?" Linton said.

"Since you came to this banquet, you brought Officer Memu and the others, that is to say... do you think the murderer will take action at this banquet?" Of course, Conan here also quickly deduced this point.

"That's right." Linton nodded.

"Are you sure it's Ruyue Peak Water?" Conan here asked.

"I'm pretty sure, but it's your problem whether you believe it or not." Linton spread his hands and said.

Because Linton didn't explain his reasoning, now Conan can only confirm that the person Linton is targeting is him through Linton's deliberate search for Ruyue Fengshui. But Conan doesn't know whether this person is the murderer. After all, who can prove that Linton's reasoning is correct? He didn't even say it, okay?

But after thinking for a moment, Conan decided to act. Yes, his action was to directly target Ruyue Fengshui. At present, he doesn't know who the next victim is, but as long as he keeps an eye on the murderer, he can naturally prevent the case from happening. As for whether Ruyue Fengshui is the murderer, Conan feels that it is more credible. After all, this is a matter of human life. If Linton's reasoning is wrong, then there should be no case at the banquet. Although the real murderer was not caught, That's a good thing, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Conan was ready to leave. Conan had also seen him attending the banquet before Kisaragi Hosui. As Tokiwa Mio's teacher, Kisaragi Hosui had obviously been invited and arrived quite early. Conan saw him in the viewing area by the window before, but now...

Just when Conan was looking around for the location of Ruyue Fengshui, the banquet scene suddenly "collapsed" and the entire venue suddenly became dark. Except for some small emergency lights, all the headlights were extinguished.

Just as the guests were stunned, the lights on the center stage came on, and it was obvious that the performance was about to begin. Mio Tokiwa, who had left before, quickly appeared on the stage.

"Thank you all for coming to this banquet of Tokiwa Group." Mio Tokiwa stood on the stage and said to everyone, "For this banquet, I want to thank one person in particular, that is my teacher, Kisaragi Hosui. As everyone knows, Kisaragi-sensei has spent thirty years creating works related to Mount Fuji. This time, in order to celebrate the opening ceremony of my disciple, I also created a painting called Mount Fuji in early spring. Please look to the big screen on the left first."

Everyone looked to the left, and various paintings related to Mount Fuji were being played in a loop on the big screen. However, no one noticed at this time that Tokiwa Mio, who had just finished speaking these words, was no longer on the stage.

"That's it!" Suddenly a voice sounded, and everyone in the banquet hall was stunned.

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