"Here it comes!" Naturally, no one knew how the clouds dispersed in the sky. But no matter what, the situation above the Rice Flower Market is clearly visible.

The return capsule trailing a long red tail in the sky on the monitor now appears very clearly on the screen. Although most of the evacuation work has been completed, after all, the response was very urgent, and many people still stayed in the danger zone. Looking at the return capsule roaring towards the ground, everyone in the council was also worried.

Now they just hope that this thing can hit the Metropolitan Police building accurately, because there is no one nearby there, and there will definitely be no casualties if it hits it. The current situation of this matter is that no casualties are the best result. As for whether the Metropolitan Police Department building will be destroyed, this is a trivial matter. As long as there are no large-scale casualties, other things can be suppressed. Yes, it's not like Kusakabe Makoto planned that the public AN or JING police would lose their power after being hit like that.

Although the prestige is damaged, the damage is limited after all. At least the personnel are safe, and it can be explained no matter what. Besides, most of these council members have nothing to do with the Metropolitan Police, so it’s not their own shame.

In the prayers of most people, the return capsule here really flew in the direction of the Metropolitan Police Building very accurately. I have to say that this is indeed better luck, because the satellite's return capsule landing control It's not that accurate. It seems like there is no error now, and it's already a super level performance.

"The landing device cannot be opened!" The person next to him continued to report the situation. It is true that the return capsule is equipped with a parachute. Generally, the built-in parachute will open after breaking through the atmosphere, reducing the speed of landing. But this is obviously not the case now.

However, the members of the House of Representatives were mentally prepared for this. As for criminals, they are not fools. They must have known about the parachute a long time ago. They had already interfered with the landing position, so naturally they would also take action on the landing device. This incident did not exceed their expectations. They originally responded to this situation.

"The insulation board is completely locked." The technician here reported.

"Is it too late to attack now?" asked another congressman next to him. This means that the return capsule is directly intercepted like an interceptor missile.

"This is over Tokyo Bay. If we fight here, the casualties may be even greater. The current landing location of the return capsule has been determined to be near the Metropolitan Police Department building, and the personnel there have been completely cleared..." However, the congressman's words are still there. Before he finished speaking, someone suddenly shouted from beside him.

"A figure was found on the top floor of the Metropolitan Police Building!"

"What?!" The entire council room exclaimed. The picture soon appeared on the surveillance camera. Of course, it was not a very clear picture. From a distance, you could still see three figures on the top of the Metropolitan Police Department building. However, for safety reasons, the entire Metropolitan Police Department building had been The power was out and it was pitch black now, so it was impossible to see who these three people were.

Originally, the purpose of monitoring the Metropolitan Police Building was to monitor the landing point of the return capsule. To be honest, they did not expect to see people. The Metropolitan Police Department was the first to evacuate. How could anyone come here in this situation? Go to that place.

"How come there are still people, and they even ran to the roof of the building? What are you trying to do?" The congressmen present were all confused, and they said that even if the person was pulled down and did not evacuate in time, you go to the roof of the building to do it. Well? Were there so many broadcasts around downstairs that the people trying to escape could not be heard?

However, when Kuroda Heihe here heard someone on the roof, he quickly approached the surveillance screen on the big screen. But unfortunately, because the distance is really far, all that can be seen now are three black figures. But although he couldn't see clearly, Linton's figure appeared in Kuroda's mind.

His guess was indeed correct, but there were more problems. What is Linton doing there now? Who are the other two figures? There is also something that he is more worried about. Will the meteorite Linton mentioned appear?

At this time, on the roof of the building, Linton, Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai could clearly see the return capsule heading towards the three of them. From their point of view, the meteorite-like return capsule trailing red fire was flying straight in front of them. Even Haiyuan Ai, who had always been calm, became confused when he saw such a situation. Unable to remain calm.

"Is this really okay?" Haiyuan Ai looked at the oncoming return capsule and couldn't help but ask Linton again.

"So I said, the return capsule matter is not important at all." Linton said and took a few steps forward, "What you want to pay attention to is not this gadget at all."

As he spoke, Linton suddenly opened his hand to the sky, spreading his fingers towards the flying return capsule. At this time, the return capsule has arrived above the Rice Flower City and is close to the landing point. Just as the countdown began to hit in the council room here, all the exclamations in the next moment were strangled in their throats.

In everyone's surprised eyes, the return capsule with its long red tail suddenly stopped in the air, and then hung in the night sky. At this time, the return capsule had been burned red due to the high temperature, and it was like a glowing fireball suddenly fixed in the sky. The situation could only be described as... extremely weird.

"What's going on?" Everyone was stunned. Just when they were preparing for the impact, the return capsule suddenly and unnaturally settled in its position in mid-air. Anyone who looked at it would be stunned. Before they could react, the return capsule that was fixed in the air began to move again, but this time it drifted very slowly towards the roof of the Metropolitan Police Building, and was directly caught in the hands of a figure on the roof.

This movement was so easy that it was as if the return capsule was dropped into his hand on purpose. At this time, the return capsule was still glowing red, and with this light, Kuroda Hei could clearly see the face of the person who caught the return capsule. It was indeed Linton whom he had guessed.

"How...how could this happen?"

"What happened?" The congressmen present were stunned. Although they saw it with their own eyes, they could not understand what they saw. Why did the falling return capsule suddenly stop in the air, and such a big crisis was resolved so lightly? Who is the figure who just caught the return capsule? There was simply a series of questions in my mind.

But no matter what, in short... nothing happened? Although there are many problems, at least the crisis is resolved, which is considered a good thing.

However, the only person present was still frowning. Hei Kuroda was the only one who recognized Linton. After all, he had met him before. The problem now is that the more capable Linton appears now, the more likely it is that what he said before is true. Even now NAZU has stated that there is no such meteorite, but Kuroda Hei is becoming more and more worried.

The person who blocked the return capsule was indeed Linton, and there was nothing to say. This thing was made of metal, so it naturally could only be obedient in the face of Magneto's ability. Linton said that this is the stage for his performance, so don't try to steal the show with something of this level.

With a "bang", Linton directly placed the return capsule in his hand on the ground. At this time, Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai who were next to them also followed up and took a look at the return capsule. Although they already knew that Linton's ability was very exaggerated, they were still a little surprised that he solved the problem of the return capsule so easily and didn't know what to say.

"Didn't I say you don't need to worry about this at all," Linton said, "What comes after is the big problem."

"After?" The two women also reacted. Although they still didn't believe it, after Linton proved the correctness of his words time and time again, they had to start to doubt it. The two of them subconsciously looked at the sky, but the sky was still dark and they couldn't see anything at the moment.

However, what they didn't know yet was that in the emergency council room, bad news had already begun to come.

"Report, the Ministry of Science and Technology has sent an emergency notice. Unknown celestial objects have been discovered in the earth's orbit. We are currently observing the celestial objects!" Someone suddenly rushed into the parliament room and shouted.

"What?" Although they haven't yet said what this unknown celestial body is, they all knew about the meteorite warning just now, and everyone immediately connected this sudden appearance with the meteorite.

"How is this possible? Didn't NAZU just say that there is nothing approaching the earth's orbit at all?" a congressman said in panic.

"Ask about the situation at NAZU!"

Within a few minutes, a report from the Ministry of Science came here again: "The unknown object is confirmed to be a cosmic meteor. According to the current observation situation, it is estimated to be 1.6 kilometers in diameter. It has been captured by the earth's gravity and is heading towards the earth!"

"What? This...this..." Everyone panicked for a moment. There was actually a meteorite, and it was really coming towards the earth. Thinking of the information provided by Linton before, it seems to be accurate at all. This...

"NAZU sent an emergency notification. A meteorite with a diameter of about 1,650 meters is flying towards the earth. According to the current flight speed, it is expected to hit the earth's surface in 7-8 minutes, and the location of the impact... there is a high probability that it will In...East Asia, that is..."

"Those guys from NAZU! It's them who say there is none, and they are the ones who say there is. They want to kill us!" a council member yelled angrily.

"Calm down, everyone, the question now is what to do?" a member of parliament asked.

"What can we do? There are 7-8 minutes left, and we don't even have time to run. It's over!" said a congressman next to him and fell to the ground. "It's all over..."

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