I really can't control myself

Chapter 2202 Response

"Does this matter have something to do with you?" At this time, Hui Yuan Ai asked Linton. As for what Linton said about meteorites, others believed it and some didn't. But only Huihara Ai's reaction was different.

Meteors are like natural disasters, and no one would think about man-made disasters. Even those who believe Linton said about the meteorite, what they most think about is that Linton predicted the coming of the meteorite.

But Haihara Ai was different. She had been paying attention to Linton's speech just now. The previous case of Makoto Kusakabe was not based on Linton's reasoning. As for the words Linton said from time to time, others didn't pay attention at all, but Haihara Ai did listen to them all.

Although she couldn't believe it, at this time, Hui Yuan Ai had already begun to wonder whether the meteorite had something to do with Linton, and it might even have been caused by Linton. Although it sounded like a joke, Haibara Ai really believed in Linton's situation, which was difficult to explain with common sense.

Linton did say that he wanted to blow up the city before, but everyone else thought that Linton was complaining. Only Haibara Ai suddenly felt that Linton might mean it literally and really wanted to blow up the city.

Linton did not answer Haihara Ai's question, but looked Haihara Ai up and down, and suddenly said: "Girl, do you want to sign a contract with me and become a magical girl who saves the world?"

"???" Hui Yuan Ai was confused by Linton, "No, how long has this been? Why are you still in the mood to talk about these messy things?"

"Uh... But I meant what I said literally." Linton said, "The responsibility of saving the world can only be placed on you. You didn't say that the matter is urgent, so it's up to you to do it yourself. .”

"So... you mean you have a way for me to gain the power to resolve this crisis or something?" Haihara Ai asked, probably understanding a little bit.

"Yeah, yeah, that's okay." Linton nodded.

"Then why don't you take action directly?" Hui Yuan Ai asked.

"I'm not interested in saving the Japanese people at all. Now I just want to have fun." Linton spread his hands and said, "Anyway, do you want to do it?"

"Mr. Linton, I don't know if I can do it." Toru Amuro came up to him at some point and said.

"You?" Linton looked at Toru Amuro with a smile, "You also want to become a magical girl? The gender doesn't match, right? Why don't you go to Thailand urgently? I'll send it to you through the portal. past?"

"So... does the power that Mr. Linton said can save this crisis have to be obtained by women?" Toru Amuro asked.

"No, I just want to see the beautiful girl transform." Linton said, "And I have my eye on her. If you want to help, go buy some magical girl costumes now."

Amuro Toru here thought for a while, and then walked out directly.

"You really want to go." Haibara Ai looked at Toru Amuro's actions and said immediately.

"If there is nothing wrong with what Mr. Linton said, our current situation cannot prevent the disaster from happening. The only way to solve this matter at present is to follow Mr. Linton's arrangement." Toru Amuro said, "You Also think about the current situation carefully.”

"No, what exactly do you want to do?" Haiyuan Ai stared at Linton and asked unhappily.

On the other side, the emergency parliament has been convened, and Kuroda Biewei from the Emergency Response Room of the Cabinet Residence has also arrived at the scene. Of course, the people here are currently only dealing with the problem of the return capsule. Although Kuroda Heiwei didn't mean to hide the meteorite issue, everyone's default was that it didn't happen.

"...There are various provincial offices, parks, hotels and other buildings within one kilometer of the Metropolitan Police Department. The population is densely populated. It is expected that 150,000 people will be evacuated..." one of the congressmen said.

"The shelter cannot accommodate such a number of people." Another person nearby said immediately.

"We are currently sorting out the candidate locations and shortest evacuation routes within the range." A person next to him also reported.

"I have a proposal here." A female official stood up and said, "The Haizhiya Resort Center that has just been completed here. Although it is not open yet, the internal facilities are complete. As a temporary evacuation center, there should be no what is the problem."

"Oh, this is a good idea." This female congressman's proposal quickly received support from many people. After all, the situation is urgent and it is impossible for everyone to evacuate. It is too late and they can only find a nearby place to relocate. A large gymnasium is naturally the best, and the Sea Cliff Resort Center is indeed a very good choice. The transportation is also convenient, because this newly built resort center has specially opened two light rail lines, which is convenient for use. to transport evacuees.

Just as the congressmen here were discussing a relatively suitable plan, Kuroda Heibei, who had just entered the conference room, suddenly said: "I propose that at least evacuate people within a five-kilometer radius." All the people.”

"What?" Kuroda Hei's words made all the congressmen stunned, and then they quickly started to become confused.

"Five kilometers? Why does it need such a large range?"

"Yeah, do you know how many people there are within a five-kilometer radius?"

"Do you think it's too late to evacuate so many people now?"

Obviously, as soon as Kuroda Heihe opened his mouth, he was criticized by a large number of congressmen. In fact, the current decision to evacuate all people within one kilometer seems to be a bit of a mobilization in the eyes of many congressmen. The fallen return capsule is four meters in diameter and is just a four-meter large iron ball. In fact, its power is only about the same as that of smashing a building.

If it really hits the Metropolitan Police Department, it is estimated that the entire Metropolitan Police Department will collapse, and the affected area will probably be about 100 meters.

So why should people within one kilometer be evacuated? Isn’t it because I don’t know if it hits accurately? What if it deviates a few hundred meters and lands somewhere with people? Therefore, for the sake of safety, the evacuation plan was made as large as possible. Now it is a very exaggerated plan to evacuate 150,000 people within one kilometer. Unexpectedly, Kuroda Bei actually said that people within five kilometers should be evacuated. , how many are there? There are always 1 million. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a cross. It is simply too late.

"Kuroda, what do you think?" One of the middle-aged council members stood up and asked Kuroda Bingwei. This was not to question him, but to ask him why he wanted to evacuate people in such a large area. He knew Kuroda Bingwei and knew that he was not such an unreliable person, so he wanted to hear what he thought.

"I'm worried...in case that person is telling the truth." Kuroda Bingwei said after thinking for a while.

"Are you talking about the huge meteorite with a diameter of one kilometer that the man named Linton said?" This official also knew about this, because Kuroda Heiwei had told him before, "Do you know that a meteorite of that size is really If it lands, what will happen? The entire Mihua City will disappear from the map. This is not a question of whether to evacuate or not."

"Yes, according to predictions, if a meteorite of this size really appears, it will create a crater with a diameter of 30 kilometers on the ground, and the entire Mihua City and Tokyo Bay will completely disappear." Another congressman next to him said.

"It's not that we haven't considered what you said, but if a situation like that really happens, there will be no time to do anything." The middle-aged official here said, "And... I think something like that is also..."

Just as he was talking, a man ran into the conference room anxiously: "Report, NAZU just sent a message, there is no report of any meteorites close to the earth's orbit."

"Huh..." After hearing this report, many congressmen gasped. Yes, many of them were doubtful, especially when Kuroda Bingwei said that he also believed Linton's words.

Although most of them knew Linton, they had never met him, but they believed Kuroda Bingwei's words. But now it seems that there is a problem with Kuroda Bingwei's judgment. There is no such meteorite.

"No?" Of course Kuroda Hei heard the report clearly, but his frown still did not relax. Because he himself also found that he believed Linton's words more than the report from NAZU. But is there time to do anything now? Kuroda Biewei looked at the congressmen present. He didn't know how to persuade them to take refuge. It was probably too late.

"Furuya..." Kuroda Hei muttered, and now he only hopes that Amuro Tohru can do something.

At this time, three figures appeared on the top floor of the Metropolitan Police Department building. Naturally, there was no one upstairs at this time, and the people in the Metropolitan Police Department had been evacuated urgently. After all, regardless of the meteorite matter, the landing point of the return capsule was the Metropolitan Police Department.

"No, why are you panicking? I have already said that your current body is immortal. As long as the spell is not canceled, you can be reorganized immediately even if you are smashed apart." Linton said to Miyano Akemi, " This location is definitely the best viewing point, and you’ll probably be able to see it soon.”

"Then my sister..." Miyano Akemi is a person who has died once after all, so she is not worried about dying again, but Haihara Ai next to her is not like that.

"It's okay. I've done a backup anyway. If I accidentally hang up for a while, I can pull it up." Linton said and looked up, "Yun talks a lot."

As he spoke, he clasped his hands together and directly activated Wind Escape. Soon a gust of wind appeared, blowing away the clouds above. And just after the clouds were blown away, a cluster of fire in the distance soon appeared in the dark night sky.

"It's the landing module." Miyano Akemi said, pointing to the fire in the distance.

"Where's the meteorite you're talking about?" Hui Yuan Ai asked.

"Wait, come right away." Linton said with a smile.

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