I really can't control myself

Chapter 2182 Evidence

"I...I'm not the murderer..." The prisoner here named Soma Ryusuke was testified on the spot, and he was naturally panicked to death. Although I have been considering the current situation for a long time, I have not thought of any solution at all.

"But now you are the one who directly testified against the deceased..." Officer Megure also saw that Ryusuke Soma was panicking. As a police officer, he naturally felt that this person should have a guilty conscience and he was the prisoner.

"Mr. Ryusuke Soma, you are now suspected of being involved in a murder case..."

"Wait a minute..." Just when Officer Megure was about to arrest the prisoner Ryusuke Soma, Linton took the initiative to stop him, "I think Officer Megure isn't in that much of a hurry. This is Ryusuke Soma." Sir, he is not necessarily the prisoner."

"Huh? But now he is the prisoner testified by the deceased." Officer Megure said.

"Is the deceased's testimony necessarily correct? You are an experienced police officer, why don't you even have this ability to judge?" Linton said.

"Uh..." Officer Megure said that I have never encountered such a thing in my more than 20 years as a police officer, okay?

"Think about it, if the deceased's testimony was correct, didn't the deceased in the morning also testify against Miss Miyano Akemi? Wasn't it finally confirmed that the deceased made a mistake? Wouldn't the deceased make a mistake?" Linton said.

"This... seems to be indeed possible." Officer Memu felt that it made sense.

"Yes, it's possible that he made a mistake." Souma Ryusuke here also grasped the life-saving straw and said quickly.

"How could I have made a mistake! Ryusuke Soma! Why do you want to kill me?" Taku Itakura shouted directly at Ryusuke Soma, "Why do I make you hate me? Tell me."

"You..." Souma Ryusuke wanted to scold Itakura Taku at that time, but he thought that if he opened his mouth now, he would not reveal his murderous motive. After thinking about it, he said, "Itakura, you are mistaken, I am I didn’t do anything, it wasn’t me.”

"You guy!" Itakura Zhuo yelled here. If he wasn't just a computer now, he would probably rush up and hit someone. However, although Linton constructed a super-spiritual body, he did not inject much spiritual power. He simply maintained the state of dependence. Besides, this spiritual body has little development value, unlike the fire spirit that can withstand a large amount of energy. A spiritually advanced soul. Injecting too much spiritual power, he couldn't hold it in anymore and exploded.

"Then what should we do now? Mr. Linton." Officer Memu here obviously didn't know what to do about the current situation, so he could only ask Linton. Again, although he is an old police officer, who has ever dealt with such a situation.

"Of course I asked. Don't you have to look at the evidence no matter what?" Linton said and looked at Itakura Taku, "Didn't you say he killed you? Show him the evidence and kill him."

"Evidence? Don't you need evidence for this? This guy killed me." Itakura Taku said a little speechlessly, "Can't I testify against him as a witness?"

"This... I don't know about Japan, but in China, generally dead people cannot testify in court." Linton said.

"Don't make it seem like our side is some weird country, even our side can't do it!" Haiyuan beside him roared.

"It's true... it's true..." Officer Memu here also said, "It seems that there is no precedent for a dead person to testify in court..."

"No, don't you think what you are discussing is a little weird?" Mouri Kogoro here couldn't help but said.

"Then... what should I do? It was indeed this guy who killed me." Itakura Taku said anxiously.

"Mr. Itakura, please calm down first. First of all, please tell me how you died. Our preliminary judgment here is that you died of a sudden illness, but you said it was homicide. What exactly is this..." Officer Mu said.

"Of course it was homicide. I didn't have a sudden illness." Itakura Taku said immediately, "At that time, this guy came to me. He probably gave me some sleeping pills or something like that while I was away. He chatted with me and fell asleep. When I woke up again, I was tied to the chair and couldn't move at all. After struggling for a while, I couldn't break free. Then I had a heart attack. When I woke up, I was in this situation now. ."

"Huh? Is that so?" Officer Megure said.

"But you didn't find any traces of binding on your body at all." The forensic doctor next to you asked.

"I was wrapped in a very large sheet, and there must have been something like rope and tape tied around the outside, and it was fixed in front of the table." Itakura Taku said.

"I see, sheets?" Officer Megure nodded, "That way there won't be any traces of binding."

"Officer Megure, look, there seems to be some tape residue here." Officer Takagi here also immediately checked the table, and found some traces of tape residue on the corner of the table. "It is probably to remove the deceased. ... Mr. Itakura is fixed to the edge of the table, so even the legs of the table are tied with tape."

"This is obvious evidence." Officer Megure looked at Souma Ryusuke here and said.

"But this doesn't prove that I did it." Ryusuke Soma said immediately.

"You are the one who did it!" Itakura Taku shouted again.

"Calm down, Mr. Itakura, what evidence do you have to prove that Mr. Ryusuke Soma did it?" Officer Megure continued to ask.

"The evidence...that...by the way, I left a death message." Taku Itakura said, "Look, it's on the Go board below."

"What?" Everyone just noticed that there were a lot of chess pieces on the Go board. They really didn't have time to pay attention to this just now.

"I was tied up at the time and couldn't break free, but I could still move my feet a few times. So I grabbed the Go pieces under the table with my feet and left a death message on the chessboard." Taku Itakura said, "You Look at these black characters, they are the fifties of Braille, and when they are connected together it means 'The murderer is, Ryusuke Soma', that's right."

"Who knows Braille?" Officer Megure here asked.

"Officer, even if this is really my name in Braille, they say this guy made a mistake." Ryusuke Soma said quickly. Although he didn't understand Braille, it was probably true. Itakura Taku left this message because he knew he didn't understand Braille, otherwise he would have disposed of the tape when he returned to the crime scene.

But this thing is not ironclad evidence, he can still quibble.

"This..." Officer Megure is probably sure that Ryusuke Soma is the prisoner now, but there is indeed no irrefutable evidence, so this is still difficult to handle. There was nothing he could do, so he looked at Linton next to him again with pleading eyes.

"Then... how about calling a witness?" Linton said suddenly.

"Are there any witnesses?" Officer Megure asked in surprise.

"Yes, there's a whole room." Linton said with a smile, "I'll start with a Hundred Ghost Night Walk..."

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