I really can't control myself

Chapter 2171 Red Horse

I have to say that the food in some normal restaurants in Japan is indeed good. Linton ate at a Japanese barbecue restaurant today, which featured grilled beef tongue. Not to mention it tasted pretty good. People like Linton, who have no upper limit on their appetite, are very happy when they eat.

If you ask why there is no upper limit on food intake, it is of course because of Linton's Saiyan physique. Think about Sun Wukong's appetite, and Linton's appetite is also the same if he eats with all his strength. It's just that Linton is the type who won't starve to death even if he doesn't eat.

I finished eight pieces of beef tongue in one go. Fortunately, this store didn't offer any big-eating challenge or the like, otherwise the boss might have knelt down to Linton on the spot. Even so, people in the store couldn't help but look at Linton, and for Linton, he was probably only halfway through his meal.

But at this moment, Miyano Akemi came back with her two children. Seeing the new looks of Haibara Ai and Conan, Linton almost squirted out the oven rack in front of him without a mouthful of ice water.


"Shut up! This is all your fault!" Before he could speak, Hui Yuan Ai interrupted directly.

"Uh...actually...it's quite cute..." Linton said with a smile.

"No way out! No way out! No way out!" Hui Yuan Ai here became angry and slapped the table and shouted. Linton didn't say anything nonsense, this cuteness is quite cute, but most of this cuteness is based on Haibara Ai herself. In fact, these clothes don’t really match well. At first glance, they look like they are going to a COSPLAY comic convention. They are very disharmonious. To put it simply, they are a bit too gorgeous.

It can only be said that although my sister Miyano Akemi is determined to cause trouble, she still lacks the matching skills to dress up in a cute style. If you think carefully about his job as a bank robber, it seems that he really doesn't have time to learn those things.

Looking at Conan next to him, his outfit is even simpler. It looks like he just put on a skirt casually. Women's clothing is indeed women's clothing, but it doesn't feel special. At first glance, I always thought it was just a child who accidentally put on the wrong clothes in the morning.

"You need to hire a special makeup artist to dress her up, like Bellmore." Linton said suddenly. The main reason I think of Belmore is that he is good at various cross-dressings. Of course, if you want to learn this, you will also know how to match various outfits. Moreover, the other party's apparent identity is still an international star, so he is naturally at the forefront of fashion. It would obviously be more appropriate if this matter was left to her.

Of course, Linton had no intention of inviting Belmore to help the two of them dress up. After all, eating was more important now. I am having a good time eating, and we can put other things aside for later.

Sisters Miyano Akemi and Conan didn't say much. They had been busy all morning and now they were hungry. Seeing the sizzling and oily barbecue in front of them, they couldn't hold back. They sat down and started eating.

The guests who had been paying attention to Linton felt that the situation at Linton's table was unexpectedly harmonious. After all, it looked like a young couple eating with their two daughters, except that the father's appetite was a little bit... Other than that, there's nothing special about it.

However, this harmonious atmosphere did not last long, and soon a girl who looked angry walked into the restaurant with an unhappy face. After asking the waiter, he walked straight towards Linton's table.

The surrounding customers have been observing the situation at Linton's table from the beginning. Of course, most of them want to see how many portions Linton can eat. The current one is the 11th portion, which is beyond human standards.

It's just that this big eater looks like he still has some food to eat now. What's going on with the girl who walked in angrily? Are you here to catch an adulterer? Judging from the other party's aura, it seems a bit similar.

The girl who walked in was naturally Toyama Kazuye. She walked all the way to Linton's table. She didn't say anything, just sat down, picked up the barbecue and started eating. From the look on her face, it seemed like she wanted to treat the barbecue in front of her as if someone had eaten it alive.

"Uh... where is Hattori? Aren't you with me?" Miyano Akemi here looked at Toyama Kazuha who exuded the "I'm very unhappy" aura, and after thinking about it, she asked.

"Leave." Toyama and Ye said in a calm tone that contained anger.

"Gone? Where did you go?" Miyano Akemi was also stunned.

"He said that there happens to be a client living next to him, and he is going to stop by and have a look. Let us eat first without waiting for him." Yuan Shan and Ye here said with a cold face.

"Huh?" Linton originally didn't want to care about this matter, but even he was stunned when he heard this. This...is doing personnel affairs? You know, this is not Osaka, this is Rice Flower Market. You came here with your childhood sweetheart, but you left him alone and ran to see the client. Do you think this is something a normal human being can do?

But this person is Hattori Heiji. Thinking about it this way, it seems that this guy can really do this. After all, this guy's criminal record is not once or twice.

Linton thought that Hattori Heiji, Toyama and Ye who left together before were really going shopping with each other to buy clothes. Now looking at the situation, Linton could only say, young man, you are really good... you can still find someone like this I have more than one girlfriend.

"He...he went to see the client? Leaving you alone?" Miyano Akemi here was a little shocked when she heard this. No wonder Toyama and Ye now look like they want to kill someone. If If this happened to me, I would probably want to stab someone on the spot.

"That guy!" Yuan Shan and Ye here were almost crying as they talked. This was not because they were sad, but because they were angry. They were really too indifferent.

"As for the client, is it the client of the 'Red Horse' incident?" Conan here started to interject after hearing this. Of course, it is estimated that he is not concerned about issues related to men and women. It is obvious that he also wants to know more about this case.

"The Akama Incident? What is that?" Miyano Akemi asked here. Conan and Hattori Heiji did discuss the matter of 'Ama' before, but that was when they accompanied Linton to inquire about the neighbors. Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai, who were not there at the time, naturally did not know the situation.

"Are you talking about the series of arson incidents that occurred at the beginning of this year?" However, Haihara Ai immediately picked up the topic, and he probably had seen relevant reports in the news.

"Arson incident?" It's obvious that Toyama and Ye here have never heard of this incident. After all, a series of events happened in the rice flower market in Kanto. As a person from Kansai, she obviously doesn't know much about it.

"Yes, not only were the methods of arson the same, but the criminals also left the same criminal tokens at the scene." Conan continued the topic, "The red toy horse was covered in blood paint, so this series Only arson cases are called 'Red Horse' cases."

"A red toy?" Yuan Shan and Ye started to panic a little. In this situation, the red horse always sounded like a cursed doll.

"Red horse, in police jargon, is generally used to refer to arsonists." Haiyuan Ai here said, "Because the shape and color of the fire waves set off when the flames burn are like galloping red. Horse. Therefore, the police analyzed that the prisoner left red horse toys at the arson scene many times in order to provoke the police, which was similar to ridicule."

"It's like saying, 'I'm still committing crimes, catch me if you can.'" Conan here also followed Haibara Ai's words.

"Is this...is this so?" Yuan Shan and Ye nodded, "But how do you, Conan and Haiyuan, know so much?"

"Ah? Oh, I heard what Uncle Maori said. He has also investigated this case recently, and the above analysis is based on what he said." Conan here said immediately, while Haibara Ai here didn't even bother to fight. Li Yuanshan and Ye were too lazy to pretend.

"It turns out that Uncle Maori is also investigating this case." Toyama and Ye here became a little anxious when they heard this, "Then is the prisoner this time very dangerous? Will Heiji be in danger?"

I can only say that he is truly worthy of being an official CP. Just a second ago, he was so angry that he wanted to strangle the other party to death. When he realized that the other party was in danger, he immediately changed his attitude and started to worry.

The reason why Yuanshan and Ye are so panicked now is because they were kidnapped just this morning and almost died. Just as she was relieved, Hattori Heiji went to work on a dangerous case again, so of course she would panic.

"According to news reports, there are currently three families affected by the 'Ama' case. The first one is from Rizen Town 1-chome, the second one is from Toriya Town 2-chome, and the third one is from Okuho Town 3-chome. Chome..." Conan said.

"So the fourth incident should be in the 4th-chome area of ​​a certain town?" Haibara Ai said directly.

"Indeed, the police also inferred this, so recently, the police have sent additional search personnel to the 4th-chome of each town in the city." Conan nodded.

"But there are a lot of things to say in 4-chome, so I guess I can't find them." Miyano Akemi also started to participate in the discussion.

"Indeed, but Hattori Heiji... my brother said there was a clue, information from the kidnapped Mr. Kusukawa. What he said about meeting the client was not his own client, but Mr. Kusukawa's client. Because Mr. Kusukawa is hospitalized and will not be able to recover in a short time, so he entrusted Brother Heiji to cancel all the commissions," Conan explained.

"That's it..." Yuan Shan and Ye Wenyan breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that they had gone to cancel the commission with the client.

"But that person probably won't cancel the commission." Linton intervened at this time and said, "I guess he will directly investigate if something happens. And according to his physique, it is estimated that everyone who comes to the door this time will be able to do the investigation." It’s gone.”

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