I really can't control myself

Chapter 2170 Shopping

"So... why did you come here suddenly?" In the mall, Yuan Shan and Ye also walked around for a while before asking this question inexplicably. Obviously she must have failed to follow Linton's thinking. A rhythm that comes out.

"So I've already said everything. Conan here suddenly wants to wear women's clothing. He is really annoyed. Let's put it on for him first to calm him down." Linton said casually.

"I never said such a thing at all, okay?" Conan here yelled directly.

"Here, let me introduce to you some of my special abilities." Linton pulled Conan directly and lowered his voice slightly and said, "Have you seen the change in my eyes?"

Conan looked at Linton, and the other person's eyes did change. They turned red directly, and there seemed to be a few magatama moving in the eyeballs.

"This thing is called the Sharingan, which causes hallucinations and hypnosis. It's the most basic thing." Linton said and suddenly shouted to a passerby next to him, "This little brother."

"Huh? Call me?" A young man passing by looked at Linton strangely, and froze in the next second.

"You are a dog now, do you understand?" Linton waved.

"Woof woof..." The young man here nodded, then ran away on all fours.

"It's not... you..." Conan looked at the young man running away speechlessly.

"But this basic hypnosis is temporary. He will return to normal after a while." Linton said. "But I also have something that is not basic, called the Other God. After being tricked, it can directly and subtly change a person's mind, and it is a permanent and irreversible situation. It allows him to become whatever I want, such as using him to control It’s very easy for the Prime Minister of Japan to change a law or something like that for me.”

"..." Conan's face darkened, probably judging whether what Linton said was true. To be honest, this kind of thing sounds completely impossible, but when it comes from Linton's mouth, it is particularly convincing for some reason. It's the same sentence, and it feels like he doesn't even bother to lie.

"So do you understand? Why don't you cooperate well? What I hate most is people who don't keep their promises. If you don't cooperate, from now on you will mainly wear men's clothes and keep vomiting until you wear women's clothes. , you don’t want to marry Xiaolan in a wedding dress, right, Kudo-san?” Linton said with a smile.

"You...use this kind of ability to do this kind of thing?" How should Conan react to this? Linton himself said that with this kind of ability, he can directly control the Prime Minister, and then use it to force himself to wear women's clothing. , what are you picturing? If you encounter a guy like this who likes to use atomic bombs to blow up mosquitoes, you really can't do anything with him.

"Okay, the negotiations are over." After Linton finished speaking, he stood up directly and said again, "In short, Conan suddenly wants to wear women's clothes, Conan, don't you think so."

"Yes..." Conan here gritted his teeth and nodded.

"Uh...really?" Mr. Heye here felt that there was something wrong.

"It's true, pfft..." Hattori Heiji next to him said while holding back his laughter. Although he didn't hear what Linton and Conan said individually just now, he probably "persuaded" him. Judging from this situation, Conan was Can't run away.

"Why do I always feel like you're suppressing your laughter?" Kazuha couldn't help but said as he looked at Hattori Heiji.

"You can't say that. Although Conan is not very old, he may have a special hobby in this area. You can see that he usually listens to mature people. He probably awakened earlier..." Hattori Heiji said.

"Hey!" Conan here shouted directly.

"Anyway, hurry up, everyone happened to be shopping, and Haiyuan classmate here also expressed that he really wanted the LO Lita suit, so he also bought it together." Linton said.

"I didn't say that at all!" Haiyuan roared, "Didn't I make a bet? That person probably hasn't been confirmed to be dead yet."

"No, isn't it easy to kill someone? Oh, I mean in this case, he must die if he reads the air, right?" Linton said, "Anyway, sister, hurry up and fulfill your sister's wish. "

"Yes, Xiao Ai, I think you should give it a try. After all, it is rare to have such an opportunity. You see, you are already past the age where you can wear this dress, but now you have just returned to the age where it is suitable for you. , it’s just a dream come true.” Miyano Akemi nodded and said.

"I don't have such a dream at all, it's just that you want to see it, sister." Haiyuan roared.

"Yeah, yeah, that's right." Miyano Akemi admitted directly, leaving Haihara Ai here not knowing what to say.

"Anyway, hurry up. Let's go shopping by ourselves. Miyano, take the two kids, and Hattori take your girlfriend. Meet me in this store in an hour. I'll go have lunch first." Linton pointed to the side. Said a shop that looked like a high-end hotel.

"Huh? Female... girlfriend? No... no, Heiji and I are just ordinary childhood sweethearts..." Toyama Kazuha's face immediately turned red when he said this, and he quickly waved his hand to explain.

"Really? But this guy looks like a playboy at first glance. If you are not sure about the relationship now, you will probably cause a lot of trouble later." Linton pointed at Hattori Heiji and said.

"Hey, why is it called a playboy face? I don't even have a girlfriend, okay?" Hattori Heiji here said immediately.

"Don't refuse, don't take the initiative, don't promise. Aren't these common methods?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Although I can't remember the specific situation, but soon you will be directly blamed for other women. If it collapses, with your ambiguous and irresponsible attitude, something will happen sooner or later."

"Huh? What the hell?" Hattori Heiji said he didn't quite understand what Linton meant.

"Other... women?" Kazuha next to him didn't understand most of Linton's words, but he felt that Linton was reminding him that Hattori Heiji had another woman.

"No, there is no such woman, okay?" Hattori Heiji here looked at Kazuya's suspicious eyes and said quickly. He wasn't lying, because in his current impression, there was indeed no person named Ooka Momiji.

"Even if there is, you don't care about my business. After all, I'm just a childhood sweetheart." Although he said this, Heye's attitude was not indifferent, and he walked away angrily.

"What the hell did I do..." Hattori Heiji also cursed and chased after him. He really didn't understand what kind of unreasonable disaster he had done.

"Hurry up and remember to come over and pay the bill for me later." Linton waved directly and walked towards the restaurant next to him.

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