"What was left behind?" Linton asked a little surprised, "When was it left behind?"

"It was when he disappeared that I found his wallet on the ground..." Miyano Akemi said.

"Huh? Why is it a wallet?" Linton was a little confused.

"My first reaction at the time was that I was captured by the organization's people, but I also thought about it later. After all, I didn't hear any noise at the time. Maybe he left on his own, so I I'm more inclined to believe that nothing happened to him..." Miyano Akemi also said uncertainly.

Linton felt that it was closer to his guess, and it was even possible that the wallet was left behind intentionally by the senior. The main reason why he thinks so is because their investigators all have their own packages. Linton usually puts things in packages, but it doesn't matter whether he puts something as commonly used as a wallet. Sure.

"Is there anything special in the wallet?" Linton asked, "You should open it and take a look."

"Indeed, but... I didn't notice anything special at the time." Miyano Akemi said, "Driver's license, insurance card, bank card, etc... and of course some cash, nothing particularly noteworthy."

"And where is this wallet?" Linton asked, "Where is it now?"

"I had always kept them here before, but a few days before I went to take action, I gathered some important things and put them in a place where I felt safe." Miyano Akemi said, "That time Of course, I also felt the danger of my actions. If anything happened, the organization would definitely erase everything related to me, so I hid all the important things in advance."

"Where is it hidden?" Linton asked.

"In my father's old house." Miyano Akemi said.

"Father's old house?" Haiyuan Ai here was obviously stunned when he heard this.

"Well, it's the place where my father grew up." Miyano Akemi nodded, "About twenty years ago, when I was young, I came back with my parents once, and we went somewhere. Shiho wasn't born yet at that time."

"Is it safe over there? People from the organization won't check it?" Linton asked.

"When my father left Japan, he gave the old house to his neighbor. It has now been turned into a studio. That was more than thirty years ago, so even the organization should not doubt it. That kind of thing." Miyano Akemi said, "Anyway, I put some important things there temporarily, thinking that if the mission was successful, I could take Shiho out of the organization and get it back when the time comes, but... …”

Obviously Miyano Akemi died immediately afterwards, and of course there was no chance to get those things back.

"Besides that wallet, there are some very important things... for you Shiho." Miyano Akemi suddenly said to Haibara Ai.

"Me?" Hui Yuan Ai was stunned for a moment, "What is that?"

"That's... what mother left for you." Miyano Akemi said.

"Mother...?" Haiyuan Ai was stunned for a moment, "What did she leave to me? What was it?"

"Anyway... we'll find out when we get it back." Miyano Akemi said, "Mr. Linton, he also wants to get that wallet back."

"Indeed." Linton nodded and finally got some clues. Linton naturally took it easily, "Where is it?"

"The location is..." Miyano Akemi here was just about to clarify the location when a figure hurried over next to her. The three of them turned around and saw that the person running over was Conan.

"Sure enough... you didn't come back?" Conan looked around and said.

"Who?" Miyano Akemi asked.

"Belmore, she ran away suddenly." Conan said and looked at Linton here. He was still not sure what the relationship between Linton and Belmore was. "Aren't you in a hurry?"

"Me? Why are you so anxious?" Linton asked.

"She should be trying to find a way to report the information here to the organization." Conan said, because the vodka was sacrificed by Linton, and the gin over there should be controlled by Judy and her colleagues. The two participating One of the gunmen in the operation was blown up by Linton on the spot, and the other was probably being hunted. He might not be able to bring the news out. Now Belmore suddenly ran away, obviously wanting to deliver the news to the organization. After all, at that time She knew the situation better than the other gunman.

Linton directly used his breath sensing and found that Belmore had really run away. His breath was still nearby just now, but now he was running further and further away. On the other side, Akai Shuichi's aura also ran far away, and looking in the direction, was he chasing Bellmore?

Although she was already far away, catching her was just a matter of opening the door, but Linton didn't care. Is there any threat to him from the black organization or something like that? Sue whatever you like. And Linton always felt that Belmore might not want to return to the organization. Looking at the original work and her previous intentions, he always felt that she was not that loyal to the organization.

"Let her do whatever she wants, and pull her back if necessary." Linton spread his hands and said, "It's better to get that thing first."

For Linton, finding things is always more troublesome than finding people. After all, people have breath and cannot escape if locked, but things are troublesome. If that thing is missing, where do you want Linton to find it?

"That thing?" Conan was stunned for a moment, after all, he didn't hear the previous conversation.

"Let's go." Linton waved his hand and said without any explanation.

"Your Majesty..." Hearing Linton say he was leaving, Miyano Akemi here thought of another person, Akai Shuichi, who had not come back yet. Although the two had faced each other before, they couldn't have a good conversation. I don't know why Miyano Akemi felt that Akai Shuichi was a bit evasive towards her, as if he was unwilling to face her head-on.

Of course she cared about it, but after all, her sister was right in front of her, so it was more important to reunite with her first.

"As for that person, he would have gone after Belmore just now." Conan here said.

"Let's go, these two people won't be back for a while." Linton said again.

"Speaking of which, what is the relationship between the FBI and you, sister?" Haihara Ai here suddenly asked, "I... always feel as if I have met him before, Dajun... I seem to have an impression of this title. ,What's his name?"

The title "Dajun" is obviously a bit affectionate, so Huihara Ai would ask like this. When she saw Akai Shuichi before, she always felt that he looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

"What he said..." Miyano Akemi here just wanted to explain a little bit, but there was someone else who could speak faster than her.

"That FBI's name is Shuichi Akai. It's normal for you to feel familiar. He is your cousin." Linton said with a smile.

"What?" Not only Haibara Ai, but Miyano Akemi next to her was also shocked.

"Cousin? How is that possible? Are you serious?" Haibara Ai here asked immediately, and Miyano Akemi next to her was suddenly confused.

"Of course." Linton said, "Your mother's name is Elena, right? Her sister is called Mary, and she married a man named Akai Mutake, and this Akai Shuichi is Akai Mutake's eldest son. , of course he is your cousin."

"Mom...does she have a sister named Mary? Is that my aunt?" Apparently Haihara Ai has never heard of this matter at all. In fact, she has only met her parents a handful of times. , let alone understand the parents’ families.

At this time, she quite believed Linton's words, because she really couldn't think of a reason why Linton wanted to lie to them. As for feeling that the other person is familiar, she now feels that she may have actually met him before, and she may have known about her cousin and visited her some time ago.

"No...impossible..." At this moment, Miyano Akemi suddenly seemed to have suffered a huge blow, "How could he be..."

"What's wrong, sister?" Haihara Ai immediately noticed something was wrong with Miyano Akemi's reaction and asked anxiously.

"How could he be..." Miyano Akemi repeated again.

"What's going on, sister." Haihara Ai here said, "Is there something wrong with what this guy said? Does mother really have a sister named Mary?"

"I... did hear my mother talk about it, but... I haven't seen it." Miyano Akemi murmured here, "Could it be that he already knew... that's why..."

"Got it...what?" Haibara Ai still didn't understand why Miyano Akemi's reaction was so big, and it didn't seem like an excited expression of knowing that she had a relative, but it made her feel a little desperate. .

"Let's go first..." Linton certainly knew what was going on and led the way directly with a smile. Miyano Akemi here was obviously a little dazed, but probably in order not to worry her sister, she finally got up and followed her.

The group of people quickly walked down the mountain. The Porsche that was hit by the rear car was still there. Linton pointed it directly and asked Miyano Akemi to drive. Although Miyano Akemi seemed a little dazed now, probably because she hadn't recovered from the shocking news just now, but...Linton was not afraid of a car crash, and was not worried about anything happening at all.

I immediately got into the passenger seat and saw Haihara Ai also getting in the car. Just as I was about to start the car, I saw Conan coming over here too.

"Are you going too?" Linton looked at Conan and asked.

"Then... we can't stay here." Conan said, "Speaking of which, you just said you were going to get something. What was it?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Linton said directly, "If you don't go home so late, aren't you worried that your sister Xiaolan will beat you up?"

"Haha...hehe..." Conan's mouth twitched, but he just remembered this, "I will contact the doctor later and ask him to do a favor..."

"It seems like another one is going to be taken away today..." Linton glanced at Conan and said suddenly.

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