Naturally, Miyano Akemi also talked about some things about Sasaki Hiyo. The two met quite early indeed. According to Miyano Akemi, it was probably more than two years ago when Shuichi Akai's infiltration into the organization was discovered, which aroused the vigilance of the black organization.

At that time, Shuichi Akai used the pseudonym Morohoshi Dai and entered the organization through the relationship between Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai. However, he was eventually revealed to be an FBI agent who had infiltrated the organization. Naturally, Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai were also under the influence of the organization. Suspect.

So the people in the organization quickly transferred the two to Niben, and Akai Shuichi was forced to return to the Magnesium Country. After Miyano Akemi was under house arrest for a while, she received a new task assigned by the organization, which was to infiltrate a bank. Of course, at that time, Miyano Akemi didn't know that she wanted to rob the bank, nor did she know that it was an organized conspiracy.

The money from bank robbery is not the most important thing to the organization. The more important purpose is to lure Shuichi Akai and kill the traitor who once sneaked into the core of the organization. And Miyano Akemi is just a bait for the organization. The reason why she appeared under house arrest for such a short period of time is also the same.

However, Akai Shuichi, a cunning fish, never bit the hook. The organization spent a lot of time placing this bait, but the other party never took the bait and had no intention of contacting Miyano Akemi. But the organization didn't expect that Miyano Akemi's bait would actually catch another fish.

Yes, not long after Miyano Akemi entered the bank, this person named Sasaki Hiyo appeared. The first thing that reassured Linton was that the other party was confirmed to be a man, and at least he wouldn't do anything beyond Linton's imagination.

Of course, the other party came to Miyano Akemi as a depositor in the first place, so Miyano Akemi naturally didn't pay much attention to him. It wasn't until the other party showed his intention to chase her that Miyano Akemi began to pay attention to this strange guy.

Miyano Akemi noticed that he was strange, because she noticed the other party's deliberateness. To put it simply, he was approaching deliberately. And the reason why she is so sensitive to this is because she experienced it just now? Akai Shuichi approached them deliberately, so when the second person started to do that, Miyano Akemi's first reaction was to see who the other person was.

So she investigated Sasaki Hiyo, and sure enough she found that there was something wrong with him. After her investigation, most of the identity materials provided by the other party were false. Didn't this mean that the other party had opened an account in a bank? After checking, it was found that although most of the information could pass the bank's review, a careful investigation would reveal problems.

Of course Linton could understand. After all, the other party was an investigator and not from this world. The system won't help them arrange any identity. They probably obtained the fake identity through some method. It will definitely not be able to withstand careful investigation.

Miyano Akemi didn't know who the other party was from. It might be the police or someone from the organization. Naturally, she would not have a showdown with the other party directly. In short, just test the other party's situation first.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Sasaki Hiyo to start reminding her of things from time to time. For example, her family situation, brothers and sisters, etc.

However, Miyano Akemi was not exposed at all. After all, his identity at the time was Masami Hirota. He had no brothers or sisters in his family, only a father and an uncle. But in fact, this father and uncle were both fake, and they were both marginal roles arranged by the organization. , didn't know the inside story of the organization at all, they were just two temporary thugs organized to rob the bank.

However, although Miyano Akemi did not expose anything, Sasaki Hiyo calmed Miyano Akemi at that time with one sentence. The other person said: "As far as I know, you should have a sister."

It was obvious that when Linton heard this, he already knew that the other party was preparing to act as a prophet and have a showdown with Miyano Akemi. It can only be said that this investigator's actions were not at all beyond his expectations. Sure enough, the target is still Hui Yuan Ai, I still want to have both sisters.

As for whether it's a little late, after all, Akai Shuichi has hooked up with Miyano Akemi. However, for their investigators, Akai Shuichi was not a hurdle at all. They could solve the problem with just one sentence, "You and Akai Shuichi are cousins", which would immediately end the relationship between the two.

Speaking of this, Linton felt that the senior investigator's thinking was still very clear. There was really no need to rush to join the black organization, and there was no need to worry about Akai Shuichi getting away. He was just waiting for Miyano Akemi herself at the Riben side. Just deliver it to your door. Again, the route to conquer these two sisters is very simple, just save people and that's it.

Of course, although Miyano Akemi was surprised by the other party's sudden intention to show off, she was somewhat prepared. Haven't you already begun to doubt the other party's identity before? Now it has just been confirmed. The other party does know his true identity, but who is Sasaki Hiyo?

Based on this situation, Linton thought that this senior would be fine in the future. However, what he didn't expect was that Miyano Akemi later said that the situation suddenly began to take a turn for the worse.

"Disappeared?" Linton looked at Miyano Akemi in disbelief and asked.

"Yes, it was... a very sudden disappearance." Miyano Akemi nodded, "In the situation at that time, I wanted to have a showdown with the other party and find out what his identity was. But on my side, a little Without paying attention, the person on the other side suddenly disappeared."

"The skill of not paying attention refers to..." Linton asked.

"It's just a matter of time to get in." Miyano Akemi said. To put it simply, the two of them walked through the door while talking. Miyano Akemi walked through the front door. Of course she thought Sasaki Hiyo would follow her in soon, but the person who had just been following her suddenly disappeared and did not follow her. When she opened the door and looked back, she didn't see the other person, and it felt as if she had suddenly disappeared.

At that time, Miyano Akemi didn't know what happened, so she immediately contacted her by phone, but she couldn't be reached. Miyano Akemi also noticed that something was wrong, but her judgment at the time was that Sasaki Hiyo was discovered by the organization and solved directly. This kidnapping of people in front of her was also a warning from the organization.

But Linton obviously knew that the organization was not responsible. Didn't he ask both Belmode and Gin. And disappearing so suddenly, Linton felt that it should be a case of directly choosing to return through the system, but the return was not that urgent, right? What special thing happened?

It is very likely that it is related to the disappearance of the investigator. Is this Miyano Akemi the person who personally experienced the disappearance of the investigator?

While Linton was thinking, Miyano Akemi said something else that worried Linton: "He did leave something behind..."

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